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Monrovia Council Agenda | 210 Closures | Huff on Education | Another Lawsuit Against City

~ The agenda of the Sept. 4 Monrovia City Council meeting.

~ Full closure of eastbound 210 Freeway to remove the supporting structure for the Gold Line bridge for up to eight nights, from midnight to 5 a.m. Sept. 4-6, and Sept. 9-13.

~ Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, complains that the Legislature is about to gut an old law that would require using "student test data to evaluate teachers -- something unions have long opposed despite wide public support." That and other comments on education.

~ The family of an injured Clifton Middle School student suing the city for $36 million.

- Brad Haugaard

Remodeling of Old Antique Store on Myrtle

The old antique store across from the Library on Myrtle has been gutted and this poster high on the wall shows (I presume) what it will look like when it is done.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Cafe Lori

Lunch at Cafe Lori, on the south side of Lime just east of Myrtle. Armenian food. Got a shawerma plate for $9.75 plus tax and tip. Shoestring-cut beef was different and good. Plus hummus, rice, salad and pita bread. Really good. I recommend this place!

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Football | More on Lawsuit | Flags Half Staff | MOPS

~ Tough opening test for Monrovia football.

~ More on the $106 million lawsuit against Monrovia, with comments from the plaintiff.

~ City of Monrovia flags will be flown at half staff through Saturday, Septmeber 1 in memory of Neil Armstrong.

~ Mothers of Pre Schoolers (MOPS) group starting at Monrovia Presbyterian Church.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Olympian Introduces Fellow Olympians, Endorses Romney

Monrovia Olympian Kim Rhode spoke at the Republican National Convention tonight, introducing fellow Olympians and commenting that she has seen America "falter" in the last few years. Drawing from a shooting metaphor, she said she believes the country is "off target" and needs the leadership of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, and "we need it now."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Chase Bank Robbed | Thunder in Monrovia | Huff Opposes Farm Lawsuit Bill

~  Monrovia Chase bank robbed today.

~ Verdugo Fire Communications Center reports thunderstorms from Pasadena to Monrovia, with calls of wires down and transformer fires. Also, National Weather Service has been tracking a cluster of strong thunderstorms over the San Gabriel Mountains, though it appears to be mostly on the desert side.

~ Video: Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) opposes a measure that would allow agricultural employees to sue employers for alleged violations of the state's occupational heat illness laws for outdoor employees, and make farmers jointly liable for the alleged violations of those laws by farm labor contractors.

- Brad Haugaard

Preview of New Monrovia Jack in the Box

Here's what the new Jack in the Box restaurant at the corner of Huntington and Magnolia will look like.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia City Manager Optimistic Solution Can Be Found to $106 Million Lawsuit Against City

In her weekly report, City Manager Laurie Lile says she is optimistic a solution can be found to the $106 million lawsuit filed against the city. She writes:

"Samuelson & Fetter, a local developer who has built several office parks along Huntington Drive, is suing the City of Monrovia and the former Redevelopment Agency for $106 million. Although a judgment of that amount against the City would be devastating, I am optimistic that we will settle the dispute by finding a solution that will provide a development opportunity for Samuelson & Fetter, while providing the parking structure and the Maintenance and Operations Facility required for the Gold Line. We are committed to continuing our dialog with both the developer and with Gold Line to work this out."

- Brad Haugaard

Big Car Show on Myrtle | Freeway Closed Late Tonight

~ More than 300 cars at Sept. 8 show on Myrtle in Monrovia.

~ Reminder: Eastbound 210 will be totally closed tonight (August 30) from midnight to 5 a.m. for Gold Line bridge construction. Source: press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: 103 Years to Life; Dolly Stolen; Parolees Arrested, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 27-29. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 459 service events, resulting in 68 investigations.
Commercial Burglary / Petty Theft with Priors - Suspect Arrested
August 28 at 11:52 a.m., a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain called police to report a subject they had in custody for commercial burglary.  A male subject, recently released from parole in May, was caught attempting to steal wire he had secreted between bags of garden material from the business.  He admitted to the officer that he intended to steal the items.  His criminal history revealed he had numerous convictions with time served for theft.  He was arrested and charged with commercial burglary and petty theft with priors.
Residential Burglary
August 28 at 1:04 p.m., police were dispatched to the 600 block of Terrado regarding a residential burglary.  An elderly female called police to report her home had been burglarized.  She had left the home at 11:00 a.m. and returned at 1:00 p.m.  When she returned home, she found someone had taken the glass louvers off of a window. Suspect(s) had entered the home and had taken items of jewelry.  The investigation is continuing.
August 28 at 9:52 p.m., police responded to the report of a burglary that occurred in the 400 block of East Olive, between 7:20 a.m. and 9:50 p.m.  Unknown suspect(s) entered the garage through an unlocked door.  The garage is adjacent to an alley.  A green dolly was stolen.  Investigation continuing.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
August 29 at 12:28 a.m., a car was reported abandoned in the intersection of Canyon and Walnut.  A subject was seen, possibly a male, wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt, running west from the car.  Officers arrived and, after investigation, found the car had just been stolen from in front of a residence in the 800 block of South Canyon.  The suspect broke a window to gain entry and punched the ignition.  It appeared that although the suspect got the engine started, he was unable to unlock the steering wheel to turn the vehicle and he abandoned it at the intersection.  The suspect left some tools and a backpack in the vehicle.  The investigation is continuing.
Possession of Burglary Tools / Drug Paraphernalia / Stolen Property / Parole Violation - Suspect Arrested
August 29 at 9:24 a.m., a citizen called to report seeing a male subject looking into cars in the 1500 block of South Myrtle. Officers responded and located the subject, a known drug user with a history of theft.  The subject was holding a multi-socket tool that looked fairly new. When questioned he admitted to taking the tool from a vehicle near Cypress and Myrtle. A further search of the subject revealed a shaved screw driver and aluminum foil pipe with residue on it. The subject was arrested and booked for the above listed charges. Additionally, the subject violated his parole and a parole hold was issued.
Detective Bureau Case Follow-Up
Armed Robbery - Primary Suspect Sentenced to 103 Years to Life
In 2008, several armed robberies were committed within the San Gabriel Valley, one of which occurred in the City of Monrovia.  The robbery in Monrovia involved two armed suspects and a third get away driver.  The two armed suspects entered a business in the 300 block of West Huntington, just prior to closing, while the get away driver stood by at the rear of the business.  The armed suspects confronted several employees inside the business, bound their wrists, and held them at gunpoint in an office.  They took cash from the business and fled in a waiting vehicle driven by the third suspect.  Evidence and Investigation suggested these same suspects committed additional robberies in Pasadena, Altadena and other San Gabriel Valley cities.  Monrovia detectives worked diligently on this investigation and eventually identified all three suspects. 
All three of these suspects were successfully prosecuted and convicted of multiple felony charges.  The sentencing for the primary suspect has been in the courts for the past 2 years, and he was finally sentenced on August 23, 2012, at the Pasadena Superior Court.  He received a sentence of 103 years to life!  This was great work by Monrovia investigators to bring this case to a conclusion. 

Mayor Pro Tem: Huge Lawsuit Against Monrovia Could 'Destroy the Community'

A local developer who has built several office parks along Huntington Drive is suing the City of Monrovia and the former Redevelopment Agency for $106 million – a sum nearly three and a half times the City’s general fund budget.

“Samuelson & Fetter has levied upon us a lawsuit that would destroy the community that they helped create,” Mayor Pro Tem Joe Garcia said. “We are shocked and saddened that they felt it was necessary to take this action.”

“$106 million? That would cause extreme financial hardship for the City,” Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said. “We are at a loss to explain why they believe they have suffered this level of injury, or any injury at all, for an alleged breach of an agreement under which Samuelson & Fetter was never able to perform. We have always been partners, and thought that we shared the same goal – to bring a quality, transit oriented development to an area of Monrovia that is in need of amenities, including open space.”
The complaint, filed on behalf of Samuelson & Fetter on Aug. 24, alleges Monrovia did not live up to its agreements with the developer regarding the Station Square Transit Village, an 80-acre transit oriented development located just south of the I-210 Freeway.

Specifically, according to the complaint, Samuelson & Fetter alleges that it lost nearly $100 million in profit when the former Redevelopment Agency diverted some of the property planned for residential and commercial development to the Gold Line for use of a public rail project.

