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Breweries to Monrovia? | Biotech Incubator Coming | Be a Commissioner | No Cell Phone Tower?

In his weekly report, City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

- The city has been approached by two separate beer/wine brewery operations that expressed an interest in purchasing one of our Hamby Park units. Where, you may ask is Hamby Park? Had to look it up myself. It is the industrial area around Myrtle and Duarte.

- A new biotech incubator company called Lab Launch Monrovia is leasing approximately 11,000 square feet of research space at 605 E. Huntington, hopefully opening its doors by July 15. (An incubator helps young companies get off the ground.) Also, the city is talking with Oak Crest Institute of Science to develop a similar program, but one that would help even smaller companies get started.

- If you want to serve on the the Community Services Commission, deadline to apply has been extended to May 15. Send a note to City Clerk Alice Atkins for more info:

- Apparently there will be no cell phone tower at the reservoir where Ridgeside Drive runs into North Canyon Blvd. Chi said residents "vehemently" oppose the tower.

- Brad Haugaard

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