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Democrats Endorse Mary Ann Lutz and Scott Austin

The group, Foothill Community Democrats, has endorsed Mary Ann Lutz for Monrovia mayor and Scott Austin for Monrovia City Council.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Well, that's what Mary Anne gets fro selling out the city and our wilderness to kiss up to the Democrat machine.

  2. If you can name one thing that Adams has done in 15 years to fully open up the Wilderness Preserve to the citizens that bought it, then you will have convinced me that he is a better candidate for our wilderness.

  3. About that wilderness property ... The people of Monrovia still have ownership rights and full control of mountain land. About that full opening thing ... This fine city can not encroach upon private property to gain access to that wilderness. As of now our mountain remains clean and undeveloped. And that is the number one reason we are buying it. Lutz was willing to surrendering that land to Judy Chu's recreation area scam. Her efforts were squashed. BTW ... access agreements will be reached and the wilderness will open. So who's the better candidate?

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