“Samuelson & Fetter was made aware of these circumstances and has been at the table the whole time,” City Manager Laurie Lile said. “We have been working with them diligently to settle our disagreements and lay out a land plan that acknowledges the requirements of the Gold Line, while providing a lot that would be suitable for development. We were surprised that they filed suit at this time, when our discussions seemed to be progressing in a positive direction. This lawsuit, however, threatens to unravel the fabric of the community in search of an unrealistic profit on the backs of our residents.”

The development agreement, signed in 2006, was between Samuelson & Fetter and the former Redevelopment Agency. Once the Redevelopment Agency was dissolved in 2011 as a result of state legislation, the Successor Agency took over the functions of the former Redevelopment Agency. At the heart of the issue is that Samuelson & Fetter blames the former Redevelopment Agency for impairing their development and cutting into their projected profit margin.

But Monrovia believes it was doing what it set out to do since the beginning of the project: provide what residents and commuters need through the extension of the Gold Line and creation of a station in Monrovia. Since 2006, when the agreement was signed, the City has worked to preserve a transit-oriented development in Monrovia. However, changing circumstances have affected the constructability of the project:

- Years of adverse economic conditions have softened the real estate market and have made construction financing difficult to obtain;

- In 2011, the State barred Redevelopment Agencies from making any amendments to outstanding development agreements;

- The Monrovia Redevelopment Agency was dissolved in 2011, along with all other Redevelopment Agencies in the state, by an act of the California Legislature;

- Site selection of a Maintenance and Operations facility to serve the Gold Line shifted to the location in Monrovia when other locations became unavailable; and,

- Property south of the railroad tracks could not be acquired to provide a location for construction of a public parking structure to service the Monrovia Gold Line commuters, shifting the obligation to provide parking on Agency-owned land.

The Monrovia-based developer, who since 1980 has developed 750,000 square feet of office and research development space on Huntington and Royal Oaks Drives, is seeking $3 million in attorneys’ fees, an alleged $33.2 million in “lost entitlement values” and $70.4 million in alleged “lost profits caused by the City,” according to the lawsuit.

In contrast, Monrovia’s general fund budget is nearly $30 million, with $12 million going to fund the police department and $8 million to the fire department. The remaining $10 million funds public works, administration, parks, the library, and recreation-related activities.

Most of the 80 acres comprised of the Station Square Transit Village development is privately owned. The former Redevelopment Agency owns about seven acres. Samuelson & Fetter owns less than 10,000 square feet.

Though Samuelson & Fetter claims that Monrovia is out of compliance with its agreement, it is actually the developer who has not been able to comply with the terms of the agreement. After numerous failed attempts to urge Samuelson & Fetter to perform under the agreement, in February 2012, Samuelson & Fetter was sent a Notice of Default by the former Agency because, among other reasons, the company failed to close escrow on and purchase the Agency’s land by 2011, as set forth in the agreement.

Despite this lawsuit, City officials are still optimistic they can reach a resolution and continue on the path to delivering the Gold Line Station, improved amenities, and new housing and office units to Monrovia.

“In the end, I am optimistic that we all want what is best for Monrovia,” Mayor Lutz said. “Monrovia is committed to an amicable resolution, and we hope that we will be able to resolve our differences.” Mayor Pro Tem Garcia concurs, “I too am hopeful that we find a solution that meets the needs of both the community and the developer.”

Source: This is a City of Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard 

Huff Measures Approved by Governor

Two measures authored by Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) have been approved by the Governor.

SB 1364 seeks to ensure that ratepayers served by private water companies are not asked to pay more for the same service than a ratepayer served by a public agency without a clear understanding of the associated costs.

SB 1137 requires that heritage schools must register with the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Heritage schools are privately financed, culture-based educational entities.


- Brad Haugaard

Were Monrovia High Cheerleaders Removed for Prank?

Parents say Monrovia High cheerleaders removed from squad for prank at camp.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Long-Gun Bill Goes to Governor

Assemblymember Anthony Portantino's legislation banning the open carry of unloaded rifles and shotguns in cities has been approved by the Legislature and now heads to the Governor for signature. Portantino represents part of Monrovia.

The bill makes it a crime to openly carry unloaded rifles and shotguns in any public place or public street in incorporated cities in California. The bill does not affect rural areas or unloaded long guns inside a vehicle.

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Antonovich Visiting North Korea

County Supervisor Michael Antonovich, who represents Monrovia, is on a private trip visiting communist North Korea to learn more about its culture, government and economy.

Selena Gomez in Monrovia | Portantino Disaster Bill Clears Senate

~ Selena Gomez in Monrovia working on project, "While I'm Dead.. Feed the Dog."

~ Assemblyman Anthony Portantino's disaster prep bill, which requires public utilities to hold disaster preparedness meetings every two years with the cities and counties. Portantino represents part of Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Olympian to Speak at GOP Convention

Monrovia Olympian Kim Rhode will speak at the Republican convention Thursday.

- Brad Haugaard

Inspiration for New Juvo Offices in Monrovia

Juvo Capital, an investment firm, is about six weeks away from occupying the old Dogwood's produce market, according to a Facebook posting by one of the partners, Talmadge O'Neill. He posted a set of pictures at one of the company's websites,, showing "some inspirational pictures that helped us think about our new office space." Here they are with O'Neill's comments:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's AeroVironment Creates Robotic Fish

Not satisfied with merely conquering the skies, the engineers at Monrovia's AeroVironment have now created a proof-of-concept solar-powered robotic fish, the "mola," which imitates the ocean sunfish. Cool video at the link:

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino De-Tattooing Bill Goes to Governor

Assemblymember Anthony Portantino's bill to provide tattoo removal funding for prostitutes who have been branded by pimps, has been approved 76 to 0 in the state Legislature and now goes to the Governor for his signature. Portantino represents part of Monrovia. Source: Portantino press release.

- Brad Haugaard

Hot Day in Monrovia on Tuesday

It could be a flaming hot day tomorrow, Tuesday. Triple digit weather tomorrow in the area, according to the National Weather Service. Also, "heat index values will approach critical levels on Tuesday as humidity will increase somewhat...but heat index values are expected to remain below dangerous thresholds at this time."

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Sponsors Firearms Bill to Help Film Industry

Today the state Assembly passed Assemblyman Anthony Portantino's AB 1559 (69 to 0) that will allow California filmmakers to use certain weapons in their productions and reduce fees for multiple gun purchases. Portantino represents part of Monrovia.

Under AB 1559, the Department of Justice will charge only one fee for all firearms purchased at the same time - eliminating double, or even triple fees for purchases on same day and at same time. With advanced technology, the need for duplicative fees is no longer necessary. The bill will also allow the entertainment industry to use certain weapons in TV and movie productions.

"This measure is needed by the entertainment industry to ensure that they do not run into trouble with laws that regulate gun ownership and gun possession in California," explained Portantino. "The bill will allow film and television production companies the ability to legally import firearms for use in their productions. We have been working with the Department of Justice and will continue to do so to make sure that safe and responsible gun laws are enacted in California.

AB 1559 now goes to Governor Brown for signature. If signed into law, the measure would go into effect January 1, 2014.

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Gold Line Project Boundaries Extended to Montclair

Gold Line Construction Authority spokesman Habib Balian writes:

"Earlier today Governor Brown signed AB1600 into law, amending the Construction Authority's enabling legislation to extend the Foothill Extension project boundaries to Montclair in San Bernardino County. The changes also make Montclair an "Extension city" and the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) a non-voting member of the Authority board of directors. This is good news - and very timely - following last week's publication of the Draft EIR for the Azusa to Montclair segment for public review and comment."

Source: press release

Comment: If I understand this correctly, this is a necessary legal change, but the problem of not having any money to build past Azusa remains.

- Brad Haugaard

Free Coffee at Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel Valley

The women's club, Newcomers and Friends of San Gabriel Valley, is having a free Meet-and-Greet Coffee on Wednesday, September 5, from 10 a.m. to noon, in Arcadia.

The club is for women who are new to the area, or have had changes in their lives, or are looking for fun and interesting daytime activities and making new friends. For more information, please visit

This Newcomers chapter has existed since 1965 and has one hundred members.

- Coffees are held the first Wednesday of each month, September through June, at 10 a.m. at various members' homes. Members and guests socialize and attend a general meeting.

