Monrovia Power Outage

Power is out in parts of Monrovia. According to a couple reports, signals along Foothill at Canyon and Shamrock are out.

Update: Also out at Huntington and Shamrock. 

Update 2: Southern California Edison reports that 3844 customers are affected, with no estimate yet of a recovery time.

Update 3 power appears to be on on North Magnolia now, at about 1:15 p.m. 

Update 4: Power is off again at 2:21 p.m. 

- Brad Haugaard


  1. It's been on and off all day. VERY frustrating. It's currently 4:30pm and it's been on for maybe 45 minutes so far. Fingers crossed that this time it's fixed.

  2. It's affecting our internet. Time Warner is out where we are. We do have power
