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Monrovia Cuts Energy, Saves Money - You Can, Too

The City of Monrovia reports that from 2010-2011, it saved more than $140,000 by cutting back its energy usage. "But the City only accounts for 5% of all of Monrovia's electrical use."

If you'd like to pocket a little extra change, yourself, the city suggests:

- Turn off lights when not in use.
- Install motion-sensor lighting to light areas only when in use.
- Seal air and duct leaks.
- Insulate attics, walls and hot water pipes.
-  Use blinds, shades or curtains to repel heat.
- Replace older light bulbs with energy-efficient ones.
- Use drip irrigation or other water-conserving irrigation systems.
- Use a variable speed pool pump.

- Brad Haugaard

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