- Luncheons are held the second Wednesday of each month, September through July, at various local restaurants throughout the San Gabriel Valley, usually followed by an informative or entertaining program.

- Tours are often held the fourth Wednesday of each month. Groups visit local, interesting, and fun places throughout the San Gabriel Valley and the greater Los Angeles areas.

Activity groups provide members an opportunity to meet people who share a common interest in a small group setting. Current activity groups include: Book Club, Bridge, Bunco, Golf, Hiking, Day Trips, Lunch Bunch, Mahjong, Movie Goers, Pinochle, Scrabble, Travel, Wine Club.

Newcomers & Friends of SGV has an annual tea in May - hats are encouraged - and a holiday luncheon in December.

Members receive a monthly newsletter ten months of the year, a membership directory, access to all membership activities, the opportunity to serve in leadership positions, and affiliation with a supportive group of women.

For more information, please contact Chris Kucma, 626/755-6676,, President.

Source: press release

- Brad Haugaard

August 29, 30 - Full Nighttime Closure of 210

Full closure of 210 Freeway tomorrow, Tuesday August 28 and Wednesday, August 29, from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. both days. Except the August 28 closure may not include the westbound lanes. But then again, maybe it will.

Also, August 30, there will be a full closure of the eastbound 210 from midnight to 5 a.m.

SoCal Edison crews will be relocating power lines.

Source: Gold Line press release.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Arrest for Desertion from Marine Corps, Leave Front Door Unlocked and Get Burglarized, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 23-26. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.  
Residential Burglary
August 23 at 12:24 p.m., police were dispatched to a residential burglary that occurred in the 200 block of North Mountain.  The victim left his residence at about 8:00 a.m. that morning and was sure he had locked everything at the home.  When he returned just after 12:00 noon, he noted several slats from the vertical blinds covering the front slider were pushed to the side.  When he went in and walked around the house, he discovered a jewelry box, a coin bank and some electronic games were missing.  There were no signs of forced entry.  Investigation continuing.
Injury Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested
August 24 at 3:45 p.m., an injury traffic collision was reported at the intersection of California and Huntington.  Police responded and determined the motorist was driving under the influence of alcohol.  The driver was arrested and taken into custody.  The other driver involved complained of pain to her hand.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision / Driving Under the Influence / Obstructing and Delaying a Peace Officer - Suspect Arrested
August 24 at 11:40 p.m., a suspicious vehicle was reported at a parking lot in the 700 block of West Huntington.  A male suspect approached a taxi cab driver and asked for a ride.  He told the taxi cab driver he had just been in a collision.  The suspect left and the taxi cab driver called police.  Officers arrived and detained the suspect, who was uncooperative with the officers.  The suspect's vehicle had major collision damage and the front bumper was missing. 
Officers searched the area and discovered the suspect had struck a large plastic sand bucket on the 210 Freeway at Myrtle.  His front bumper, with the license plate attached, was still on the freeway.  Through investigation, officers determined the driver was under the influence.  He was arrested for driving under the influence, hit and run and obstructing an officer.
Residential Burglary
August 25 at 8:42 a.m., police responded to a residential burglary in the 200 block of Poppy.  The resident left her home at 6:00 a.m., leaving her front door unlocked and no one at home.  She returned home at 8:30 a.m. and discovered her bedroom had been ransacked.  Her purse and been taken, containing cash, a set of keys and a book of personal checks.  She immediately called police.  Investigation continuing.
Bear Problem
August 26 at 11:26 a.m., a female resident who lives on Hidden Valley called to report that she heard noises coming from her kitchen and when she went to investigate, she saw a small bear in her refrigerator.  The bear ran out and to the back of the property.  An animal control officer responded to the call and the bear was encouraged back up into the hills.  
Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity
Warrant - Suspect Arrested
August 22, Special Enforcement Team Officers saw a known gang member that had an outstanding warrant, loitering in the 200 block of East Maple.  He was detained and arrested for the warrant.
Warrant - Suspect Arrested
On August 22, Special Enforcement Team Officers ran a license plate to a suspicious vehicle near Mayflower and Walnut.  The registered owner of the vehicle had a federal warrant for desertion from the Marine Corps.  The vehicle was stopped and the driver was arrested for the warrant.  Personnel from the United States Marine Corps responded and took custody of the subject. 

First Day of School in Monrovia | Produce in the Park

~ Drive safely! First day of school.

~ Gardeners and others, you are invited to Produce In The Park on Saturday, September 1 from: 9-11 a.m. in front of the Mark Twain statue bench at Monrovia Library Park. Bring produce to share if you have it, but come even if you don't: "We gardening enthusiasts have more than enough to share."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Refrigerator Bear

A Monrovia refrigerator bear makes it onto TV. Unfortunately, not video of the baby bear.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Board: Paying Itself, Use of School Facilities

At its August 29, 7 p.m., meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will consider ...

~ a policy setting its own pay increases at a maximum of five percent: "On an annual basis, the Board shall increase the compensation of Board members beyond the limit delineated in Education Code 35120 in an amount equal to the percentage given to employees, and not to exceed five percent based on the present monthly rate of compensation."

~ various policies regarding non-school organizations using school facilities.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Schools May Face $2.6 Million Cuts and 15 Fewer School Days

If Governor Jerry Brown's tax measure fails this November, Monrovia schools would face a cut of up to $2.6 million per year and the district would be authorized to chop as many as 15 days out of the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years.

In his budget report, David C. Conway, Director of Fiscal Services doesn't have anything nice to say about the state's budgeting process:

"Once again the State Budget is balanced using accounting gimmicks, funding shifts and the deferral of state apportionments into the next fiscal year. As expected, the State budget assumes $8.5 billion in new State revenue from a temporary tax increase to be submitted to voters for approval this November.

"If this temporary tax increase is not approved by voters, automatic spending 'trigger cuts' of $6 billion are included by statute in the State Budget. The majority of these cuts will be imposed on K-12 education. These cuts will be implemented in January 2013 unless subsequent legislation offering a different solution is passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor."


- Brad Haugaard

Freeway Carpool Lane Closed This Afternoon

The carpool lane on the Eastbound 210 Freeway will be closed between Baldwin Ave. and Santa Anita Ave. from approximately 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. today due to an unexpected construction issue on the Gold Line Bridge that is being resolved by the Metro Gold Line Foothill Construction Authority's contractor, Skanska USA. Only the eastbound carpool lane is affected. All other travel lanes remain open.

Source: Gold Line press release

UPDATE: Reopened now.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Subway

Had lunch at Subway. The one in the Pavilions center. Got a foot-long club sandwich with avocado, a bag of chips, and drink for $11.42. Nice fresh ingredients and tasty. Took half home and gave it an extra shake of vinegar (I shoulda asked for more when they were making it). Good.

- Brad Haugaard

West Nile Virus Infects Monrovia

Mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus found in Monrovia.

San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District recomments...

Throughout the summer, basic protective measures should be followed:

- AVOID Over-watering, and prevent litter, leaves and debris from entering the gutters and streets
- DRAIN: Check properties weekly and remove all sources of standing water.  Report 'green' inoperable pools or other sources of standing water to the District
- DAWN AND DUSK: Wear effective repellents if outdoors when mosquitoes are present (between dusk and dawn)
- DEFEND: Ensure doors and windows are properly screened

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Memorial Hospital Totally Renovated

Monrovia Memorial Hospital has recently completed "a total renovation" of the hospital and has installed a new information technology system.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Art and Music

The Monrovia Association of Fine Arts Summer Art Walk will be on Saturday, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. along Myrtle in Old Town. On Sunday, the final Summer Concert at the Library Park Rotary Band Shell will feature "The Basics," performing from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Source: City Manager Laurie Lile:

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Financial Reporting Bill for Politicians Goes to Governor

A measure by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino (who represents part of Monrovia) to update financial reporting for politicians and public officials passed the Senate today. AB 2162 now goes to the Governor for signature. The Form 700 â€" Statement of Economic Interest - gives the public a way to keep tabs on the outside financial interests of officeholders and other officials to ensure that they avoid conflicts of interest, but Portantino said, "These forms haven’t been updated in more than 35 years and are way out-of-date."

Portantino's AB 2162 adjusts the dollar ranges for investments and income used by some 200,000 public officials when they file the Form 700. Currently there are only 4 ranges for investments, property and income. This bill would revise the dollar amounts associated with these ranges to 8 levels for investments and real estate and 10 levels for income ranges.

