Look at the Sun This Sunday at Monrovia's Library Park

If you are around Monrovia's Library Park this Sunday, June 21, drop by the northwest corner of Lime and Myrtle to see the sun. Yes, you've seen the sun before, but have you looked at it directly through a telescope? The sun is 93 million miles away, although it looks as big as the moon.

See it through two specialized telescopes, White Light and Hydrogen Alpha. Unlike looking at the moon, which looks the same day after day, year after year, the sun surface changes day by day, hour by hour, and sometimes faster. Sun spots, filaments, prominences, spicules are all visible through these telescopes. It is safe and free!

Sponsored by the Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project an Internet outreach program started by Stephen W. Ramsden in Atlanta, Georgia with thousands of members all around the world.

Rain will cancel this event.

Source: Brad Hori


  1. "Rain will cancel this event" -- funny, really funny

  2. "Rain will cancel this event" -- funny, really funny

  3. What time does this event start/end? Anyone know?? . I would like to take my Nieces and Nephew to this. :) I like to have them explore other things besides sitting at home with the Ipad and TV! Kids today are way too plugged in!! :(
