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Montgomery Named President of Citrus Board | Monrovia Dancers Place First | More Rain?

~ Joanne Montgomery has been installed as president of the Citrus College Board of Trustees during the board's annual reorganization meeting on Dec. 2. Montgomery represents Monrovia and portions of Bradbury and Duarte on the Citrus governing board. She was an elementary teacher for the Monrovia Unified School District for 32 years, she worked with the district's gifted and talented education program and was named Teacher of the Year. She holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona and a master's degree from Azusa Pacific University.  She completed postgraduate work at the University of Southern California; University of California, Los Angeles; Pepperdine University; and the University of La Verne. Source: press release

~ On Saturday Monrovia High School Dance placed first in its category, first in its division, and first place overall, earning the dance team the championship banner.

~ Cloudy with occasional rain tomorrow, Tuesday. 60% chance of showers.

- Brad Haugaard

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