The Political Reform Act of 1974 requires persons holding public offices to file disclosures of investments, real property interests, and income within specified periods of assuming or leaving office, and annually while holding the office. The act requires the disclosures to include a statement indicating, within a specified value range, the fair market value of investments or interests in real property and the aggregate value of income received from a source.

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Southwest Grinding Building Being Replaced

Photo: Former Southwest Grinding building on Shamrock being rebuilt.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Sleeping Man in Woman's Clothing with Meth in His Purse, Airborne Car on Lemon, Mailbox Theft, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 20-22. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 422 service events, resulting in 75 investigations.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia - Suspect Arrested
August 20 at 9:48 a.m., police responded to an apartment complex in the 500 block of West Foothill regarding a subject sleeping on private property.  Upon arrival, they found a male subject wearing women's clothing asleep toward the front of the property.  When the subject was awakened, he was cooperative.  There was a purse in front of him, which he admitted to officers had methamphetamine in it.  A verbal consent to search was obtained and a large quantity of used needles and a burnt spoon were recovered. The suspect was arrested.
Rollover Injury Traffic Collision 
August 20 at 9:30 p.m., a young man was driving his vehicle eastbound in the 100 block of East Lemon.  He was traveling at a high rate of speed and failed to stop for the stop sign at Ivy.  When his vehicle hit the dip in the intersection, the vehicle went airborne.  It landed on the east side of the intersection and the driver lost control of the vehicle, striking a parked car.  The vehicle then rolled over several times in the street.  The driver received minor injuries and had to be removed from the vehicle by Monrovia Fire Department personnel.  The driver was taken to a hospital, where he is expected to recover from his injuries.
Vehicle Burglary
August 20 at 6:18 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block of North Canyon.  The burglary occurred on August 18 between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  The victim left the windows down a few inches for ventilation, and it appears the suspect was able to reach in and unlock the door.  A power saw, coins, and keys were stolen.  Investigation continuing.
Mail Thefts
August 21, several mail thefts occurred throughout the city during daytime hours.  The thefts occurred in the 700 block of Anita, the 900 block of Royal Oaks, the 400 block of North Magnolia, and the 900 block of Norumbega.  Some of the mail stolen from Anita and North Magnolia was found in the street at Primrose and Scenic, indicating these cases may be related.  A witness to the thefts from Norumbega saw a suspect by the mailboxes at 4:00 p.m.  The suspect is described as a male, White, 40's, very short blond hair, wearing a white tank shirt.  The suspect vehicle is described as an older model, teal or dark colored Ford Bronco or Explorer.  Investigation continuing.

Why Monrovia Doesn't Have Parking Meters

Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz on the benefits to the city of having free parking instead of meters.

Opinion: Amen! Preach it, Mayor!

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Losing Green Dot Corporation in Early September

Green Dot Corporation, a leading provider of prepaid debit cards, will be moving out of Monrovia by Labor Day, September 3, according to a source who wished to remain anonymous. The company is reportedly moving to a building in east Pasadena, near the PetSmart/Best Buy shopping center on Foothill just east of Sierra Madre Villa. The company is currently located at the northwest corner of Huntington and Shamrock.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Council Member Becky Shevlin Joins Real Estate Firm

Monrovia City Council member Becky Shevlin joins Podley Properties real estate.

- Brad Haugaard

The Gold Line Environmental Impact Report and How to Comment on It

The Gold Line's draft environmental impact report has been released for the extension of the rail line to Montclair (assuming there is money for that part of the line). Here is the report, , along with details about how to comment on it.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Green Dot Working With Sallie Mae

Monrovia's Green Dot is providing prepaid debit cards for Sallie Mae,
the nation's main financial services company specializing in

The company's stock took a 10.55% jump.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino's Vanity Plate Bill Goes to Governor

A bill by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (who represents part of
Monrovia) to eliminate cut-rate prices for legislator's vanity license
plates has been unanimously approved by the Assembly and sent to
Governor Jerry Brown.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Demands 710 Freeway be Stopped

Assembly ember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, is
demanding that any further work on the 710 freeway project be stopped.

- Brad Haugaard

Free Monrovia Leadership Training

Free six-week Monrovia Area Partnership Leadership Academy. It will
guide you through local government, community resources and your
potential as a leader.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's STAAR Surgical Consolidates Manufacturing in Monrovia

Monrovia's STAAR Surgical is consolidating its manufacturing in Monrovia, leasing a 26,000 square foot building immediately adjacent to its current facility to accommodate the consolidation and as provide for growth. The lease is for eight years, beginning approximately at the end of November 2012, assuming all contingencies are met. STAAR Surgical makes implantable lenses for the eye.

- Brad Haugaard

Dry Lightning Possible Tonight To Wednesday Evening

Red flag warning in effect from midnight tonight until 5 p.m. Wednesday for dry lightning and gusty winds.

- Brad Haugaard

Gold Line Will Look for Other Money to Complete Rail Line | Full Freeway Closures Ahead | Huff Supports Film Industry Tax Relief

~ Gold Line Construction Authority Habib Balian reports that for the Azusa to Montclair phase of the rail line, "the Construction Authority will seek out other funding sources as we advance the preliminary engineering, planning and design." Other sources would be required, he said, because it appears Measure R funds will not be used for that purpose. In preparation, he said the Authority has released a draft environmental impact report on the the Azusa to Montclair phase of the line. Source: press release

~ The eastbound and westbound 210 will be completely closed August 28 and 29 from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day. Also, the eastbound will be fully closed August 30 from midnight to 5 a.m. The closures are to begin the process of removing the temporary supporting structure for the bridge. There will be 20 full eastbound freeway closures in the next six weeks. Source: press release

~ Video: Senator Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) supports a two-year extension of tax credits for the film and television industry to persuade them do do filming in California.

- Brad Haugaard

Senator Bob Huff Predicts 30-Year Wait for Completion of Gold Line, Opposes Extension of Measure R Sales Tax

Video: Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) comes out against the proposed extension of the Measure R sales tax to fund mass transit, saying the R-extension does not provide money to complete the Gold Line to Claremont, as promised in 2008. He said that "if the extension is approved by voters, it will mean a 30-year delay or more for the Foothill Extension of the Gold Line from Pasadena to Claremont."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Golden Girl | Golden Plate

~ Monrovia's Golden Girl, a feature article about Olympian Kim Rhode.

~ Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center will hold its 14th Golden Plate Awards on Friday, September 21, at the Pasadena Convention Center. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Band Room to Close

The Monrovia High Band and Colorguard has announced on its Facebook page that the band will have to leave the MHS Band Room, which will be "closed indefinitely" because it is not earthquake safe. "The band program and all its ensembles and classes will continue on schedule. The current plan is to move all classes, equipment and assets to our new 'temporary' home."

- Brad Haugaard

Huff Lists 'Job Killer' Bills Being Considered by Legislature

Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, lists "five 'Job Killer' bills" the California state legislature is considering:

- Brad Haugaard

Maryknoll Card Party | Monrovia Y Corn Toss

~ Monrovia's Maryknoll Sisters is holding a Fall Harvest Fundraiser Luncheon/Card Party September 11 beginning at 10 a.m. with luncheon ($15) at noon. Drawings and door prizes. Call 358-1825 for reservations.

