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Lunch at the Monrovian

Lunch at the Monrovian, on Myrtle at Colorado. Got the Hameater sandwich ($8.69) with cottage cheese and iced tea ($2.19). Plus tax, tip. It was nice.

- Brad Haugaard

Layoffs at AeroVironment? | Construction Begins on Monrovia Train Station | Food Exchange at Library Park

~ The investment website, Seeking Alpha, reports layoffs at Monrovia's AeroVironment. Blamed on delays in government contracts and slow adoption of electric cars. Update: LA Business Journal confirms:

~ Building the Monrovia train station has started.

~ Produce in the Park food exchange will be tomorrow, June 1, from 9-11 a.m. in Library Park (at Mark Twain).

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Council Meeting | Water Art | Graduation Time!

"On the Water" by Frank Krifka, oil - Segil summer art show.

~ At its June 4 meeting, the Monrovia City Council will meet in closed sessions to deal with the 2013-2015 fiscal budget, a couple lawsuits, and labor negotiations with police and firefighters. Also, at 7:30 p.m. the council will hear an appeal of Historic Preservation Commission Decision regarding 535 W. Lemon, consider an historic landmark for 201 Acacia Ave., consider a permit for a 21-unit development on a portion of 1323 S. Magnolia Ave.

~ The summer show at Segil Fine Art (110 W. Lime) will feature 50 artists' interpretations of the theme, water. Artist's Reception, June 15, 5-7 p.m. Exhibit runs through August 31.

~ Monrovia High graduation, June 5, 7-9 p.m., Wildcat Stadium, Monrovia High. Graduation for Canyon Oaks High School, Mountain Park School, and Quest Academy, at June 4, 6:30-8 p.m. at Monrovia Historical Musuem, 742 E. Lemon.

- Brad Haugaard

Bike Race Through Monrovia | Train Station Tile Work

~ On Sunday, June 2, the Gran Fondo Giro d'Italia bike race ( ) will go through Monrovia along Foothill Boulevard from 5th Avenue to Mountain Avenue and along Royal Oaks Avenue, about 1,200 riders from 7:45 to 9:45 a.m. will raise money for the Wounded Warriors project.

~ Get a sneak peak at some of the tile-work that will be going into the new Monrovia train station.

- Brad Haugaard

Closing in on a Superintendent | Monrovia Summer School | Baseball Bat Arrest | Book Sale

~ The Monrovia school board will hold a closed session meeting June 3 at 9:30 a.m. to narrow down a list of candidates to interview. The winner will replace Linda Wagner as Superintendent.

~ Details on Monrovia Schools Foundation summer enrrichment program.

~ Suspect arrested in string of baseball bat robberies, including one in Monrovia.

~ Throughout June Friends of the Monrovia Public Library bookstore (in the Library) will have adult books and media with a light green dot on the spine are half-price. Regular prices are from $0.25 to $2.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assembly Member's Bills Pass Assembly

Assemblymember Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, had two bills approved by the Assembly. They will now go to the State Senate. They are:

- AB 143, which will to give active duty military personnel a tax break when they are transferred into California. The Military Use Tax Exemption would eliminate use taxes - a type of sales tax - on personal property purchased by an active duty military member who has been transferred into the state.

- AB 250 establishes an iHub ("innovation hub") program to help start-up companies and creates the iHub Accelerator Fund as part of the state treasury to accept private funding to operate the program. It was approved on a vote of 63 to 2. Holden said establishing the fund "will allow the state to compete for grant funding from the federal government, private sector and foundations."

- Brad Haugaard

AeroVironment Search and Rescue | Monrovia City Link Starting | The Accursed

~ AeroVironment apparently thinks its drone aircraft would be useful for search and rescue. It announced on Twitter that it is "excited to exhibit at the National Assoc for Search & Rescue Conf (May 30 - June 1)."

~ Monrovia City Link is a new mentoring project that connects a high school student with a college student, and that college student with a professional adult. City Link is looking for students and professionals to be part of the pilot program. Former School Superintendent Linda Wagner helped start the program.

~ On June 25th, Novel T's, a book club at the Library, will discuss "The Accursed" by Joyce Carol Oates, a Gothic mystery described as "Ragtime" in Dracula's castle. All are welcome. Discussion begins at 6:45 in the Library Community Room. Light refreshments.

- Brad Haugaard

Assembly Approves Bill by Monrovia's Assemblyman to Encourage Governments to Buy California Food

The Assembly today unanimously approved a bill by Assemblymember Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, to promote California livestock, vegetables, fruits and nuts.

Under Holden's AB 199 Choose California Act, state agencies, public schools districts and public colleges would be encouraged to give California agriculture producers priority when purchasing food products.

"This bill would help introduce more Californians to the amazing variety of agricultural products grown in the state and help them develop the healthy habit of seeking out nutritious, affordable California-grown foods, which will have long-term benefits to farmers and the agricultural economy," stated Assemblymember Holden.

According to the Department of Food & Agriculture, California is the number one state in agricultural output with farms and ranches earning a record $43 billion last year.

AB 199 passed on a vote of 70 to 0. Earlier in the session the measure was approved by the Assembly Accountability and Administrative Review Committee and the Assembly Agriculture Committee. It now moves to the Senate.

Source: Holden press release

Comment: This bill has been vastly improved. It was originally terrible because it would have forced various California governments to pay more for food. But it has been amended so now it simply "encourages" the purchase of California food. No problem with that.

- Brad Haugaard

The Artist at Work on Monrovia Train Station | Market Grill Number 1 | Head Start Program Hit

~ At work on the art of the new Monrovia Gold Line station.

~ Monrovia's Market Grill, first stop on an LA hamburger tour.

~ Monrovia Head Start program affected by sequester.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Fundraiser: Chuck a Pie at a Teacher

Monrovia High Interact Club has what should be a very successful fundraiser planned for tomorrow, May 29: "Come to the quad Wednesday at lunch to throw a pie at a teacher. It is $1 for one pie, or $2 for three. All proceeds go to the Monrovia Relay for Life, to help fight cancer."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Chasing a Cop Till He Catches You; Man Walks Home, Flusters Family; DUIs; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 23-26. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.

Commercial Burglary – One Suspect Arrested

May 23 at 1:54 p.m., a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain called to report a shoplifter in custody. Two suspects, a male and a female, entered the store, while a third suspect waited in a vehicle outside. The male suspect selected merchandise and handed it to the female, who then concealed the property inside her purse. The female suspect exited the store without paying for the merchandise. A loss prevention officer detained the female, but the male suspect was not located. The male suspect and the suspect waiting in the car fled the scene before police arrived. The female suspect was arrested for burglary and two outstanding warrants. A computer check revealed she is currently on parole for burglary and has two outstanding drug related warrants. The investigation is continuing.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / Possession of Marijuana – Suspect Arrested

May 24 at 12:16 a.m., an officer noticed a vehicle traveling north on Peck Road with a broken taillight, following too close to a vehicle, and changing lanes without signaling, so he conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle. The vehicle struck the curb while pulling over for the officer. When he approached the vehicle, he noticed the driver appeared to be under the influence of drugs. The officer conducted a DUI investigation and subsequently arrested the driver for DUI. During a search of the vehicle, he located a useable amount of marijuana in the vehicle.


May 25 at 12:06 a.m., an officer responded to the report of vandalism in the 700 block of California. The victim parked his Chevy Tahoe in an alley. Suspect(s) in a white, two-door vehicle, possibly a Honda, drove by the Tahoe and struck the vehicle with a baseball bat. The Tahoe was hit two times within a 30 minute period. The investigation is continuing.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested

May 25 at 10:24 a.m., officers responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle in the area of Primrose and Pomona. Upon arrival, they located a converted school bus, now being used as a motor home, with several subjects inside. Officers contacted the subjects and determined one of them had an outstanding warrant for petty theft. The subject was taken into custody for the warrant.

