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Tonight in Monrovia: Another Space Station Flyover, and Total Lunar Eclipse

If you missed the flyover of the International Space Station last night, Jane Houston Jones of Monrovia's Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers says you have another chance: "Tonight Tuesday the 7th, look for a 6 minute long ISS pass beginning at 7:03 p.m., reaching a height of 74 degrees, nearly overhead! It appears in the SW and disappears in the NE."

Also, she says, there will be a total lunar eclipse on Wednesday morning. If the sky is clear, the entire event should be visible to the unaided eye. "Partial eclipse begins 2:14 a.m., totality begins 3:25 a.m., greatest eclipse 3:55 a.m., totality ends 4:24 a.m., partial eclipse ends 5:34 a.m. All before sunrise!"

- Brad Haugaard

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