~ The Monrovia Y is sponsoring a "Corn Toss" on Saturday, September 29 beginning at 3 p.m. at Monrovia Tennis Club, 158 N. Sunset. A corn toss is "a fun and exciting game similar to horseshoes except you use wooden boxes called Corn To9ss platforms and corn/bean bags instead of horseshoes and metal stakes." $50 per player. Interested in participating? Contact Jim ward at

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Suicide by Cop Fails, Snapshots Lead to Suspects, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 16-19. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events. 
Warrant / Parolee at Large - Suspect Arrested
August 16 at 7:20 a.m., police were requested to the 800 block of West Chestnut regarding a male transient sleeping on a bench on a business property near their front lobby.  Officers arrived and recognized the subject from prior contacts.  Computer checks revealed he had an outstanding warrant out of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and a no-bail parolee-at-large warrant.  He was arrested and taken into custody.
Disturbed Subject / Mental Evaluation
August 16 at 16:27 p.m., police dispatch received a call reporting a male subject walking around holding a knife in the 300 block of West Duarte.  After making the initial report the caller hung up the phone.  Officers responded and located the subject in a parking area.  The subject was holding a large knife and refused to drop it at the request of officers.  He stated to the officers that he wanted them to shoot him.  One of the officers eventually talked the subject into dropping the knife.  The subject was taken into custody.  
A check of the subject's cell phone revealed the phone number was the same as the reporting party.  It appears the subject was the one who made the initial report on himself.  The subject was taken to a hospital, where he was placed on a 72-hour hold for mental evaluation.      
Traffic Collision - Vehicle vs. Pedestrian
August 17 at 8:49 p.m., a 73-year-old female was walking east on Royal Oaks and began to cross Mountain in the pedestrian walkway.  The female claims she had a white figure facing her, indicating she was clear to cross the street, when a vehicle turned southbound onto Mountain from Royal Oaks.  The driver claims she had a green signal facing her direction of travel.  The pedestrian managed to push away from the vehicle with her arms, but still fell to the ground, striking her head on the asphalt.  She complained of pain to her left leg, left arm, and her head.  She was taken to a hospital, where she is expected to recover from her injuries.  The investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
August 18 at 8:34 a.m., an officer was dispatched to an apartment complex in the 1800 block of Eighth Avenue regarding a vehicle burglary.  The victim parked her vehicle in a guest parking stall to the rear of the complex in the evening.  She locked the vehicle, but had left her purse and laptop on the floorboard, behind the front passenger seat.  When she returned to her vehicle the next morning at about 8:30 a.m., she found the rear passenger side window shattered.  Her purse, credit cards and laptop were all missing. Investigation continuing.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
August 18 at 10:36 a.m., the victim of a grand theft auto called to report he had located his stolen vehicle in the 100 block East Colorado.  The victim was out riding his bicycle around town and happened to come across his vehicle.  The vehicle is a silver, 2005 Toyota Camry and was reported stolen on August 15.  Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto / Warrant / Receiving Stolen Property - Suspects Arrested
August 18 at 12:22 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 100 block of West Lemon.  The victim parked her vehicle in her designated parking stall at her apartment complex and locked it.  When she returned to the vehicle the next morning it was missing.  The vehicle is a green, 1997 Acura Integra.
At 2:02 p.m. the same day, a vehicle burglary was reported in the 200 block of California.  The reporting party ran out of his house when his wife told him someone had just broken into his vehicle.  He ran to the alley and saw three suspicious subjects in and around a green Acura Integra.  He was able to get a picture on his cell phone of the driver, suspects, the vehicle, and the license plate.  He attempted to follow the suspects, but lost them.  He then went home and called police.  Police responded and checked the area.  An area search was made and two of the suspects were eventually located.  The vehicle license plate was found to belong to the stolen Acura from earlier that morning.  The pictures taken by the reporting party positively identified the driver of the stolen vehicle.  The second suspect was found to have an outstanding warrant.  Both suspects were arrested and taken into custody.      
In the early morning hours of the next day, officers located the third outstanding suspect sleeping in an alley.  He had shaved his head in an attempt to alter his appearance.  He was taken into custody with incident. 
August 19 at 8:38 p.m., an officer on patrol was driving through an alley in the 200 block of West Colorado and located the stolen green Acura parked in a carport stall of an apartment complex.  The vehicle was recovered.
Grand Theft Auto
August 19 at 9:17 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 200 block of East Central.  The victim parked and locked his black, 2004 Chevy Silverado in front of his residence about 9:00 p.m. in the evening.  He noticed the vehicle missing the next morning at 9:00 a.m.  The vehicle has 20-inch chrome rims.  Investigation continuing.
Domestic Violence - Suspect Arrested
August 19 at 4:27 p.m., officers responded to a fight in progress between two subjects at a business parking lot in the 200 block of West Huntington.  When the officers arrived, they detained a male subject in the parking lot.  The other half involved in the fight was the male subject's girlfriend, who was last seen walking west on Huntington.  Officers located the girlfriend, who was found to have injuries from the fight.  The male subject was arrested for domestic violence.

Donnelly Rated 100% Conservative

In his Donnelly Dispatch newsletter, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, reports that he received a 100 percent rating from the American Conservative Union and was given its "Defender of Liberty" award.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Bodybuilders Named Grand Marshals

Bodybuilders Brian and Jennifer Whelan, owners of Monrovia's Foothill Gym, have been named Grand Marshals of Duarte's Salute to Route 66 Parade.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Olympian Kim Rhode Honored

Monrovia honors skeet-shooting Olympian, Kim Rhode, medal winner in five Olympics in a row.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino and Adams: Breaks for Movie Business or All Business?

On Facebook, Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, comments on an LA Times article headlined, "California Assembly approves state film, TV tax credit extension" . Portantino writes: "it is so important to keep filming in California!"

Under Portantino's post, Monrovia City Councilman Tom Adams responds: "All business is important in California, let's offer the same for all and bring back the business we have lost".

- Brad Haugaard

Gary Babb Oil Paintings


New oil paintings by Gary Babb, August 25-September 30, at Segil Fine Art Gallery, 110 West Lime.
- Brad Haugaard

Framing Monrovia Jack-in-the-Box

The framing is well underway for the Jack-in-the-Box at Huntington and Magnolia.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at McDonalds

Lunch recently at McDonalds at Mayflower and Huntington. Got the Angus Chipotle BBQ Bacon burger combo (got most of the bases covered with that name). $6.49 plus tax. I tasted the BBQ but not sure I tasted the chipotle. Not sure what chipotle is so maybe that's not surprising. Anyway, tasty.

- Brad Haugaard

Donnelly Condemns Driver Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, has issued
a press release condemning a decision to issue drivers licenses to
illegal aliens.

- Brad Haugaard

Aztec Hotel Being Renovated

The city reports that the Aztec Hotel is being renovated by it's new

- Brad Haugaard

Video: Senator Bob Huff Commentary

Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) gives a
preview of the final two weeks of legislative session in the
California State Capitol and provides an update on Senate hearings
into unreported "slush funds."

- Brad Haugaard

Darrione Jones May Join Monrovia Football Backfield

Darrione Jones may give Monrovia High football backfield more power.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police Gets Grant to Help Enforce Drunk and Distracted Driving Laws

The Monrovia Police Department has just received a grant for $54,760
from the California Office of Traffic Safety. This award provides
additional enforcement for driving under the influence and distracted
driving. It will also provide training to officers on standardized
field sobriety testing and impaired driving enforcement. These funds
will help the Monrovia Police Department enforce the laws regarding
driving under the influence and distracted driving and help ensure
that citizens utilizing our streets are safe.

Source: Monrovia Police press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia to Honor Its Olympian, Kim Rhodes

The City of Monrovia will honor the accomplishments of Monrovia
resident and Olympic gold medalist skeet shooter, Kim Rhode this
Sunday. The Monrovia City Council will be hosting a recognition
celebration on Sunday, August 19 at 6:15p.m., in Monrovia Library
Park, (321 South Myrtle Avenue).

Rhode won the gold medal in woman's skeet shooting at the 2012 Olympic
Games in London. In doing so Rhode set a U.S. record by becoming the
first American to win an individual medal in five straight Olympic

Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz, speaking of Rhode's accomplishment,
said, "The Olympic Games are a spectacle all on their own, but to be
able to watch one of our residents excel on that stage is truly
heartwarming and inspirational." Lutz also said, "We look forward to
publically welcoming her home and letting her fellow Monrovians
congratulate her on her accomplishments."

Kim Rhode will be available for autographs and photos at the event.

For more information on this event please contact the Monrovia
Department of Community Services at (626) 256-8246.

Source: city press release

- Brad Haugaard

World Vision to Build Canal | First Pres Helps Clifton | Support the Band

~ Monrovia's World Vision Christian relief agency is planning a canal
project in northeastern Kenya to radically transform one of the most
drought-stricken parts of the Horn of Africa. The project calls for
the construction of a 33-mile canal to divert water from Kenya's
longest river, the Tana, to recharge aquifers and irrigate land
surrounding the city of Dadaab, close to the border with Somalia. The
project, currently in its design phase, is expected to benefit more
than 160,000 people.

~ First Presbyterian Church of Monrovia is planning a work day to help
the back-to-school process at Clifton Middle School.

