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What Happened to $900,000 Monrovia Had to Fix Its Historic Train Station?

I've had a couple requests that I check on what happened to $900,000 the city had for fixing up the old train station. So, I asked City Manager Oliver Chi, and here is his response:

"With regard to the grant for the Historic Depot that you asked about, the funds you are referencing are related to a 2002 grant that the City obtained through Metro. At that time, the City was awarded $927,000 for use towards rehabilitation of the Historic Depot. The funds were intended to be used to upgrade the facility in conjunction with the Gold Line project coming through town.

"In discussing the matter with staff, it appears that after much deliberation, discussion, and analysis, a conscious decision was made not to utilize all of the funding to complete the project. One of the factors that impacted the decision was related to ownership of the actual Historic Depot. Until October 2013, the City did not actually own the facility. Property ownership, along with coordination and timing issues with the Gold Line, created a scenario where it was simply not feasible or possible to coordinate the renovations for the Historic Depot with the plans being developed by the Gold Line Construction Authority. Therefore, based on these issues, the City returned the unused monies to Metro once the funding period had ended for the grant."

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Well done Mr.Haugaad. Please stay the course on this very important story here in Monrovia. Void the land mines, barbed wire, and even those pesky speed bumps. How does that go? "But WAIT ... There is MORE ... Much More ... Thank you SIR

  2. Brad, Thank you for finding this out. However, did Mr.Chi have the numbers? How much was used, what is was used for and how much was returned.

  3. Ask a million dollar question and get a two bit answer!

  4. There is not a staff member at City Hall that has the authority to make $927,000 decisions, only the council has that level of authority. When the council opted for hiring part time managers, they got part time results. This goes directly back to the Mayor and it is starting to look like the number may be closer to $4 Million that was missed during Mayor Lutz's infamous part time experiment.

    1. In regards to the comments made on the depot grant,In fairness, it must be noted that their was no part time city manager or staff at that time period and that the standing city manager then had been approved by all of council including Mayor Lutz and Councilmen Adams...

    2. I don't understand your comment, Mr. Adams. Isn't it true that Laurie Lile retired unexpectedly only a year or so after accepting the position with the city, and that the city struggled to replace her? Was there ever an opportunity to hire a full-time manager which was passed up? What is the decision you are quibbling about?

    3. The application for the grant was approved by the council, it is then up to staff to carry out the work required and receiving the funds. This is where the ball was dropped and it was during the time that Monrovia had a part time interim City Manager that the funds were missed. Missing out on Millions of Dollars is not quibbling, we just can't afford to make these errors. Monrovia had 4 periods of part time management, we are now beginning to see the results of this.

  5. Can you let us know what you did to push the issue during the last 12 years? Lutz has been there for 4? Just curious if this is just election season tactics or you really tried to get this moving through Hammonds 3 terms as well. Do you hold Hammond at all accountable for this?

    1. Yes, as a matter of fact, I having been speaking out on our fiscal failures for the past 4 years, voted against the last budget and voted against all 4 of the part time appointments for interim city managers. In each of these cases, I said the same thing. Monrovia can't be effectively managed on a part time basis. None of these issues were in Hammonds terms, all were in Lutz's terms. These issues were not here 12 years ago.

  6. 1:25pm

    This is directly from Lutz's reelection statement: "Candidate Statement of Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
    I am proud to serve as Monrovia’s Mayor for the past six years, one of the most challenging financial periods in our city’s history. "

  7. I understand that Mary Ann is also making the design decisions at the Depot. She is not a designer and should not be making these decisions. Her obvious judgement to give away the land that the City owns at the Depot serves as a reminder of this.

    1. Boy, are you guys getting silly. Tom, are these your supporters?

    2. I have noticed this ... The content of the comment usually gives away the direction from which it came. Nearly every comment give by one of those Morn-ish Anonymous Clan members is not an Adams supporter. If you pay attention you catch on rather easily. Peaceful in Monrovia.

  8. I just watched (again) Mayor Lutz at the 2014 SOTC address and I just read (again) the transcript of her 2015 SOTC address. MY MY MY ... Folks ... We've been RailRoaded.
    No worries ... Those fine people over in Arcadia have gotton their act in order when it comes to building a railroad station. Just take that nasty run down neglected street called Chestnut straight west about 2.5 miles from downtown Monrovia. I am so relieved that I won't have to look at our beat up run down nasty spider infested rat infested canvas wrapped Beautiful OLD Historic BreathTaking City Treasured Depot. Problem Solved.

  9. Tom please run on what leadership ability you have and stop complaining about things you have been apart of. Monrovia is this the type of leader you want?

    1. I bring up issues where I differ from the other candidates position. That is what elections are all about, making choices. My position was against including the Monrovia Wilderness Preserve in the National Recreation Area, I was against making a personal loan to ex-employees, I was against hiring part time interim city managers, these are real positions with different leadership values.

  10. Good point. Its amazing to me that Mr. Adams continually blames the mayor for things the entire rest of the council voted to do. Mr. Adams, how can you criticize someone else's leadership abilities when you can't get anyone else to vote your way after all your years of trying?

    1. Actually, I only discuss things that the Mayor voted on that I voted differently. I voted against giving the Federal Government any control of our Wilderness Preserve, the Mayor voted to do so.

  11. Interesting in that many times Tom has been a dissenting vote such as with the plastic bag ban. So in my opinion let's vote out the people that don't share Tom's views.

    1. You mean the majority?

    2. All it takes is two and you have a swing of the pendulum. Bye bye Lutz!

  12. Once Again ... About that so called plastic beg ban ... It's bogus. I can go to several retailers right here in town and get all the bags I need . Ten cents each and no limits. Hay ... No problem ... I was fooled too. BTW ... We can also pay ten cents for real paper bags at Traders. Remember when those bags were also free?

    1. This law only helps the grocery stores that can now charge for the bags. I understand that California had to put on hold the law at State level because of a sue by the companies that made the bags.

  13. Brad, was I one of the first people that started rolling this ball? Well, glad I did. and yes, I agree with most of what Adams says. I am quite disappointed at Lutz.

  14. HONESTY is hard to come by in this Community currently. Ms Lyle didNOT leave of her own accord. She is a lovely and talented lady......our loss. CHANGE is good........ NOW WORKS WELL!
    TOO MUCH POWER is concentrated in Mayor Lutz's style. Her job is to conduct CC meetings and speak for the WHOLE Council when they are not available to speak for themselves.......THAT IS ALL!
