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Monrovia State of the City Address: Monday, February 9

Mayor Mary Ann Lutz will deliver the Monrovia Annual State of the City Address on Monday, February 9, 2015 at the Krikorian Premiere Theatres located at 410 South Myrtle Ave. The Address will be given at 7 p.m. inside Theatre 7 and is open to the public. Seating is limited; please RSVP by calling (626) 932-5555 x1401.

A full transcript of the speech will be available the following day on the City website, and the full length Address video will air on KGEM TV's local cable access channel and online at within the month.

Source: City press release

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Mayor Lutz would do well to re-cycle last years address. I have zero confidence in Marry Ann Lutz..