~ Monrovia High School Wildcats Band and Colorguard's annual end of
summer band camp car wash is this Saturday at the Walgreens on
Foothill 253 E. Foothill Blvd in Arcadia. Time is 9:00 to 1:00.
Suggested donation is $6 for cars and $8 for SUV/Truck.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Settles Food-Truck Suit

Monrovia settles lawsuit with food vendor truck group that had sued
city over restrictions.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Opposes 710 Freeway Completion

Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia,
writes on Facebook that he opposes the completion of the freeway
through South Pasadena. He writes:

"The 710 tunnel and the 710 surface routes in total are bad ideas, a
waste of prescious resources and bad for all our neighborhoods. This
is not about pitting one neighborhood against another. It is about
solving our transportation problems with 21st century solutions not an
outdated plan that will devastate Los Angeles, Pasadena and the San
Gabriel Valley?"

Opinion: I couldn't disagree more. How much gas would we save and how
much congestion and pollution would we prevent by having shorter
freeway distances to travel? And I'll believe cars and freeways are
outmoded when Mr. Portantino stops using them.

- Brad Haugaard

Cool Treat, Cool Contribution

On Aug. 15 (tomorrow) Yogurtland (on Myrtle) will donate a portion of
it's proceeds between 11 a.m. and midnight to the Monrovia High
Marching Band and Colorguard.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Shopping Cart Clean-up Tool

The city of Monrovia is recommending the California Shopping Cart
Retrieval Service.

- Brad Haugaard

Hot, Hot, Hot! - For the Week

Heat wave to last through this week. Star-News:

And here is the National Weather Service report for the area:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Indecent Exposure, Domestic Violence, DUI Whacks Four Parked Cars, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 0-12 – Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.

Indecent Exposure – Suspect Arrested

August 9 at 6:20 a.m., a female resident reported a male subject near the intersection of Palm and Primrose exposing and fondling himself. An officer responded and detained the suspect, and the female reporting party completed a private person's arrest. The suspect was taken into custody and was later released on citation.

At 6:15 a.m. the next day, the female resident observed the same male subject again exposing and fondling himself at the same intersection of Palm and Primrose. An officer arrived and apprehended the male suspect. Another private person's arrest was completed. Charges of indecent exposure will be filed with the District Attorney's Office.

The suspect is described as an adult male Black, 5 foot 8 inches tall, 235 pounds, and approximately 30 years old. If anyone has witnessed a similar crime in the area, please contact the Monrovia Police Department Detective Bureau at (626) 256-8041.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested

August 10 at 10:01 p.m., officers were dispatched to a residence in the 300 block of West Lemon regarding a man choking a woman. When officers arrived, the female victim told them her live-in fiance had choked her and hit her, then left the location. She had visible bruises on her face, arms and legs. She told the officers it was the second time he had hit her in the past week, but she did not report the first incident. An area check was made for the suspect; he was located, detained and ultimately arrested. He was charged with two counts of domestic violence.

Driving Under the Influence Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested

August 11 at 2:23 a.m., a vehicle that was traveling south on Alta Vista, turned east onto Cypress and lost control. The driver veered the vehicle toward the north curb and stopped. He then accelerated and managed to turn the vehicle toward the south curb, where it collided with a parked vehicle. Officers arrived and determined the driver to be intoxicated; he was arrested for driving under the influence.

Vehicle Burglary

August 12 at 3:59 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 block of West Lemon. The victim parked and locked his Toyota 4Runner in the gated garage complex of his residence in the evening. He returned to his vehicle the next day at about 3:00 p.m. and found his vehicle was open. Miscellaneous items were taken. No damage was done to the vehicle. Investigation continuing.

Driving Under the Influence Traffic Collision – Suspect Arrested

August 13 at 4:09 a.m., officers responded to the 2500 block of South Myrtle regarding a non-injury traffic collision. When they arrived, they discovered a solo motorist had collided into four unoccupied parked vehicles. Through investigation, the officers determined the motorist was driving under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested and taken into custody.

Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity

Possession of a Loaded Firearm in a Vehicle / Possession for Sales and Transportation of Marijuana / Possession of Rock Cocaine / Warrants – Three Suspects Arrested

August 11 at 7:26 p.m., Special Enforcement Team officers stopped a vehicle for vehicle code violations in the 500 block of East Cherry. Officers noticed an odor of marijuana emitting from the vehicle as they spoke to the driver. The vehicle was occupied by two male adults and one female adult. The vehicle was searched and officers found a loaded firearm, baggies of marijuana, empty baggies, and a weight scale. All three occupants were arrested.

The driver was arrested for possession for sales and transportation of marijuana, possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, and possession of rock cocaine. The male passenger was arrested for false impersonation of another, possession for sales of marijuana and an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. The female passenger was arrested for possession of a methamphetamine pipe and an outstanding warrant. The vehicle was stored.

- Brad Haugaard

Detail Work Being Revealed on 210 Bridge

Gold Line Spokesman Habib F. Balian commends the craftsmanship in the architectural elements being revealed on the 210 Freeway bridge. He said "the fine craftsmanship has made this structure unique from anything you’ve probably ever seen. I applaud the hard work and dedication by Skanska in their execution of this important and visible project element, made more challenging by the harsh conditions of the active freeway and the blistering summer heat (temperatures reached 113 degrees on the bridge."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia: No Brown Act Violation

Monrovia denies that it committed a violation of the Brown Act
open-meeting law.

Opinion: The Star-News also reports on a threat to file a lawsuit over
this issue. I recall when I was a young reporter there and
breathlessly told an editor about someone threatening a lawsuit. She
was unimpressed. She said to have him call back when he FILED the
suit, her logic being that anybody can threaten to get headlines, but
filing means you are serious. Sure enough, the guy never filed. I was
impressed by her logic and am disappointed if the S-N is abandoning
that principle.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Helps Sponsor AIDS Seminar

California Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of
Monrovia, and City of Hope are teaming up with fashion designer and
HIV activist Mondo Guerra for the Sixth Annual HIV/AIDS Action Summit
on September 12, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at City of Hope, Cooper Auditorium,
1500 E. Duarte Rd., Duarte. The San Gabriel Valley HIV/AIDS Action
Summit raises awareness about HIV and AIDS and efforts to prevent new
infections and keep HIV-positive patients healthy.

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High in it's New Coat

Monrovia High School in it's fresh new coat of paint.

- Brad Haugaard

Another Heat Warning for Today

Another excessive heat warning for today, Monday.

- Brad Haugaard

Hijack-able Drones? | Monrovia Dino Bone Mystery

~ Can civilian drones, such as those made by Monrovia's AeroVironment,
be hijacked?

~ Monrovia woman's dino bone mystery solved on reality TV.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Choral Company Looking for Singers

The San Gabriel Valley Choral Company of Monrovia is looking for

- Brad Haugaard

Teen Depression Workshop | Back-to-School | Gospel Concert

~ Monrovia School District is holding a "Teen Depression and Suicide
Signs" workshop on August 29 following the apparent suicide of a

~ Volunteer to help at Foothill Unity Center's back-to-school program.

~ Gospel Concert Sunday night at Pamela Park.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Y Members Set World Record

Forty-five Y members are now Guinness Book of World Record holders by
participating in the largest ever simultaneous swim lesson ever held,
on June 14, and involving 5,000 Y's worldwide and at least 23,000

Source: newsletter of Monrovia's Santa Anita Family Y.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's AeroVironment on Civilian Drones

Popular Science interviews executive at Monrovia's AeroVironment about
non-mitary uses of drones.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Starbucks

Recently had the tarragon chicken sandwich and a cup off coffee at the Starbucks on the north side of the Pavilions center at Foothill and Myrtle. $7.70. Tasty. Cranberries are a nice, tangy touch. A bit pricey for what you get, but great if you are in a hurry.

- Brad Haugaard

Huff Hammers State on Hidden Money

Video: State Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, says "the
discovery of $54 million in hidden money within the Parks and
Recreation budget is a sign that government cannot be trusted and
should not be trusted with more taxpayer money." He is calling on the
governor to have a complete audit of all state agencies.

- Brad Haugaard

Installing Jack-In-The-Box Utilities

On August 6- 9 and August 13- 16, Public Works Utilities Section will
be closing the northbound lane of Magnolia from Cypress to Huntington
(7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to install the water utilities to the new
Jack-In-The-Box location at Magnolia and Huntington.

