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Monrovia Police: 13-Year-Old Hit By Vehicle; Car Chase; Drunk in Public; Bike Crash; Wallet Swiped

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for March 26-29. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.

Injury Traffic Collision
March 26 at 2:53 p.m., an officer on patrol was driving northbound on California when he approached a traffic collision that had just occurred. The two vehicles collided in the intersection at California and Huntington. One of the vehicles was heading northbound and the other southbound. The vehicle heading northbound turned to continue west on Huntington, but did not yield to the vehicle traveling south on California and was struck. There were no major injuries; however, the occupants of one vehicle, including four children ages 2 through 7, were taken to a hospital for examination.

Injury Traffic Collision – Vehicle vs. Pedestrian
March 27 at 11:07 a.m., police responded to the report of an injury traffic collision. A 13- year-old boy was crossing Foothill at Mountain when a driver failed to see him and struck him as the driver turned. The driver had been stopped, and the contact was as he accelerated from a stop. The boy had no visible injuries, but complained of pain to his leg. He was taken to a hospital for examination. The mother of the boy was contacted and responded to the hospital.

Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 2:38 a.m., officers on patrol in the area of California and Huntington observed a male adult who appeared to be passed out in the park. They approached the subject to conduct a welfare check and discovered he was intoxicated. The subject could not stand and was having trouble communicating. He was arrested for being drunk in public and taken into custody, where he was held for sobering.

Outstanding Warrant – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 2:45 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle driving erratically and conducted a traffic stop to investigate. As the officer approached the vehicle, they observed the rear passenger moving around in the back seat and appeared to be reaching for something. The rear passenger was found to be trying to hide an open alcoholic beverage container. The driver had an outstanding, no-bail warrant, and the female passenger had medical conditions that required paramedics to respond for treatment. The driver was arrested for the warrant and the vehicle was stored.

Solo Bicycle Injury Accident
March 28 at 9:27 a.m., a bicyclist was riding in the number two westbound lane of Huntington when he lost control of the bicycle and fell, injuring himself. He said he hit a rut in the street. He had scrapes and some swelling above his right eye. He was taken to a hospital for treatment.

Trespassing – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 5:20 p.m., an officer observed a subject picking through the trash and throwing it on the ground by a restaurant in the 900 block of West Huntington. He contacted the man and told him he could not pick through the trash. The manager of the restaurant came out and told the man he was not allowed on their property. The manager said he had warned the subject many times for leaving trash on the ground in the patio eating area. He was asked to leave by the manager. He refused and began yelling profanities at the manager. The man was arrested for violation of the trash picking ordinance and for trespassing.

Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested
March 28 at 10:05 p.m., an officer on patrol saw a male subject lying on the ground at the intersection of Peck Road and Live Oak. The officer stopped to check on the subject’s welfare and determined the subject was intoxicated. The subject had difficulty standing on his own and did not know where he was at. He was arrested for being drunk in public and held for sobering.

Petty Theft From a Vehicle
March 29 at 10:45 a.m., a petty theft from a vehicle was reported in the 500 block of South Mountain. The victim's were at the park walking their dogs. They went back to their car and it would not start. The husband left his wallet on the front passenger seat of the car and walked away to look for a phone. The wife went back into the park with the dogs to find shade. She saw two subjects, a male and female Black, walking on the sidewalk. The male opened their car door, reached inside and the subjects ran. The male victim's wallet was taken. A search of the area was made for the suspects, but they were not located. The investigation is continuing.

Stolen Vehicle Recovered
March 29 at 1:29 p.m., a 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe was reported abandoned in the 1400 block of South Primrose. The caller said the truck had been parked at the location for approximately 2 months. A computer check revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen. The vehicle was dusted for prints and then released to the owner in the field. The investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Pursuit / Felony Assault on a Police Officer – Suspects Arrested
March 29 at 10:13 p.m., police received a call reporting a vehicle burglary in the 100 block of South California. The owner of the vehicle confronted a female suspect sitting inside his truck, ransacking the contents of his vehicle. The female fled on foot as the victim was on the phone with police. As officers arrived to search the area, they saw a grey Honda Accord in the area of Shamrock and Lemon, where the suspect was last seen. The vehicle was occupied by two male Hispanics and was traveling with no lights on. As soon as the driver saw the police unit, he fled south on Shamrock, failing to stop at a posted stop sign at Colorado. The officer attempted to stop the vehicle, but the suspect vehicle failed to yield and a pursuit ensued. The suspect vehicle entered the eastbound 210 Freeway and was pursued into the City of Azusa with the assistance of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's helicopter.

The suspect vehicle eventually drove down a dead end street. He made a u-turn and rammed into two police vehicles, trying to get away. Two suspects were taken into custody. The driver sustained facial and head injuries from the collision. He was taken to the hospital for treatment. One officer sustained minor injuries from the collision. He was medically treated at the hospital and released. The suspects are facing multiple felony charges.

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious as to the cause of the rut in the road. Is that part of our deferred maintenance issue, and, of so, does that expose the city to liability if it was the cause?

    On another note, I sure hope the two police cars wrecked in the pursuit weren't the nice new fancy Dodge Chargers!
