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Monrovia Now: Stolen Packages; Police Chase Motorcyclist, Rear-End It; Wife Arrested for Scratching; Taxi Escape; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for July 28-31. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.

Grand Theft Auto
July 28 at 10:44 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 800 block of W. Foothill. The victim parked and locked the vehicle in front of her apartment complex. When she returned to the vehicle in the morning, it was missing. The investigation is continuing.

Theft of a Package
July 28 at 1:26 p.m., a resident from the 100 block of N. Primrose Avenue called police to report the theft of a package from her property. The resident had purchased radios and had them delivered to her home. She received notification that the package was delivered, but when she arrived home, the package was missing. The empty packaging the delivery came in was found a short distance away. The investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
July 28 at 6:41 p.m., officers responded to the report of a suspicious female subject loitering behind homes in the 200 block of W. Cypress. Officers arrived and located the female subject. A computer check revealed the subject had a warrant for her arrest. She was arrested and taken into custody.

Vehicle Pursuit / Driving Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Stolen Checks / Warrants – Suspect Arrested
July 29 at 12:04 a.m., officers were on patrol, heading south on California, when a motorcycle passed them, traveling north on California at a high rate of speed. The officers made a u-turn and drove after the motorcyclist to stop him. A short pursuit ensued onto the 210 Freeway. The motorcyclist exited the freeway at Irwindale Avenue and drove into a gas station at Irwindale Avenue and Foothill. The suspect then exited onto Foothill to make a left turn, but did not see a raised island in the middle of the street. The motorcyclist slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting the island, causing the police car, which was behind him, to collide into his rear tire. The motorcycle toppled over and the suspect ran north, across Foothill. The officers gave chase and apprehended him as he attempted to jump over a wall into a rock quarry. The suspect was found to have a suspended license, warrants for his arrest, stolen checks, and he was driving under the influence of drugs. He was taken to a hospital for a minor cut and complaint of pain to his shoulder, then booked for several felony and misdemeanor charges, as well as the outstanding warrants.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested
July 29 at 2:30 p.m., a parking control officer was issuing a citation to a parked vehicle and found a person with an outstanding warrant came back after checking the vehicle registration. Officers arrived, located the subject associated with the vehicle, confirmed the warrant and took him into custody. The subject was later issued a citation to appear in court.

Mailbox Tampering
July 30 at 7:00 a.m., an incident of mailbox tampering was reported at an apartment complex in the 300 block of Genoa Avenue. Sometime between midnight and 7:00 a.m., someone pried open the door to the apartment mailbox. No loss could be substantiated at the time of the report. The investigation is continuing.

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
July 30 at 7:58 a.m., an officer observed a bicyclist commit a vehicle code violation. The officer stopped the subject on the bike and, during the investigation, a syringe was found on his person. The subject was arrested and later issued a citation to appear in court.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
July 30 at 8:31 p.m., an incident of domestic violence was reported in the 1100 block of Sesmas Street. A male subject called police to report his wife was intoxicated and was damaging his property. Officers arrived and learned the wife had slapped and scratched her husband, causing injuries. The wife was arrested for domestic violence and the case will be submitted to the District Attorney's office for filing.

Fight in Progress – Suspects Arrested
August 1 at 3:02 a.m., police responded to the report of a fight in progress involving five to six subjects in the 100 block of W. Duarte Road. The subjects had fled the area, several of them in a taxi. An officer located the taxi turning south on Shamrock from Duarte. Several subjects were in the taxi that had been involved in the fight. One subject, who was the victim of battery during the fight, was taken to the hospital for treatment; one was taken into custody for possession of narcotics; and a third subject was arrested for an outstanding warrant. The suspects who committed the battery were not found. The investigation is continuing.

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