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Merengue To Open in Five Weeks | Easter Egg Hunt | After-School at Plymouth | Tech Incubator Program | Historic Preservation Surveey

From City Manager Oliver Chi's weekly report:

- Merengue Bakery & Cafe should open in its new location at 417 South Myrtle Avenue in about five weeks.

- The City's Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Healthy Kids Day will be held this Saturday, April 4, at 10 a.m. in Recreation Park. Registration for the Egg Hunt will begin at 9:45 a.m. Arts and crafts, face painting, carnival games, a book giveaway, refreshments, wellness activities, music, activities for various ages, and a visit by the Easter Bunny.

- The city is making "good progress" in starting an after-school sports program at Plymouth Elementary. "Based on our current discussions, we should be able to work out program logistics within the next several weeks."

- The city wants to develop a science and technology incubator program and has been talking with Oak Crest Institute of Science and with representatives from a firm called Lab Launch.

- If you'd like to take the historic preservation survey, here it is:

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Monrovia City people are going to evaluate and put taxpayer money into tech company startups? Are you kidding me? Fix the damn sidewalks, why don't you, before playing at business person in technologys NOBODY on the Council has ANY SKILLS at. If you can't get the basics done, you have no business doing other things.