Source: City's weekly report

- Brad Haugaard

A Monrovia Cool Spot | Joz Band | Juniper Danger

~ If your family or pets get too hot during the heat, stop by the Community Center’s Monroe Room. It is open Thursday and Friday as a Cooling Center.

~ This Sunday, August 12 at 7 p.m. it Library Park, the jazz/swing music of the Jumping Joz Band.

~ The city is recommending three options if you own flammable juniper trees: 1, Replace with less flammable species; 2. Prune them: 3. Fix nearby structures to make them more fire-resistant.


- Brad Haugaard

Committee Approves Portantino Bills | Heat Until Friday Night

~ Senate committee approves five bills by Assemblyman Anthony
Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia.

~ Excessive heat warning in effect through Friday early evening.

- Brad Haugaard

Huff Education and Water Bills Advance

Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, reports two of his measures
are progressing through the State Assembly: SB 1137 and SB 1364.

SB 1137 requires heritage schools to register with the Superintendent
of Public Instruction and report child abuse. Heritage schools are
"privately financed, culture-based educational entities."

SB 1364, "seeks to ensure that ratepayers served by private water
companies are not asked to pay more for the same service than a
ratepayer served by a public agency without a clear understanding of
the associated costs."


- Brad Haugaard

Credit Card Fraud Ring in Monrovia? Burglary and Thefts

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 6-8 – Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 484 service events, resulting in 81 investigations.

Residential Burglary

On August 6 at 8:24 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of Orange regarding a residential burglary that occurred sometime between 11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. An unknown suspect(s) broke a rear window to gain entry. The home was ransacked, but there was no loss. Investigation continuing.

Theft from a Vehicle

On August 7 at 11:19 p.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 400 block of East Walnut. The theft occurred between 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. The victim's vehicle was parked in the carport, adjacent to the alley. The loss was a purse and the vehicle stereo. Investigation continuing

Vehicle Burglary

On August 8 at 9:51 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 block of South Canyon. The burglary occurred between 9:00 p.m. on August 7 and 6:00 a.m. on August 8. The victim's vehicle was parked in the driveway. The suspect(s) gained entry by an unknown means. There were no signs of forced entry. A knife, sunglasses, and a phone charger were stolen. Investigation continuing.

Detective Bureau Case Follow-up

Attempted Fraud and Identity Theft

On August 8 at 10:21 a.m., an attempted fraud and identity theft occurred in the 1600 block of South Mountain. Patrol responded and arrested the male who was attempting to open store credit with a fraudulent California driver's license and fraudulent credit card. The male told the arresting officer he was "dropped off" at the location. During the booking process, the arresting officer found a car key and additional fraudulent credit cards and another fraudulent driver's license in his possession. Detectives went to the business parking lot and found the suspect's vehicle. The Detectives got consent to search and recovered additional fraudulent credit cards, fraudulent credit application and a laptop. It appears this subject is part of a fraud ring using other people's information to obtain store credit from various merchant retailers. Detectives are currently working with bank investigators to locate victims from the credit cards, driver's licenses and fraudulent credit applications. The suspect is in custody and is also wanted on a no bail warrant from Nevada for another fraud case.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian Killed in Roll-Over | Black Eyed Pea Can See

~ Monrovia man killed in car crash in San Bernardino County.

~ Monrovia company helps Black Eyed Pea to see.

- Brad Haugaard

City Officials Get Raise But Must Pay, Too | Ochoa Repays Loan | Car Wash

~ Monrovia managers get raise but must pay more for retirement..

~ Former Monrovia City Manager Scott Ochoa has paid the city the
approximately $275,000 he owed for a mortgage on his Monrovia house.

~ Reminder: Monrovia High Wildcat Marching Band and Colorguard car
wash fundraiser, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Walgreens on Foothill in Arcadia.

- Brad Haugaard

Invitation to Rotary BBQ Fundraiser

Video invitation to Monrovia Rotary Club's 'Old West' BBQ and Casino
night on Sept. 22.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Watch Out for Mountain Lions

Monrovia Police issue mountain lion warning after attack on cats.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Hires Boys Basketball Coach | World Vision Helps in Manila Flooding

~ Monrovia hires former La Salle coach Steve Goldstein to lead MHS
boys basketball.

~ Monrovia's World Vision has mobilised its emergency response team to
assist in the mass evacuation under way as torrential rain and floods
threaten to engulf the Philippines' capital city, Manila.

- Brad Haugaard

Possible 210 Lane Closures

From now until August 18 there may be occasional partial closures of
the 210 eastbound lanes for bridge construction, beginning no earlier
than 10 p.m. and ending no later than 1 p.m. the following day.
Source: Gold Line press release.

- Brad Haugaard

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Prepares For Prolonged Excessive Heat Wave

Today, the National Weather Service issued an excessive heat watch warning for our area. This watch is scheduled to be in effect from noon on Wednesday until 8 p.m. on Friday evening. In their warning the weather service states, “The combination of hot temperatures and increased humidity will create a prolonged period of well above normal and possibly dangerous heat.”

In reaction to this warning being issued the City of Monrovia will be providing a “cooling station” location for our residents. During the times of the warning the Monroe Room, at the Community Center (119 West Palm Avenue), will be dedicated to those residents who need to escape the hazardous conditions. The Monrovia Public Library (321 S. Myrtle Avenue) will also be open during normal hour. The library facility is a climate controlled building that offers free WI-FI. The library is open Monday- Wednesday 10a.m.-8 p.m. and Thursday- Saturday Noon-5 p.m.
In addition to the cooling station, community volunteers from the Monrovia Fire Department’s CERT program will be evaluating our elderly and disabled communities via phone and door to door surveys.
For more information on heat related services provided by the City residents are encouraged to call the Monrovia Department of Community Services at (626) 256-8246.

Source: city press release

- brad Haugaard

Donnelly: 'Fraud' | Monrovian Killed on Kern | Magnolia Closure

~ Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, accuses
the State Parks Department of "fraud."

He writes: "After learning that the State Parks Department had
underreported what turned out to be $54 million of special fund money,
I was horrified at the fraud perpetuated against the public. Although
they had been underreporting for approximately a decade, the
department had the audacity to beg the Legislature to give them more
money at a time when the government was in the red and serious
programs were being cut."

~ Monrovia man reported killed in Kern River accident.

~ The city reports that through August 9 and again on August 13-16
Public Works Utilities Section will be closing the North Bound lane of
Magnolia Avenue from Cypress Ave to Huntington Dr. The hours of the
closure will be 7:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. The purpose of the closure is
to install water utilities. For any questions please call (626)

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Bills Advance in Senate

The State Senate Appropriations Committee today approved five bills
authored by Assemblymember Anthony, who represents part of Monrovia.
The measures range from increasing early detection of breast cancer to
open government legislation. The bills now go to the Senate floor
before heading to the Governor's desk for signature later this month.

AB 137 – Breast Cancer Screenings
Ensures that more woman have access to mammograms by eliminating
outdated age guidelines. The bill allows women to have a mammogram
based on their medical situation.

AB 1527 - Firearms
Prohibits open carry of unloaded long guns, such as rifles and
shotguns, in incorporated cities, making it a misdemeanor to open
carry punishable by six months in jail and $1000 fine. This is a
follow-up to last year's AB 144, which prohibits the open carry of
unloaded handguns in public places.

AB 1956 - Tattoo Removal
Allows individuals who have been tattooed for the purpose of human
trafficking or prostitution to be eligible for free tattoo removal
programs. Too often, young women are tattooed by pimps who turn them
out as prostitutes. It is a perverse form of branding that leaves the
women marked as property.

AB 2086 - Legislative License Plates
Amends the Vehicle Code to require active and retired legislators with
legislative license plates to pay the same fees that apply to
specialty (vanity) license plates. Average Californians pay $50 on
issuance and $35 yearly with their registration. Retired firefighters
and police pay the state an annual fee to obtain specialty plates that
show proper respect for their lifetime of work. However, current law
allows legislators to receive similar plates without paying the state
an annual fee. The DMV estimates that more than 700 such plates have
been issued.

AB 2162 - Political Reform Act Financial Reporting
Updates the various reporting categories for Statement of Economic
Interest forms for government officials. Form 700 must be filed by
legislators, employees and state and local officials to more
accurately reflect their financial holdings. These levels have not
been changed since the Political Reform Act was first passed in 1974.
This bill brings greater transparency to the process by updating the
categories and dollar amounts.

