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Monrovia Rotary Holding 'Santa Clothes' Event Sunday

This Sunday, Dec. 14, Rotary Club of Monrovia will hold its third annual Santa Clothes event at the Monrovia Kohl's store, from 8 a.m. to noon. The club will take 50 4-to-12-year-old shopping for school clothing, shoes, backpacks, alarm clocks, and - new this year - one small toy. The children are chosen from the client families of Santa Anita Family Services. These are families in crisis and unfortunately, these may be the only Christmas presents some of these children will receive.

Sylvia Domotor, chair for the Santa Clothes event adds: "To make it more fun for the kids, we send the children shopping with Interact (Monrovia High School Rotary Club) students - 'cause adults ain't cool! Each child is allowed $125 in purchases ... and we expect them to use every penny! The event is usually a wild circus; 50 children, 20 Interact students, about 20 Monrovia Rotarians, volunteers from Kaizen Martial Arts and the Monrovia Wells Fargo branch and always helpful Kohl's associates."

- Brad Haugaard

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