Resisting and Delaying a Peace Officer by Means of Threats – Suspect Arrested

May 25 at 1:42 p.m., officers were completing a call and, as the last officer drove away, two subjects from the incident began yelling obscenities at the officer. One of the subjects chased the officer's police vehicle on foot, while yelling and challenging the officer to fight. The officer approached a stop sign, approximately 300 feet away from the original call, and saw the subject was still chasing and challenging him, and was now approaching his patrol vehicle.

The officer positioned his vehicle several feet away from the subject, requested backup, and exited his vehicle to deal with the subject. The subject continued running towards the officer, threatening to fight him. The officer drew his Taser and the subject stopped. The suspect was arrested for resisting and delaying a peace officer by means of threats.

Warrant / Resisting and Delaying a Peace Officer – Suspect Arrested

May 26 at 1:11 a.m., police received a call reporting three subjects acting suspicious around a vehicle in the area of California and Colorado. Officers arrived and contacted three subjects. One of the subjects was found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. When the officer attempted to arrest the suspect for the warrant, he tensed up and struggled with the officer, attempting to pull away. Another officer had to assist in taking him into custody. The suspect was arrested without further incident.

Driving Under the Influence / Obstructing and Delaying a Peace Officer – Suspects Arrested

May 26 at 3:10 p.m., an officer on patrol noticed that a vehicle traveling south on Myrtle almost struck a detour sign, so he conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle. The female driver appeared to be under the influence. The male passenger exited the vehicle and became argumentative with the officer and removed his t-shirt. The officer requested backup and removed his Taser. The suspect told the officer to go ahead and Tase him, but when he saw assisting officers approaching, he placed his hands behind his back. He was arrested for obstructing and delaying an officer without further incident.

The officer then completed his investigation on the female driver and determined she was driving under the influence; she was arrested. The passenger later admitted that he thought if he was arrested, it would distract the officer away from the DUI driver, his girlfriend.

Critical Missing Located

May 26 at 6:40 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 400 block of West Huntington regarding a missing person. A 65-year-old male was shopping with his family at the business and he became bored and wanted to go home. His family told him to wait by the door and they would be out soon. When the family was ready to leave they could not find him. They looked all over the store and then called police. Officers responded and searched the area, put out a missing person's flyer, and contacted surrounding agencies. Just after 8:00 p.m., the family called and said he had returned home. The man had walked home from the store in Monrovia to his home in Rosemead.

Stolen Vehicle Recovered

May 27 at 2:13 a.m., an officer on patrol in the 3300 block of South Peck Road observed a white van parked on the street. He ran a computer check on the van and found it was reported stolen out of Pico Rivera. The van was recovered.

Assemblymember Holden's Water District Bill Heads to the Governor's Desk

A bill by Assemblymember Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, to standardize the start date of newly-elected Municipal Water District Directors has been approved by the State Legislature and is now on its way to Governor Brown for signature. It is the first bill from freshman Assemblymember and Majority Whip Holden (D-Pasadena) to pass the legislative process.

Holden applauded his colleagues' bipartisan support "for this common sense, good government bill designed to limit the 'lame duck' term for outgoing Water District Directors." Holden added, "This bill will ensure water districts are able to move swiftly between terms and critical business is not delayed unnecessarily."

Here's the problem: Newly elected directors of California Water Districts take office on the first Friday in December, while those elected to Municipal Water Districts must wait until the first Monday after January 1st, making it difficult to proceed with municipal water business until new members are seated some 60 days later.

Testifying in favor of the bill was sponsor, Three Valleys Municipal Water District President Bob Kuhn, who noted following the hearing, "We are pleased with the Legislature's positive response to AB 72. The bill establishes good governance for all Municipal Water Districts and we urge the Governor to sign this valuable piece of Legislation."

AB 72 passed the California Senate on May 24th by unanimous consent. It was approved in the Assembly earlier this year. If signed by the Governor, it would go into effect January 1, 2014.

Source: Holden press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia HIV Lab Trying to Raise $30 Million | City Budget Study Session

~ Immunotech Laboratories of Monrovia, which is researching treatments for diseases such as HIV, has signed a deal with investment banking firm, Curing Capital, which will attempt to raise $30 million for the company.

~ There will be a study session at the Monrovia City Council about the city's 2013-2015 fiscal budget. May 29, at 4 p.m. in the Council Chambers. You can chime in if you want as there is time on the agenda for public input.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia has New Electric Bike Shop

New electric bike shop on E. Olive.

- Brad Haugaard

Vintage Planes do Memorial Day Fly-Over

If you missed the Memorial Day fly-over, here is a great picture of the planes. Look like WWII era to me.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia: Favorite Downtown, Best Air Conditioning Company

Today's Star-News (May 26) has a "San Gabriel Valley's Best" magazine insert with readers choice awards. Monrovia has two bests-in-the-valley:

- Air-Tro is the "Best Air Conditioning and Heating Company."

- Old Town Monrovia is the "Favorite Downtown," yet Glendora somehow has the "Best Downtown." Huh?

And you'll be interested to know that California Institute of Advanced Management - ever heard of it? - is the "Favorite College/University" while PCC is the "Best College/University." Uhh. I think I'll consider this a just-for-fun survey.

- Brad Haugaard

Beating on Sequoia Circle in Monrovia

A Twitter report of seven people beating up on one, on Sequoia Circle, which is off Royal Oaks just east of Mountain. This evening.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Mosley in CIF State Meet | Paul Dols - Teacher of the Year

~ Monrovia High's Sidney Mosley to compete at CIF State meet. First time in 32 years.

~ Monrovia High's Paul Dols - district's teacher of the year.

- Brad Haugaard

Remembering a Monrovian for Memorial Day

Remembering Monrovian Bettie Mae Scott, who died in service to her country during World War II.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Bella Sera

Lunch yesterday at Bella Sera, on Myrtle in Old Town. Got the Emiliana panini, prosciutto ham, mozzarella and basil ($11.95). And an iced tea ($2.50). Plus tax and tip. A white-tablecloth kinda place. Nice fresh bread with oil and vinegar for appetizer. I dipped the sandwich in the vinegar. Gave it a nice tang. Good. 

- Brad Haugaard

A Boost for Restoring Monrovia's Old Fire Engine?

Jim Wigdon, president of the Monrovia Historic Preservation Group, writes that things may be looking up for the restoration of the city's ancient fire engine:

"With Chris Kidd of Tired Iron Works [auto restoration, on Foothill] getting behind the effort to raise funds to restore the 1917 Seagrave pumper, one of Monrovia's first fire engines, perhaps momentum will now accelerate to bring this project to fruition."

- Brad Haugaard

'Kit Homes' in Monrovia

A kit home on Encinitas.

Monrovia is home to an as-yet unknown number of "kit homes," houses that actually came in a kit for the owner to assemble, often from catalog retailers such as Sears or Montgomery Ward.

In the latest issue of the Monrovia Historic Preservation Group's newsletter, Sylvia Dohnal writes that they were developed in 1906 by Aladdin Homes of Bay City, Michigan, and were popular for about 30 years.

She writes that in Monrovia there are two on El Nido, as well as models on Myrtle, Encinitas, Ivy, Primrose, Palm, Lime, Canyon and Wildrose. And likely others.

- Brad Haugaard

Weekend Festival | Blood Drive

~ Festival of the Foothills, 740 S. Shamrock. Carnival rides, food, games, bands. May 24-26. Friday 6-11 p.m., Saturday 1-11 p.m., Sunday 1-11 p.m.

~ Mt. Sierra College blood drive, May 30, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Competing to Get a Facelift

Old Town Monrovia is the only Southern California "Main Street" competing for a facelift - including paint for facades, porches, railings, shutters and other exterior building trims - against 100 cities across the country.

On Wednesday, Benjamin Moore, a paint manufacturer and color authority, announced its biggest initiative ever to revitalize communities across North America through the launch of "Main Street Matters," according to a press release issued by the paint company.

The campaign asks consumers around the country to cast their vote online for which 20 Main Streets should be revitalized of the more than 100 North American cities nominated at Monrovia was selected by the company, though representatives did not indicate why Monrovia was chosen. The other California cities are Martinez, Gilroy and Eureka.

Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said she was very excited to learn about the opportunity - especially when public funds that used to be available to assist with these types of facade improvements have been harder and harder to come by in recent years.

"We are very grateful to be included in this program, and are hoping that Monrovians and all Southern California residents will cast their votes for our beloved Old Town," Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said.

Old Town Monrovia is the symbolic heartbeat of the community, and has proven to be a regional attraction because of its weekly Friday Night Family Festival, beautiful Krikorian Move Theater, and an abundance of quaint stores, eateries and public amenities such as the public library.

The effort will be undertaken with the help of multiple partner organizations around the country, including Make It Right, a long-time partner of Benjamin Moore that was founded by actor-philanthropist Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt will be lending his voice in support of the effort that Benjamin Moore is undertaking with Main Street Matters.

In addition to partner organizations, this effort will be brought to life with local Benjamin Moore dealers and in conjunction with local municipalities, small businesses and local Chambers of Commerce. The effort will begin this summer and the work on repainting these Main Streets will be completed over the next year.

"Our Main Streets are the vital hubs of our communities - and Benjamin Moore and our network of independent dealers have always been integral parts of Main Street," said David Melançon, Chief Marketing Officer of Benjamin Moore. "This investment we're making in communities around North America is core to our business and to who we are; Main Streets make us who we are and we're proud to honor that with this effort.

Benjamin Moore will not only provide the paint and supplies needed for facades, porches, railings, shutters and other exterior building trims, but its color experts will consult on the best choices to enhance the architectural style, regional influences and historic references in each community. Skilled professional painters, many of them members of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America, will be hired, putting another segment of local business to work along with the local Benjamin Moore retailer who will be mixing the paints that are used.

The communications portion of "Main Street Matters", which allows local businesses and community members to tell their stories, includes not only the online component, but also is being supported by an aggressive advertising program. A mix of national and local market TV, radio, online and print ads will hit North America starting in May as part of the company's overall increase in marketing, which is up 61% compared to the previous year.

Voting began at 12:00 a.m. EST on May 16, 2013 and will end at 11:59 p.m. EST on June 30, 2013. Benjamin Moore will post the final list of Main Streets and towns to be repainted on in July.

For more information and a list of nominated cities across the U.S. and Canada, please visit

Source: City of Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard

Arcadia, Monrovia Rotary Builds Garden

Arcadia, Monrovia Rotarians build garden for youth.

- Brad Haugaard

Rendering of New Monrovia Residential Structure at 5th and Huntington

Here is a rendering of the residential units the Monrovia City Council approved just south of the corner of Fifth and Huntington. This structure will replace a self-storage building.

- Brad Haugaard

Pet 'Soiree' in Monrovia

L-F Jarel Busby with Nugget, Monica Busby (CEO of QLE-PR) with Chief, Brandon Tyler Russell (Wiener Dog Nationals), Joey Luthman (Joey & Elise Show / Nickelodeon's "How to Rock"), Elise Luthman (Joey & Elise Show), Tina Q Nguyen, Caroline Fossum, John Littlefield (Extreme Makeover: Home Edition), Gary Ward (Co-Owner of Canine Caviar), Klera Washington with Lexi, Elias Washington, Heart Hays with Starr, Athena Katalaris with Gigi). Photo by Tealeye Cornejo

Canine Caviar Pet Foods co-hosted a "Red Carpet Soiree" at Monrovia's Highlander Pet Center, closing out Monrovia's 127th Birthday festivities and gathering more than 160 pounds of food for Foothill Unity Center's Pet Food Drive. There were many breeds of dogs, from Chihuahuas to Great Danes.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Suspect Arrested While Picking Up Generator | Scuffle Over Firing | Hiding Out Under Cars

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 20-22. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 475 service events, resulting in 97 investigations.
Commercial Burglary / Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sales – Suspect Arrested
May 20 at 1:48 p.m., officers were dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain on the report of a fraud in progress.  An unknown suspect fraudulently purchased a large generator online for over 1,400 dollars.  The next day, a suspect came to the business to pick up the item; however, while staff was reviewing the purchase, they noticed the suspect was very nervous, and he suddenly left the store.  A loss prevention officer investigated the purchase and discovered the credit account information used was unauthorized.  The account holder was contacted, and it was confirmed that the account was compromised and the purchase was fraudulent.
Several hours later, the suspect returned and attempted to pick up the item again.  The police were immediately notified, and the suspect was quickly detained by the arriving officers.  The suspect claimed he did not purchase the item and was only picking it up to drop it off at a construction job site.  However, the suspect's statements were inconsistent and suspicious   During a consensual search of the suspect, a large plastic baggie with a white crystalline powder was found in the suspect's pocket.  He told officers it was sugar, but it was later tested and determined to be methamphetamine.  As the quantity was much larger than a drug user would be in possession of,  the suspect was also charged with possession of a controlled substance for sales.  Investigation continuing.
Outstanding Warrant – Suspect Arrested
May 21 at 9:49 a.m., a suspicious vehicle was reported in the 100 block of Los Angeles.  An officer responded and observed the vehicle and contacted the occupant.  A computer check revealed the subject had a no-bail warrant for leaving his work release program.  The suspect was arrested for the warrant.  
Battery / Private Person Arrest – Suspect Arrested
May 21 at 12:56 p.m., a battery incident was reported at a business in the 200 block of Kruse Avenue.  A recently terminated employee had returned to the business to confront another employee, who he felt had caused his termination.  The suspect assaulted the employee, although the employee, while defending himself, got the better of the suspect.  The victim made a citizen's arrest on the suspect for battery.  The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.
Commercial Burglary – Two Suspects Arrested
May 21 at 2:50 p.m., a manager from a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain observed two male suspects concealing merchandise on their person and called police.  The suspects were associated with a red Dodge truck that was involved in an incident at the Glendora business earlier in the day.  Staff from that location had alerted the Monrovia store to be on the look out for the suspects.  The suspects entered the store and pushed a cart with several items in it into the garden area.  They abandoned the cart and walked out of the store with the merchandise without paying.  
Officers arrived and observed the suspects.  The suspects ran south on Mountain and into a commercial property.  The red Dodge was located and officers watched it. The two male suspects were located hiding under vehicles and were arrested without further incident.  One suspect was determined to be a juvenile and was released on citation to his mother.  The adult suspect was held on bail.  There was a third suspect, a female with very short hair, who was the driver of the truck.  She was not located.  The truck was stored as evidence and an investigation is ongoing regarding the true ownership of the vehicle.  Investigation continuing.
Petty Theft / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
May 22 at 2:23 p.m., a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain reported a male suspect taking merchandise and leaving the store without paying.  He was apprehended by loss prevention and returned one item, then suddenly ran, still in possession of additional items.  Officers responded and located the suspect nearby.  He was arrested for petty theft.  The suspect was also found to be in possession of a used hypodermic needle, which was added to his charges.
Detective Bureau Case Follow-up
On January 6, 2013, at 5:01 a.m., an explosion occurred at a residence in the 200 block of East Walnut Avenue.  When officers arrived, they located three victims with severe burns, and the home was engulfed in flames.
The initial investigation and suspect statements revealed the explosion occurred due to the suspects manufacturing drugs in the home, using Butane, a highly flammable gas.  The home filled with the gas fumes and an unknown ignition source caused an explosion.  The suspects suffered burns over 50 percent of their bodies and were taken to local burn centers.  The home has extensive damage, totaling more than 94,000 dollars, and is uninhabitable.
On May 22, 2013, this case was presented to the Major Narcotics Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.  Multiple felony charges were filed against all three suspects and the case is pending trial.

Monrovia Running Back - Academics First | Relief Truck to Oklahoma

~ New Monrovia High running back, Kurt Scoby, won't join the team until after spring practice so he can focus on academics.

