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MALDEF Threatens Monrovia With Legal Action if City Doesn't Switch to District Elections

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) has written a letter to the Monrovia City Council threatening legal action if the city does not divide the city into districts for electing council members rather than having each candidate be elected by the entire city electorate, as is currently done.

MALDEF writes: "The City currently elects council members using an at-large method, which has denied Latino residents the opportunity to elect candidates of their choice to the City Council. MALDEF demands that the City convert to a by-district election system."

The organization says it is giving the city until August 24, 2016, and "if the response is unsatisfactory, MALDEF and its clients will seek a judicial order changing the election system from at-large to by-district, along with other relief provided for in the CVRA, including the collection of costs and attorneys' fees."


- Brad Haugaard

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