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Keys in Car, Car Gone, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 2-5 – Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested

On August 2 at 9:42 a.m., an officer knew of an outstanding warrant for a local subject. The officer located the subject in the 300 block of South Myrtle and arrested him for the warrant. The subject was booked and later taken to county jail.

Recovered Stolen Property – Suspect Arrested

On August 3 at 10:41 a.m., officers detained a suspect in the 700 block of West Huntington. The suspect was wanted by the California Highway Patrol for Assault with a Deadly Weapon. They had been looking for this suspect for several days. California Highway Patrol officers arrived and arrested the suspect. When the suspect was arrested, he was in possession of property that he claimed was given to him by another subject. The suspect said the property was stolen from inside a house on Alta in Monrovia. A burglary report was in fact taken in the 800 block of Alta and the property the suspect had in his possession was the property listed as stolen in the crime report. The stolen property was recovered and returned to the victim. The suspect is currently being held on charges for assault by the California Highway Patrol.

Grand Theft Auto

On August 3 at 4:45 p.m., a female custodian called to report her vehicle was stolen in the 500 block of East Lime. She parked her black, 2007, Toyota Corolla, in the parking lot leaving the keys inside her vehicle. She went into the hospital for approximately 45 minutes to clean, and when she returned to her vehicle it was gone. There were no witnesses located, investigation continuing.

Injury Traffic Collision – Vehicle vs. Pedestrian

On August 3 at 8:15 p.m., officers responded the 100 block of South Myrtle regarding a traffic collision. A female was walking across the street in the 100 block of South Myrtle. A witness reported seeing the female running across the street outside the crosswalk when she was struck by a vehicle traveling south on Myrtle at approximately 25 mph. The female landed on the hood, but when the driver applied the brakes, she was launched forward approximately 40 feet. The female sustained injuries and was taken to the hospital for treatment and is expected to recover.

Mental Evaluation

On August 4 at 10:09 p.m., a female was driving west on Duarte and noticed an 18 year old male straddling the wash overpass rails and leaning into the wash. The driver stopped her vehicle and approached the subject. The subject was crying and stated he was depressed. He told the female to leave because he was about to do something she did not want to see. She immediately called 911 to report the incident. The female managed to speak with the subject until officer's arrived. The subject was taken to Charter Oak for a 72 hour hold.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested

On August 5 at 1:30 a.m., dispatch received a call of a vehicle traveling west on Huntington in the eastbound lanes. Officers responded and stopped the driver. While speaking with the driver, they discovered the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested, booked and later released on a citation.

Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity

Warrant / Possession of Less then one Ounce of Marijuana – Suspects Arrested

On August 1, Special Enforcement Officers responded to the 300 block of South Myrtle regarding drug activity. They arrived and arrested one female adult for an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. They also cited a male adult for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested

On August 3, Special Enforcement Officers saw a known gang member standing in front of the 300 block of South Myrtle that they knew had a $40,000 warrant. The suspect was arrested for the warrant.

Drug Paraphernalia / Synthetic Marijuana – Suspect Arrested

On August 4, Special Enforcement Officers saw a suspicious vehicle parked in the 300 block of West Cypress, occupied by a male and female adult. As officers spoke to the two, they could smell marijuana emitting from the vehicle. A consent search of vehicle revealed a methamphetamine pipe, burned marijuana debris and some synthetic marijuana, also known as Spice. The male was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and synthetic marijuana.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Teacher Honored

Monrovia High's Paul Dols was honored as Jostens (the class ring
company) Renaissance Coordinator of the year. They were honored at the
21st annual Jostens Renaissance National Conference on July 13-15 in

"With their passion and dedication, these awardees have made a
difference in their schools and districts by implementing strategies
that impact academic performance, attendance and behavior."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Company Helps Talk to Mars

Mayor Mary Ann Lutz reports on Facebook that Monrovia's ITT Excelis
Deep Space Network provides a key component for communicating with the
successfully-landed Mars, Curiosity.

- Brad Haugaard

Unity Center Fundraiser Tomorrow

Eat at Paco's (200 E. Foothill in Arcadia) any time between 3-10 p.m. on Aug. 5, (this Sunday), and Paco's will give Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center 10 percent of all dine-in and take-out proceeds. Then the Center will use the money for food, crisis assistance and healthcare for San Gabriel Valley families.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia - Example of a Farmers' Market Town

Monrovia is used as an example in this ABC story about the boom in farmers' markets across the country.

- Brad Haugaard

Pedestrian Hit by Car on Myrtle

Pedestrian struck on Myrtle. In fair condition.

- Brad Haugaard

Magnolia Northbound Closure

The north bound lane of South Magnolia will be closed from from Cypress Avenye to Huntington from August 6-9 between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m to install water utilities.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Burger King

Lunch at Burger King. Got a Carolina BBQ Whopper with medium drink and sweet potato fries. $6.58. Good. For desert I HAD to try the limited-time-only bacon sundae: vanilla ice cream, caramel, fudge and bacon. My wife, who maintains some culinary standards, declined to even taste it. Me? I thought it was great.

- Brad Haugaard

Missing Brown and White Dog

Missing dog. North Monrovia.

AeroVironment Drones in Somalia Accidents | Produce Exchange

~ Raven drones built by Monrovia's AeroVironment have apparently involved in accidents in Somalia.

~ Produce in the Park produce exchange, Saturday, August 4 in Library Park, 9-11 a.m.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino: 710 Freeway Would be Disaster

Assemblyman Anthony Portantino writes on Facebook that "710 freeway
would be a disaster for our region." The long-delayed 710 would run
through South Pasadena.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's World Vision Evaluates Relief Project for Rwanda Refugee Camp

Monrovia's World Vision, a Christian relief agency, is evaluating how it can provide nutritional support for children and sanitation to a relief camp in Rwanda for refugees fleeing fighting in the Congo.

- Brad Haugaard

50s Music in Library Park this Sunday

The Wonderelles, 50s music, in Library Park this Sunday, August 5, 7-8:30 p.m.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Creating Online Neighborhoods

Monrovia's Neighborhood Services is promoting a social networking site called, which people are using to:

- Find a new home for an outgrown bike
- Track down a trustworthy babysitter
- Quickly get the word out about a break-in
- Find out who does the best paint job in town
- Organize a garage sale
- Ask for help keeping an eye out for a lost dog

The city has launched seven neighborhoods, with seven more in the pilot phase. The largest so far has 47 members and calls itself the Monrovia Bears. The Wildrose neighborhood, which has 15 members, was the first to get started almost six months ago.

"I have used Nextdoor to welcome new neighbors, give away my couch and post information to keep our neighborhood looking good," said Heather Greer, a member of the Wildrose neighborhood. The founder of the Little Italy neighborhood, Christine Voyvodich, has gotten 21 of her neighbors to sign up.

Other online Monrovia neighborhoods include: Julian Fisher, Tree Streets, East Colorado, Sprouts, Mary Knoll, Monrovista/Hurstview, South Madison, Grand Avenue, Mayflower, Alamitas and 5th Avenue.

To find out more, attend the Neighborhood Conference next Saturday, August 11, at the Monrovia Community Center, 119 W. Palm Avenue, starting at 10 a.m. Free classes, meet city leaders and staff, receive a free lunch and raffle prizes, and learn how to get more involved in the creating the neighborhood you want.

Classes include: Monrovia Moving Forward, Making an Impact using Social Media, Unity in Diversity, Developing Leadership, Citizen Engagement, History of Monrovia, Developmental Assets for Kids, Code Enforcement, Social Services Panel, Disaster Preparedness, Government 101, and the Power of Presentation. Contact Neighborhood Services at (626) 932-5563 or email to get more involved.

Source: City of Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard

Preview of Gold Line Facility in Monrovia

Last night the Gold Line Construction Authority met with Monrovia homeowners and other future neighbors of the 24-acre, $120 million (capital cost) maintenance and operation facility. The meeting, which was attended by about 45 stakeholders and city of Monrovia officials, provided an overview of the Pasadena to Azusa project as well as an in-depth look at the 85% design submittal for the facility. Below, is the proposed site plan for the facility’s campus and the 85% design rendering of the facility’s main building.

Source: Gold Line press release

- Brad Haugaard