~ Monrovia's Christian relief agency, World Vision, has sent 53-foot truck trailer filled with relief supplies to the Oklahoma tornado area.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Hope Unlimited Church Sending Team To Help in Oklahoma

Video: Hope Unlimited Church (formerly New Beginnings Family Church) of Monrovia will join with eight other churches to send a team to Norman, Oklahoma, where shelters for tornado refugees are located, to determine the best ways for them to help.

- Brad Haugaard

Vote to Repaint Monrovia | Raymond Chandler Lived in Monrovia | Court Denies Murder Appeal

~ On its Facebook page, the city notes: "Monrovia has been nominated with more than 100 North American cities to participate in an initiative to revitalize communities. Launched by Benjamin Moore paints, this consumer-driven campaign will revitalize and repaint the main streets of 20 U.S. cities... Let's make Monrovia one of those cities! LIKE, SHARE, and CAST YOUR VOTE, (click on the State of California, then Monrovia)."

~ Crime novelist Raymond Chandler once lived on Duarte Road here in Monrovia.

~ State Supreme Court won't hear an appeal by convicted in Monrovia double murder case.

- Brad Haugaard

New Name for 'New Beginnings' Church

The former "New Beginnings Family Church," at the corner of Peck Road and Longden in Monrovia, has changed its name to Hope Unlimited Church, here:

- Brad Haugaard

Valley Jewish Federation Collecting for Tornado Victims

The Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys has opened an Oklahoma City Tornado Relief Fund to raise money for those affected by the tornadoes and the aftermath.

"Millions have been affected by the tornadoes that have devastated communities in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and more over the past few days," said Federation President Stuart Miller. "The Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys' Jewish community is ready to respond to provide support to those most in need, and our thoughts and prayers go to all of those affected by these devastating tornadoes."

Community members wishing to make contributions for this cause can do so in one of two ways. The first is to mail, call or drop-off contributions at the Jewish Federation (Attn: Oklahoma City Tornado Relief, 550 S. Second Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006 or 626.445.0810). Or, you may donate to Jewish Federation of North America (JFNA) online at

All funds will be directed to social welfare agencies in the affected areas serving both the Jewish and general communities. The Jewish Federation will absorb all administrative costs, ensuring that 100% of all donations go directly to aid those most grievously affected.

For more information about the Jewish Federation's Oklahoma City Tornado Relief Fund, or additional ways individuals can help those affected, please contact the Jewish Federation by calling 626.445.0810 or sending an email to

Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys and Federations across North America are committed to care for victims of global natural disasters, and have emergency relief plans into place to aid those in need. Over the past few years, Jewish Federations have raised funds for those affected by widespread storms around the U.S. and more than $2 million for victims of earthquakes, tsunamis and other situations around the world.

Source: press release

- Brad Haugaard

Public Works Week - Monrovia Utilities Division

As part of National Public Works Week Monrovia is highlighting its Public Works Department with a series of features. Here is the second:

Ever wonder where your water comes from?  How about where is goes once it’s down the drain?

TODAY: The Utilities Division.

The City of Monrovia operates its own water utility.  With a Well Field located at the south portion of the City, the Utilities Division ensures that each household in Monrovia has clean water and a sewer system you never have to think about.

The Water Maintenance Section is responsible for installation, maintenance and repairs to over 84 miles of water mains and approximately 9,317 water services. The Water Maintenance Section also exercises over 3,000 water main valves bi-annually.

Incredibly, the City’s 93 miles of sewer mains are cleaned once a year by a two person crew.  The Sewer crew is also responsible for all video inspections of the sewer system.

Monrovia produces its own water through a series of 5 ground water wells, 11 reservoirs, and 6 booster stations. All of the water that is pump from the Main San Gabriel Basin is treated, an average of over 7 million gallons per day. The treatment of the water is done by aerating the water through the air stripping towers and adding chlorination.  Without fail, Monrovia meets or exceeds the Federal and State water quality regulations.

On average, Monrovia’s Utilities Division produces 2.4 Billion gallons of water each year.  A single household of four consumes approximately 4,900 gallons per week.

“Water conservation is so important, that’s why we offer our Water4Life program which assists residents in reducing their overall water consumption inside and outside of their homes,” said Shawn Igoe, Utilities Division Supervisor. “The City offers water conservation kits which include low flow shower heads, faucet aerators, toilet leak detections tablets, and even water audits available at no cost upon request.”

To maintain a high level of customer service, while meeting the demand for water, Monrovia relies upon meter reading.  Customer Service staff read the 9,317 meters every month, investigate leaks, and test backflow devices. Ask the experts and they can give you answers to why you may have low & high water pressure, explain water quality or general inquiries about water. 

Source: Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Organization Responding to Oklahoma Tornado | A Welding App

~ Monrovia's World Vision, a Christian relief organization, is preparing supplies for the victims of the Oklahoma tornado.

~ Need to know what materials can be welded? Doesn't everyone? Well, there's an app for that, created by Monrovia's Miyachi Unitek.

- Brad Haugaard

Things You Can Do With Books | Monrovia City Offices Closed Memorial Day

~ I always thought they were for reading, but the Monrovia Library shows there are other things you can do with books.

~ Next Monday, Memorial Day, city offices will be closed.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Parking Too Close Leads to Crowbar Fight; Gardener's Mowers Stolen; Drugs; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 16-19. - Brad Haugaard]

Highlighted Activity for the Weekend of May 16-19, 2013

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.

Grand Theft Auto / Grand Theft

May 16 at 11:00 a.m., a gardener parked his pickup truck in the 300 block of Norumbega and left his vehicle unattended with two lawnmowers, a blower, and a chainsaw in the bed of his truck. The equipment was secured with a bicycle chain. He returned to the vehicle just minutes later to discover his vehicle had been taken, and he called police. Police responded, along with the Foothill Air Support helicopter, which was able to locate the victim's vehicle parked two blocks away from where it was taken from; the gardening equipment was missing. It appears the suspect(s) cut the chain, as broken chain links were found in the bed of the truck. The vehicle was recovered and returned to the victim at the scene. Investigation continuing.

Armed Robbery

May 16 at 12:50 p.m., a male victim reported an armed robbery incident that occurred the night before. He reported that he was riding his bicycle at 10:30 p.m., when he observed a female lying on the sidewalk in the 500 block of West Duarte Road. The victim got off his bike to see if the female needed assistance, when two male suspects suddenly appeared. One of the suspects took the victim's yellow mountain bike. The victim approached the suspects, and one of the suspects brandished a handgun. Both suspects fled without further incident. It does not appear the suspects knew the female, who said she was okay and only resting. The victim said he did not report the incident when it occurred because he had to work the following morning.

Suspect number one is described as a male Hispanic, 40 years old, 5'10", 250 pounds, medium-length black hair, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, and blue or black jeans. Suspect number two is described as a male Hispanic, 40 years old, 5'8", 180 pounds, medium-length black hair, wearing a brown striped t-shirt, dark pants, and black tennis shoes. The investigation is continuing.

Warrant Arrest

May 16 at 1:54 p.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of East Evergreen regarding a disturbing subject. The officer contacted the involved subjects and discovered one of the subjects had a $500,000 warrant issued by Pasadena Police Department for battery. The subject was arrested for the warrant and held, pending Pasadena Police Department's arrival to take him into custody.

Assault With a Deadly Weapon

May 16 at 9:27 p.m., an officer responded to a business parking lot in the 300 block of West Huntington regarding an assault with a deadly weapon. The victim entered a parking lot and parking his vehicle close to another vehicle. A passenger in the other vehicle pointed out to the victim that he had parked too close. The victim responded by challenging the passenger to exit the vehicle. The suspect and victim exchange words, and the victim walked away into a business to make a purchase.

When the victim returned, the suspect was next to his vehicle and was holding a crowbar. The victim wrapped his jacket around his arm and the two subjects began to fight. The suspect struck the victim on the wrapped arm with the crowbar, and the victim struck the suspect back in the face with a clenched fist. The suspect then struck the victim on the side of the head, causing a two inch laceration. The victim stumbled back and the suspect fled in his vehicle.

