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Tiles Found to Repair Fountain | fire Services for Sierra Madre? | Power Outage | Older Monrovian

In a report to the community, Monrovia City Manager Oliver Chi reports that...

~ Sophia Nakov, who works at the Monrovia Recreation Division, found the historic tiles needed to complete repairs on the Library Park wishing well in Frankfort, Illinois. MOHPG representatives will begin the final repairs on March 14 and should be done within a few days.

~ Sierra Madre is asking Monrovia and Arcadia to consider providing it with contract Fire Battalion Chief services. "At this point," Chi writes, "we are still waiting on more concrete details related to the types of service that Sierra Madre will need."

~ There will be a power outage for system maintenance on Saturday, March 14, that will affect parts of downtown on Myrtle Avenue, with the power scheduled to be out beginning at 10 p.m. on March 14 and back on by 8 a.m. on March 15.

~ Monrovia's Department of Community Services is accepting nominations for the 2015 Older American of the Year Award. Qualifications: 60 or older and involved in volunteer service. Send nominations by Friday, March 20, to the Department of Community Services, 119 West Palm Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016 – Attention: Rebecca Romero.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Hi Brad,
    On 11/03/2014, you wrote that "the rare style of roof tiles have been located (about 100 are needed) so the (sic) the fountain can now be completed, just as it originally appeared more than 100 years ago". Subsequently, on 12/05/2014, you quoted Jim Wigton that the "replacement Spanish tiles have not yet been delivered to Public Works (we are getting them from Architectural Detail in Pasadena).

    Now, on 3/10/2015, you write (once again) that Sophia Nakov "found the historic tiles needed to complete repairs on the Library Park wishing well in Frankfort, Illinois".

    For heaven's sake, Brad, how many fountains are there in Monrovia that need new tiles? Is the City and Historic Preservation Group confused on where the fountain is and what needs to be done?


    1. Fair point. In my defense I just publish these items as they come along, but I hope they fix it soon so I stop embarrassing myself.

  2. Brad, it's things like this that makes me wonder if the City and the Historic Preservation Group know what they're doing. So sad.
