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Metro Opening Day Announcement Tomorrow; Left Turns Blocked; New Traffic Signal

From City Manager Oliver Chi's weekly report ( ):

- Metro will announce the opening date for the Metro Gold Line tomorrow, Oct. 22.

- The City has installed a "No Left Turn" sign for westbound traffic on Hillcrest Boulevard at El Nido Avenue because of "concerns that were raised by neighbors." Comment: Uh. If you block westbound traffic from turning south on El Nido doesn't that just mean there will be more traffic turning south on Sunset, McKinley, Garfield, Madison, Lincoln and 5th? It seems this benefit for the residents of El Nido comes at the cost of an additional burden on the residents of these other streets. How is this fair?

- A new traffic signal at Peck Road and Duarte Road is scheduled to be turned on this week.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Who lives on El Nido? What friend of a council member? I live on Canyon and I don't want all the Canyon Park traffic driving by my house. Can I get it redirected to go on Scenic--I think not!!!

  2. Someone on El Nido has a friend in high places in the new city government.