The victim was extremely uncooperative with officers, refused medical treatment, and refused to provide a detailed description of the suspect. Monrovia Paramedics were dispatched and managed to wrap the victim's injury. The victim also refused prosecution and stated that the incident was as much his fault and the suspect's. The investigation is continuing.

Possession of Narcotic Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested

May 17 at 4:12 p.m., suspicious subjects were reported, possibly looking into parked vehicles in the 100 block of South Mountain. Upon the officer's arrival, two subjects were detained, a male and female. The female subject was found to be in possession of a methamphetamine pipe and a small amount of marijuana in her purse. The female was arrested for possession of the pipe. The area was searched, but no evidence of any vehicle tampering or burglary was found. The female also had outstanding warrants issued by the Arcadia Police Department. The second subject was identified and released.

Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – Suspect Arrested

May 17 at 12:54 a.m., police received a call reporting a possible drunk driver traveling north on Myrtle from Longden. An officer responded and located the vehicle on Myrtle at the railroad tracks and conducted a traffic stop. During the investigation, the driver was determined to be driving under the influence and was arrested.

Possession of Narcotic Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested

May 19 at 9:52 a.m., an officer on patrol observed a known subject walking on the sidewalk. He knew from prior contacts with her that she might have outstanding warrants. A computer check confirmed she had an outstanding warrant and she was detained. During a pat-down search, two drug pipes were found on her person. She was arrested and taken into custody.

Assault With a Deadly Weapon / Brandishing a Firearm / Battery / Criminal Threats – Suspect Arrested

May 19 at 2:52 p.m., police were dispatched to a business in the 400 block of East Huntington regarding an assault with a deadly weapon. A male and female employee argued over a coworker that had been fired. The male employee blamed the female employee for the firing of his friend. The female victim alleged the male suspect struck her in the back of the head with his fist. He then drove his vehicle toward her while she was standing in the parking lot. The suspect then stopped his vehicle near the victim and pointed a handgun at her and threatened her. He threw several items from his vehicle at her and then fled the scene. The victim drove home and called police.

Police responded and located the suspect. He was arrested after giving conflicting statements about the incident and witnesses corroborated portions of the victim's statements. The officer obtained an emergency protective order for the victim after the suspect arranged to be bailed out of jail.

City May Outsource Film Permits

Monrovia may consider outsourcing film permits.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Public Works Department: Environmental Services and Administration

This is National Public Works Week and Monrovia wants to to highlight its Public Works Department, and is sending out a series of features this week. Here is the first:
Because of Public Works… Monrovia is one of the region’s leaders in environmental efforts and sustainability.
This week is National Public Works Week, a celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women in North America who provide and maintain the infrastructure and services collectively known as public works.
The Monrovia Department of Public Works is the largest Department in the City, with incredibly varied and intensive programs. Each day this week will highlight the different divisions within Public Works.
TODAY: the Environmental Services and Administration Division.
The Environmental Services and Administration Division have taken Monrovia far beyond the efforts that most cities have made to become environmentally sustainable. Environmental Services is in charge of the City’s solid waste contracts, managing the new stormwater regulations, leading the City’s Green team and environmental accord efforts, and running the Department’s compost program.
Not only has environmental services managed to promote waste reduction and implement a commercial recycling program throughout the City, Monrovia boasts the lowest residential trash rates in the region. But it’s more than just providing black, blue and green barrels. They understand that in order for any waste reduction efforts to truly be met, there must be education about environmental issues.
“We believe in the value of public education. Each quarter we work hard to put out an issue of ‘Recycle News’ to give our residents and businesses practical, easy-to-use tips on how to reduce their impact on our landfills and environment,” says Environmental Services Division Manager Heather Maloney. “Education is important in everything we do- from stormwater to composting to simply being water wise. Understanding is the key to sustainability.”
The Administration Staff are the face of Public Works. They are the voice on the other end of the line when residents call in to report fallen trees, sidewalk cracks and even lost keys in a storm drain. If you visit the Public Works Department, they can answer any question you may have, sell you a low-cost compost bin, or even provide a free used motor oil recycling kit.
You can reach Public Works by calling the Administrative Staff at 932-5575 or email Contact Environmental Services at 932-5553 or email
Source: City of Monrovia press release
- Brad Haugaard

210 Freeway Snarl in Monrovia

Traffic snarl caused by big-rig crash on 210 in Monrovia. It appears both directions are affected.

At Huntington Drive:

Carrying a big load of grapes:

- Brad Haugaard

Tutoring Center Opens in Monrovia

C2 tutoring center opens in Huntington Oaks Center.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Providers Group Tea

A photo-essay on the Monrovia Providers Group annual Tea and Fashion Show.

- Brad Haugaard

Fountain to the Falls Race

~ Fastest runner in Fountain to Falls race.

~ Full list of top finishers.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Organization Helps Texas Tornado Victims

World Vision, a Monrovia-based Christian humanitarian organization, is sending relief supplies to families affected by the recent deadly tornadoes in north Texas.

- Brad Haugaard

Zumba on Myrtle

If you ever wondered what Zumba is, this is it. A dance-exercise thing. Part of the Monrovia Day celebration around Library Park.
- Brad Haugaard 

Fountain to the Falls Race Starts

The Fountain to the Falls race begins. Mayor Mary Ann Lutz yells "Go."
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Board: Honor Students and Staff, Settle Payment Dispute; Board Policies

At its May 22 meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will ...

~ Honor Regional Occupational Program Outstanding Students of the Year: Adam Anderson - Graphic Design - Silver Medal; Viviana Lopez-Arambula - Fashion Merchandising - Bronze Medal; Margarita Sandoval - Child Development - Bronze Medal; Susan Beltran - Child Development - Bronze Medal; Hayden Cedeno - Photography - Bronze Medal.

~ Honor SkillsUSA Regional and State Qualifiers: Zach Carels & Erica Flores - TV-Video Productions; Tanya Orona - Child Development; Regional Bronze Medalist Vincent Rayney - Photography; and Regional Gold Medalists and State Gold Medalists Scott Card and Jalen Mason - TV-Video Productions.

~ Honor - along with the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce - these Monrovia Unified School District employees for their outstanding service: Helen Hernandez, Library Technician I, Mayflower Elementary School; Joann Wiegand-Wallace, Teacher, Mayflower Elementary School; Tamille Buckell, Instructional Assistant-Computer Lab, Santa Fe Middle School; Julie Smith, Teacher, Santa Fe Middle School.

~ Consider settling with a company that did some computer work for the district to avoid a court battle.

~ Consider a bunch of school board policies.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Baja Fresh

Lunch at Baja Fresh, at Fifth and Huntington. Got the Baja Burrito with carnitas ($6.79) and a small drink ($1.69). Plus tax. I like the salsas, from mild to fairly hot, and like the name says, everything was fresh. 
- Brad Haugaard 

Assemblymember Chris Holden's Mother Dies

Announcement on Facebook by Assemblymember Holden, who represents Monrovia:

It is with great sadness that Assemblymember Chris R. Holden announces the death of his mother, Fannie Louise Holden at the age of 78.

Ms. Holden, a longtime resident of Pasadena, died May 10th following a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. She is survived by her son Chris (Melanie Caldwell-Holden); son Reggie Holden (Heidi); grandchildren Nicholas, Alexander, Austin, Mariah, Christine and Jennifer; sisters Annie Jackson (Douglas), and Maxine Shaw (Johnny); first cousins Janice Chaffin and Nicole Ward (William); and her former spouse Nate Holden.

Fannie Louise Holden was a lifelong member of Scott United Methodist Church in Pasadena. Services and internment are private.

In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made to the: Alzheimer's Association - To view and make contributions to the memorial page created for Fannie Louise Holden Alzheimer's Research Fund, please click here:

- Brad Haugaard

Runners, Zumba Dancers to Take Over Monrovia on Saturday

Hundreds of health lovers and outdoor aficionados will be in Old Town Monrovia on Saturday morning for the City of Monrovia's "Fountain to the Falls 7 Mile Run/Walk," which starts in front of Library Park, heads up to Canyon Park to the 25-foot waterfall, and then returns at Library Park.

