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Monrovia Boys Soccer to Championship | Kittleson Announces Endorsements

~ Monrovia Boys Soccer wins a trip to the CIF Southern Section Division VI championship match.

~ Monrovia City Council candidate Jordan Kittleson writes that he has rounded up endorsements from: Los Angeles County Business Federation; Jack Orswell, 2014 Republican Congressional Nominee (CA-27); Dr. Paul Chabot, 2014 Republican Congressional Nominee (CA-31); Mountain View GOP; State Senator Bob Huff; Retired State Senator Bob Dutton; Upland Councilwoman Carol Timm; San Bernardino Councilman John Valdivia.

Note: If any other candidate wants to send me a list of endorsements (please, no more than 10) send them to me.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Jordan is a nice kid, but does he have any endorsements of Monrovians? I see Jack Orswell....and? Everybody else is from San Bernardino.

  2. Hi Anonymous- Jordan Kittleson here. First and foremost, thank you for reaching out. In regards to public figure endorsements in Monrovia, by the time I ultimately made the decision to run for the office of City Council, most, if not all, of the endorsements had been prearranged. However, it is with great pride and an enormous sense of accomplishment that I say that my diversified portfolio of endorsements are displayed on a daily basis with my campaign signs in the front windows of town center small businesses and hundreds of private residence lawns. Thanks for correspondence in advance, and I look forward to speaking further in depth. Please do not hesitate to visit my campaign website for more information on my personal background, campaign statement, and the HUMBLE platform. It is as follows:
