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Summer Enrichment for Students; Library Activities; Golden Streets

- Monrovia Schools Foundation is offering a Summer Enrichment program for K-12 students. Elementary and middle school classes $375 per course and the high school classes are $400 per course. Details:

- This June at Monrovia Library, actitities for children to adults (Highlights: children - Barks and Books, read to a dog; adult - Korean food, taste and learn):

~ 626 Golden Streets. Sunday June 26, (626) Day! Free, family-friendly ciclovia opening streets to Walk, Run, Skate, Bike, Ride and Explore the 626! 17 miles of open streets linking 6 Gold Line Stations and 7 San Gabriel Valley cities. Comment: Wikipedia, ciclovia, "a Spanish term that means 'cycleway', either a permanent bike path or the closing of certain streets to automobiles for cyclists and pedestrians."

- Brad Haugaard

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