In addition to the run, the city - in partnership with the Santa Anita Family YMCA and Assemblyman Chris Holden - is hosting a Health and Fitness Expo featuring free Zumba classes at 7:05 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., free health screenings and lots of giveaways. Participating vendors include:

A Snail's Pace, 24-Hour Fitness, New Sensational Styles, Movement Unlimited Fitness, Xylem Salon, Pacific Transportation Federal Credit Union, Move Your Mountain Fitness, Balance Chiropractic, M3 Sport Psych, City of Hope, it Works!, Kaiser Permanente, Little Green Forks, New Liberty Nutrition, Hala Skin and Body, the Monrovia Fire Department, and the Office of Assemblyman Chris Holden.

The Monrovia Days Association, along with Center Stage Inc., will be hosting family fun activities including carnival style booths, food vendors, music and entertainment, birthday cake and balloons, and a fun Monrovia History Game.

There are 352 racers registered, the highest in the three years since the City has hosted the event. Monrovia is home to nearly 37,000 people, and is a community that stresses the important of healthy lifestyles. In addition to the accessibility to numerous hiking and biking trails in the San Gabriel Mountains, the City has dozens of businesses that support healthy living, including the headquarters of Trader Joe's, VegeUSA and Naked Juice.

Registration to the race has closed, but all other activities are free and open to the public. The Health and Fitness Expo is from 6 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The race kicks off at 7 a.m., Zumba in the street is at 7:05 to 7:35 a.m., and again at 10:30 to 11 a.m. The awards ceremony is at 10 a.m.

Source: Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard

Pet Events: Red Carpet for Dogs; Pet Health, Etc.

~ Canine Caviar presents a "Red Carpet Soiree," a fundraiser to support Foothill Unity Center's Pet Food Bank. Saturday, May 18, 4-7 p.m. Dress up and strut your pet down the red carpet. Celebrities expected include host John Littlefield ("Extreme Makeover: Home Edition"), Joey Luthman (Nickelodeon's "How To Rock"), Isabella Palmieri (Disney's "Jessie"), Mykayla Sohn (NBC's "Guys with Kids"), Malia Tyler ("Granite Flats"), among others. Highlander Pet Center, 419 W. Foothill Blvd., Monrovia.

~ Veterinarian Sylvia Garcia shares information about maintaining your pet's good health and well being. Trainer Judy Paterson shares tips on being a courteous pet guardian. Saturday, May 25, 1-2 p.m at the Library Community Room. Fee.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Council: Condo-Commercial Building on S. Fifth; Rainwater Treatment; Allow a Tear-Down? Cop and Fire Contract

At the Tuesday, May 21 Monrovia City Council meeting (agenda: ) the council will ...

~ Consider preliminary measures that would permit the construction at 1110 and 1212 South Fifth Ave. of a 154-unit multi-family structure with a commercial storefront.

~ Consider an agreement with Arcadia, Azusa, Bradbury, Duarte, Sierra Madre, LA County, and the LA County Flood Control District to treat, as required by law, rainwater runoff. This will cost the city "approximately $133,603.11."

~ Consider an appeal of a homeowner who discovered the cost of rehab-ing his house will be more than he bargained on, about $200,000, so he wants to replace it. Problem: it was built before 1940, so the property is subject to demolition regulations, and it is on the city's list of Potential Historic Landmarks. The Historic Preservation Commission denied his request.

~ Chat in closed session about a contract for the Monrovia police and firefighters.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fire Department: Fire Calls and Pancakes

The Monrovia Fire Department responded to 84 calls last week, including this fire ( ). That, and served about 2,000 people at the annual Pancake Breakfast on May 11, at which there were also rock and rollers, face painting, maps, and thank you's and photos from the Madison Fire.

Source: "This Week in Monrovia" newsletter

- Brad Haugaard

Saturday's Monrovia Day Schedule

Monrovia Day Schedule of Events, this Saturday, May 18

6:00 am - Health & Fitness Expo Opens

6: 45 am - Brief Walkers/Runners on Race Rules

6:50 am - National Anthem - Centre Stage

7:00 am - Fountain to the Falls Race STARTS

7:00 - 11:00 am - Centre Stage Pancake Breakfast

7:05 am - Zumba in the Street

7:15 - 11:30 am - Musical Marathon at the Library Park Band Shell

10:00 am - Fountain to the Falls Winners are Announced

10:30 am - Body Vibe Demonstration in Library Park

11:00 am - Expo Closes

11:30 - 12:00 pm - Founders Celebration

- "Light of the silvery moon" performance by Centre Stage

- Monrovia Facts presented by Steve Baker

- Happy Birthday Monrovia from Mayor Mary Ann Lutz

12:30 - 3:00 pm- Band Performances in Library Park

Source: "This Week in Monrovia" newsletter

- Brad Haugaard

Learn How to Be Involved in Monrovia Government

For information about how to become involved in Monrovia city government, come to tonight's meeting, Thursday, May 16, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers. Email the City Clerk at or call (626) 932-5505 to RSVP.

The City is accepting applications to fill positions on the Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Community Services Commission, Library Board and Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB).

Source: Monrovia Facebook posting

- Brad Haugaard

Holden Bill Incorporated in Governor's Budget

Assembly member Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, says his bill influenced Governor Jerry Brown to change course and not burden counties with some parole costs. His statement:

"I introduced Assembly Bill 1065 this legislative year because of strong concerns with criminal justice realignment. Assembly Bill 1065 requires individuals released from prison that were previously certified as a mentally disordered offender (MDO) or mentally disordered sexual offender (MDSO) to be subject to state parole supervision instead of post-release community supervision by the county.

The Governor's administration has changed course and heard our concerns about the MDO/MDSO population and the strain it is causing to cities and counties. The Governor has included Assembly Bill 1065 into his budget proposal. Individuals who have been certified as an MDO/MDSO suffer from severe mental disorders and have committed crimes that involved violence or grave bodily injury, and represent a substantial danger of physical harm to themselves and others. This population and our communities are best served when this population is monitored by state parole officers.

I look forward to working with the Governor's administration to ensure the passage of these policies and am thankful for his willingness to revisit these issues to ensure that our communities are safe."

Source: Holden press release

- Brad Haugaard

Bears Are Back - Be Bear Aware

May is "Be Bear Aware" Month and the Monrovia Police Department and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife want to remind the public to act responsibly when in bear country.  Spring is the time of year when California's black bears emerge from their winter dens in search of food.  Because bears are attracted to anything edible or smelly, their search often leads them into residential neighborhoods, where trash and food is readily available.  Throughout spring and summer, CDFW receives many calls when bears break into homes and rummage through trash bins.  These bears are often labeled "nuisance" bears, but in reality they are just doing what comes naturally to them, foraging for food.
Tips for Bear-Proofing Your Home:
Bears have keen noses and can smell an easy meal from miles away. They can easily tear a front door off its hinges if they smell food left out on the kitchen counter. To protect your family and property from bear break-ins follow these simple tips:
•   Purchase and properly use a bear-proof garbage container.
•   Wait to put trash out until the morning of collection day.
•   Don't leave trash, groceries, or animal feed in your car.
•   Keep garbage cans clean and deodorize them with bleach or ammonia.
•   Keep barbecue grills clean and stored in a garage or shed when not in use.
•   Only provide bird feeders during November through March and make them inaccessible to bears.
•   Don't leave any scented products outside, even non-food items such as suntan lotion, insect repellent, soap or candles.
•   Keep doors and windows closed and locked.
•   Consider installing motion-detector alarms, electric fencing or motion-activated sprinklers.
•   Harvest fruit off trees as soon as it is ripe, and promptly collect fruit that falls.
•   Securely block access to potential hibernation sites such as crawl spaces under decks and buildings.
Source: Monrovia Police Neighborhood Watch newsletter

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Nine Years in Jail for Verbal Threats; Unlocked Vehicle - Easy Target; DUIs

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 13-15. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 487 service events, resulting in 77 investigations. 
Petty Theft From a Vehicle
May 13 at 6:11 a.m., a petty theft from an unlocked vehicle that occurred in the 100 block of Acacia was reported to police.  The victim parked his vehicle in his driveway at approximately 10:30 p.m. and left it unlocked.  Unknown suspect(s) entered the vehicle overnight and took makeup, an iPad touch, a Garmin GPS, employee identification, miscellaneous tools and clothing.  The investigation is continuing.
Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
May 13 at 9:21 a.m., a traffic collision was reported in the 500 block of West Duarte Road.  An officer responded and found a solo vehicle that had crashed into several parked cars.  Further investigation determined the driver was under the influence of medications, and he was uncooperative with the officer.  The driver was arrested for driving under the influence and taken into custody. 
Traffic Violation / Outstanding Warrant – Suspect Arrested
May 15 at 11:44 a.m., an officer was working special traffic enforcement on the Office of Traffic Safety grant and made a traffic stop in the 2000 block of California on vehicle for a vehicle code violation.  A warrant check revealed the driver had multiple felony warrants for his arrest.  The driver was arrested without incident and taken to the station for booking.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
May 16 at 1:56 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle committing several vehicle code violations. The officer conducted a traffic stop at Palm and Ivy.  After further investigation, the driver was determined to be under the influence and was arrested for DUI.
Detective Bureau Case Follow-Up
In September of 2011, an on going neighbor dispute turned into a violent verbal confrontation in the 2100 block of South Myrtle Avenue.  An arrest was made of a 40-year-old male, who verbally threatened a female and her father, who owns a business in the area.  The case was continued a number of times and finally came to a plea agreement on May 7, 2013.  The suspect pled guilty and was sentenced to 9 years in prison.

Long Lost Lamp Returns to Monrovia

A lamp - long missing from the Monrovia train station and providing important restoration information - comes home from Oregon. Also, some nice train station pictures.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Birthday Party Saturday

This Saturday, May 18, Monrovia's 127th birthday party. Details ( ). Also, if you want to watch the Fountain to the Falls racers start, they'll be taking off from the fountain in Library Park at 7 a.m. sharp.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Rubik's Cube Club

I've heard of a lot of different types of clubs on school campuses, but Monrovia High has one I've never encountered: a Rubik's Cube Club (scroll down a ways):

- Brad Haugaard

Keychain Monrovia Library Card

My library card expired and I got a new one today. It comes with a keychain card as well. It has a picture of "Carmegie Library, 1908-1956."

Monrovia Condo Construction Begins | Arts Association Fundraiser

~ Work has begun on 18-unit condo a block east of Myrtle on Olive.

~ Monrovia Association of Fine Arts will hold its 13th annual fundraiser - "Acknowledge the Arts" on Friday June 21.

- Brad Haugaard

Firey Hot | Old Town Leader Steps Down

~ National Weather Service warning for the Monrovia area: Hot and dry; prime fire weather; watch out! ( ). Also, it got up to 100 degrees at 3:05 p.m. today.

~ After more than 10 years, Brian Whelan steps down as chairman of the Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Watch for the Prepaid Money Card Scam; Kicking Cars; Walking in Burned Area; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 9-12. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.  
Telephone Scam Targeting the Elderly
The Monrovia Police Department has recently received several calls from elderly Monrovia citizens reporting the following telephone scam: 
The elderly victim receives a call stating they owe money for an outstanding debt.  The suspect soon states if they don't pay this debt, a warrant could be issued for their arrest, their bank account will be put on hold, and there is a possibility they will lose their house.  The suspect then tells the victim if they want to resolve the matter, they need to purchase a Greendot prepaid money card with a certain amount, usually not more than $500.00.  Once the victim obtains the card, they are to call back and give the card number so it can be verified.  The suspect then transfers the money from the victim's card to another card and the money is gone.  If the victim falls for the scam, the suspect sometimes calls back and tries to solicit additional money from the victim. 
Please be aware of this scam and let others know this is going on so we can prevent this crime.  Please inform your loved ones, especially the elderly, as they are the targets of this particular scam.  Let them know to never give out personal information to anyone over the phone.  A legitimate company would not operate by asking for personal information over the phone; they would have your information already. 
Vandalism / Drunk in Public – Suspect Arrested
May 11 at 2:05 a.m., police responded to the report of a disturbing female subject at a business in the 1800 block of Walker that was refusing to leave.  Officers arrived and located the subject.  The female had been drinking and was combative.  She had kicked a male acquaintance's vehicle, causing a dent in the vehicle.  She was determined to be intoxicated and a danger to herself and others; she was arrested for being drunk in public. 
Hiker Enters Closed Burn Area – Receives Civil Citation
May 11 at 11:30 a.m., a hiker was observed entering the closed burn area at Highland Place by a park ranger.  Signs are posted prohibiting hikers from entering the area for their own safety.  When the park ranger warned the hiker and told him not to enter the area, the hiker ignored him and told the ranger to call the police, and he said he was going to keep walking.  The police department was called and officers responded to the location.  The suspect stopped for the officers; he was issued a civil Administrative Citation for entering the restricted burn area.
Commercial Burglary – Suspect Arrested
May 11 at 11:39 a.m., a suspect entered a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain Avenue, selected an automatic utility pump and put it in a cart.  The suspect walked around the store with the cart for a while and then attempted to exit the store without paying for the merchandise.  He was followed out of the store by loss prevention.  When contacted, the suspect attempted to push the loss prevention officer and a struggle ensued.  He was eventually taken into custody by loss prevention.  Officers responded to the location and the suspect was arrested.

Miyachi Unitek Expands in Monrovia | Little League Moms

~ Miyachi Unitek Corporation, a manufacturer of welding equipment and systems, is expanding its Monrovia national headquarters and manufacturing facility with the acquisition of the South Myrtle Business Center from Burbank, CA-based Shamrock Holdings, Inc. Miyachi Unitek has purchased two currently leased buildings and an additional building on the site, expanding from 70,000 to 85,000 square feet of space. The company also acquired a 230-car parking lot.

~ LA Times features Monrovia Little League moms for Mothers Day.

- Brad Haugaard

Civiltec to Manage Monrovia's Station Square Project | Number 2 in Baseball

~ Civiltec will design and manage construction of Monrovia's Gold Line Station Square project.

~ Monrovia finishes second in baseball league.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Mayor's Green-Car Buying Experience Will Be on Local Cable

According to Star-News Columnist Steve Scauzillo, Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz' green car-buying experience "will be the subject of a documentary on Monrovia cable access TV."

- Brad Haugaard

Isla Vista Night at First Presbyterian Church | Monrovia High Dress Code | Pancakes Tomorrow!

~ A night of music and worship at First Presbyterian Church of Monrovia, with "Isla Vista Worship" from Isla Vista Church, Isla Vista, California, and Worship Leader Mac Montgomery.

~ Ever wonder what Monrovia High's dress code was 50 years ago? Yeah, me neather, but here it is: "Skirts could not be any higher than mid-thigh and shirts always had to be tucked in." And, a humorous word for today's boys: "We know why your pants have been sagging so much. We realize it is not your fault, it is the belt manufacturers. So, if you have a defective belt, come to my office and I will give you, free of charge, a brand new set of suspenders to keep your pants up. Wow, what a fashion statement you will make."

~ Monrovia firefighter's pancake breakfast tomorrow (Saturday) from 7-11 a.m. at the Lemon Ave. station.

- Brad Haugaard

New Horizons Exhibit at Segil Fine Art

Lone Cypress, Monterey - by Scott Dienhart

A new exhibition, "Chasing New Horizons," featuring oil paintings by Scott Dienhart, May 11 through June 8 at Segil Fine Art, 110 West Lime.

- Brad Haugaard

Home Depot to Add a Cafe In Front

The city has approved a request to add a permanent cafe kiosk in front of Home Depot.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Mayan Bar and Grill

The Mayan Bar and Grill, in the Aztec Hotel, is not open to the public yet, but I got to have a special preview lunch there today. I had chicken wings with mole and chipotle sauce for appetizer, pork marinated in achiolte and Carne de Res (fajitas). Portions were small since this was for tasting. Restaurant should be open mid-June to early July. Very good. I particularly liked the pork, shown here. 

- Brad Haugaard 

Monrovia Congresswoman Speech on Mental Health Awareness

Video: Talk for National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day by Rep. Grace F. Napolitano, who represents Monrovia, for Members of Congress and their staff.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia-Made Drone: Keeping an Eye on the Greater Sage Grouse

U.S. Geological Survey uses Raven drone, made by Monrovia's AeroVironment, to survey the greater sage grouse.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Store Isn't Faked-Out Second Time; He Reeealy Didn't Want to Chat; Not Your Standard Preacher; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 6-8. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 469 service events, resulting in 77 investigations.
Residential Burglary
May 6 at 12:40 p.m., officers responded to an alarm activation at a residence in the 200 block of Bradoaks.  When they arrived, they discovered a back window open and the house had been burglarized.  A resident in the area saw two, male Black suspects fleeing the home in a silver Toyota Camry.  Arcadia Police Department received notification of the robbery and advised of an incident in Arcadia involving a silver Toyota that occurred approximately an hour earlier.  An Arcadia resident had a male and female Black who were driving a silver Toyota Camry knock on the door.  When the resident answered, the subjects appeared surprised someone was home and quickly came up with a request for directions to the 134 Freeway.  The resident reported the suspicious incident to police, who responded, but the vehicle was not located.  The investigation is continuing.
Fraud / Commercial Burglary – Suspect Arrested
May 6 at 3:45 p.m., a female subject entered a business in the 500 block of West Huntington with her 3-year-old daughter.  She attempted to make a purchase using fraudulent credit cards she had in her possession, but was detained by store loss prevention personnel.  She had been in the store 3 days prior and used the same cards to purchase $720 of merchandise.  Officers responded, confirmed the cards in her possession were fraudulent, along with a fraudulent social security card and multiple fake identification cards.  She also had a no-bail warrant for her arrest out of San Bernardino for burglary.  She was arrested and the Department of Children and Family Services was called to take custody of her daughter.
Commercial Burglary – Suspect Arrested
May 6 at 8:24 p.m., an officer was dispatched on the report of a burglary at a business in the 700 block of East Huntington.  An adult female with her 4-year-old child went into the business.  The suspect took a bag and removed the tag, then went throughout the store putting store merchandise inside the bag.  She exited the store without paying and was detained.  Officers spoke with the suspect and found this was not her first arrest for theft.  She was arrested and the Department of Children and Family Services was contacted and responded to take custody of the four-year-old child.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
May 6 at 11:42 p.m., a male subject who is on house arrest was at home with his girlfriend.  His girlfriend wanted to talk to him, but he wanted to be left alone.  She continued to talk to him and he became angry.  He then grabbed her, shook her, and head butted her.  She ran into the other room and called police.  He saw she was using her phone and grabbed the phone and broke it.  The police dispatcher was still on the line and heard the male subject yell at the female and the phone went dead. Officers arrived and the subject was arrested.
Missing Child / Runaway Juvenile - Located
On May 7 at 6:06 p.m., a 10-year-old male subject was reported missing to police by his family members.  The boy was last seen at a relative's home in the 200 block of West Walnut in the City of Monrovia.  He has run away several times before and had run away from his family the day before in Pasadena.  An extensive search was conducted by the Monrovia Police Department and neighboring agencies were notified, but the boy was not located.    
The boy was actually located at approximately 4:00 a.m. that next morning by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and was taken into custody by the Department of Children and Family Services.  Sheriff's deputies contacted him on Rosemead Blvd. in the City of Rosemead and detained him.  The boy had taken his grandmother's cell phone and debit card, and had withdrawn money with the card.  Due to the fact that the boy was not truthful about his identity with the Sheriff's Department, he was not determined to be the missing child from Monrovia until later in the day, when his true identity was discovered.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance / Vandalism / Mentally Disturbed Subject
May 8 at 6:39 a.m., police received a call reporting a male subject knocking on doors and claiming to be a preacher.  He was reportedly acting very odd.  Officers arrived and located the subject, who is a known drug user with a long history of contacts with the police department.  The subject was determined to be under the influence of a controlled substance, and he was also charged with vandalism of a window he had damaged at the trailer park where he was located.  He was arrested and later released on citation. 
Later that day, at 4:11 p.m., a resident in the 400 block of Bradbury called stating a male subject knocked on his door and was acting strange.  Officers responded and found the same subject who had been arrested earlier, walking in the street in the 1100 block of Lemon; he was making wildly unrealistic statements.  He was detained and was taken to a hospital, where he was held for 72-hour mental evaluation.
Commercial Burglary – Suspect Arrested
May 8 at 3:04 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain on the report of a burglary.  Store loss prevention had detained a subject who had attempted to take merchandise by hiding it in his waistband.  The subject is currently on probation for burglary.  He was arrested and taken into to custody.
Grand Theft – Suspect Arrested
May 8 at 9:57 p.m., a female employee of a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain was believed to have been taking money from her cash register over a long period of time.  Employees from the business had been watching her remove money from the register drawer and put it in her pocket.  She was removed from duty at the register and interviewed.  She admitted to the long-term thefts and was arrested by police.

Ford Selects AeroVironment | Will Monrovia Win a Top Softball Spot? | Book Sale

~ Ford Motor Company has selected Monrovia's AeroVironment as its "preferred installation partner and authorized charging station supplier for the Ford Focus Electric, C-MAX Energi and Fusion Energi plug-in electric vehicles."

~ Monrovia in the race for a top spot in softball.

~ Monrovia Friends of the Library book sale, Friday and Saturday, May 17-18 from noon to 5 p.m. $2 a bag sale will be Saturday from 4-5 p.m. No scanners, cell phones and other electronic devices at the sale.

- Brad Haugaard

Twelve Positions Available on Monrovia City Commissions

Are you an aspiring civic leader? Do you have a passion for historic preservation, parks or urban planning? Are you looking for a way to share your knowledge for the betterment of your community?
If you answered “yes!” to any of these, then here’s your chance.

The City of Monrovia is seeking 12 Monrovians to serve on one of five commissions and boards. Applications are now being accepted.  The deadline to apply is 6 p.m. on May 22. Positions available are on the:
Planning Commission (2 positions available). 
Description: The seven members of the Planning Commission are the decision-making body on zone variances, conditional use permits, design reviews and parcel maps.

Historic Preservation Commission (2 positions available). 
Description: The seven members of the Monrovia Historic Preservation Commission protect and preserve Monrovia’s historic landmarks. 

Community Services Commission – (3 positions available). 
Description: The seven members of the Community Services Commission assess the social service, leisure, park and street tree needs of the community to evaluate and make recommendations on how those needs are or should be met. 

Library Board (3 positions available). 
Description: The five members of the Library Board are governed by the California State Education Code, and are responsible for enforcing all the rules, regulations, and bylaws necessary for the administration, governance and protection of the library and its property.

Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB) (2 positions available).
Description: The five member Board is comprised of Old Town merchants and is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on programs and projects to advance the downtown area through marketing, promotion and overall improvement of the Business Improvement District. 
Please visit for a link to the application and additional information about each commission.

For applicants who are interested, there is an informational meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 415 S. Ivy Avenue.  

If you have not attended one of these meetings before, it is strongly encouraged that potential applicants take the opportunity to learn more about the scope of each of the boards and commissions and take a moment to speak to the Department Directors who work directly with the Boardmembers and commissioners. Each candidate must submit an application and go through an interview process. If selected, the term begins July 1, 2013.

If you plan on attending or have questions, please contact City Clerk Alice Atkins at (626) 932-5505 or by email at 

Source: City of Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard