Books on Sale at Friends of the Monrovia Library Bookstore
The Friends Store is located inside the Monrovia Public Library. Store hours are Monday-Wednesday 10 a.m.â€"5 p.m. and Thursdayâ€"Saturday, noonâ€"5 p.m.
Also, the Friends has launched a newly designed web site, featuring additional items sold at Amazon. Visit the online store at
- Brad Haugaard
Should Monrovia Help Former City Manager Sell House without Taking Loss?
- Brad Haugaard
Newspaper Reporting Monrovia Councilman Has Criminal Record
- Brad Haugaard
Performance of Cinderella
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Wing Stop
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Senator: No Transparency, No Balanced Budget, No Likelihood of Tax Passing
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia to Get Redesigned Website; Contracts with Lobbying Firm, Chamber of Commerce
~ With Mad Haus Creative, to redesign (and host and maintain) the city's website for $21,600. The company already hosts and maintains the website. (Comment: $21,600 seems a very fair price for redesigning, hosting and maintaining the site, but it seems very high for just hosting/maintaining. Since redesign is just an occasional cost, I think I'd break this into two separate contracts, one for redesign and one for maintenance/hosting.)
~ with the Washington D.C. lobbying firm, David Turch and Associates, for $24,000.
~ With the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce (for $48,688) to help the city produce "city-wide events and marketing opportunities."
The Fourth of July in Monrovia's Library Park | Count Butterflies
~ Count butterflies in Monrovia Canyon Park for the North American Butterfly Association. Join rangers and volunteers for a hike to learn about the butterflies of the region, their role in the native ecology, and to participate in the national survey. Dress for hiking, and bring water, food and sun protection. Saturday, July 14, 8:30 a.m. â€" 2:30 p.m. $10 per participant (includes $5 parking). Maximum 20 people. Call (626) 256-8282 to get involved.
Source: City Manager's weekly email report
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia City Manager: State Power Grab 'Unconscionable'
Monrovia City Manager Laurie Lile says the state government is grabbing too much power. In her weekly email report, she writes:
One of the budget trailer bills, AB1484, vested the State Department of Finance with an extraordinary amount of authority to withhold City’s property tax and sales tax if, in the judgment of the state, the payments required through the dissolution of the redevelopment agencies are not adequate. Our staff is reviewing the bill’s language to better gauge the potential impact to our community; however, despite the immediate financial impact, the power that the state has created for itself to take away resources at a local level is unprecedented and unconscionable.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Schools Among Most Improved in San Gabriel Valley | Green Dot to Issue Its Own Prepaid Visas and Mastercards
~ Monrovia's Green Dot will now be able to issue its own prepaid Mastercard and Visa cards through its own bank, Green Dot Bank, which used to be Bonneville Bank until Green Dot bought it.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Canyon Continuation School is a 'Model'
The magazine says: "The school earned a perfect score from the WASC Accrediting Commission, which certifies and validates a school's quality of education."
- Brad Haugaard
Metro Board: No Money to Extend Gold Line
Portantino Mammogram Bill Progresses in State Senate
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Assemblyman Says He Will 'Never Pay' Obama Healthcare Tax
When the government can tell you what to buy in a market in which they are the biggest player, forcing you to subsidize those who made poor choices, you are no longer free. This is not about healthcare; it's about freedom. This is not about a tax or a mandate; this is about whether or not Americans will choose to live free or bow down to a tyrannical government. Obamacare is the trojan horse of... socialism. The choice confronting every American is whether you will obey this encroachment of your liberties, or throw off the yoke of servitude and nullify this unconstitutional directive. They can put a gun to my head, but I will never pay this tax, nor participate in Gov't run healthcare. What say you?- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: 50-Years-to-Life in Sex Assault, Injury, Theft, Burglary, Barricaded Suspect Incident
Portantino's Name-Change Plan Would Cost State $150,000
Opinion: I don't really care about the name change, but I think it is irresponsible for the state to spend ANY more money on non-critical expenses until the state's finances are in order, which they absolutely are not, and this is about as non-critical as I can imagine. Trivial is more like it. I like Portantino, but shame on him for this. He should at least amend his proposal to implement it only when the state is in the black.
Monrovia Representatives on Budget | Music | Friends Cafe
~ Windy Ridge Bluegrass Band and Kattywompus String Band (traditional folk and international music), Saturday, June 30, 7-9 p.m. 412 S. Myrtle in Old Town.
~ Monrovia Coffee Co. in Old Town is becoming Friends Cafe and holding a grand opening this weekend, June 30-July 1, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. "Ice blended coffees, smoothies, desserts."
- Brad Haugaard
No Money to Build Gold Line Past Azusa?
He writes:
"This is extremely disappointing since the San Gabriel Valley legislators worked hard in 2008 to define the project to Claremont, and Metro staff helped sell Measure R to voters by specifying the project to Claremont in their materials."
"On several occasions of late," Habib writes, "Metro has misinterpreted our request to be included in the expenditure plan. The misconception voiced by Metro is that we are insisting on funding the remainder of the project exclusively using Measure R funds. Not true. We are simply requesting to be treated like every other under-funded Measure R project. We ask that they include the true total cost to complete the Foothill Extension to Claremont in the expenditure plan, and provide a strategy for funding project completion through a combination of federal, state and local funds - like every other project. Not special treatment, just funding commensurate with the dictates of the Measure R promises; not more, and certainly not less."
Also, good story on the issue by San Gabriel Valley Tribune writer Steve Scauzillo:
Opinion: Welll, I'm not sure I see any reason why anybody in the San Gabriel Valley should vote for Measure R.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's STAAR Surgical Has New Marketing Program | Cushman Graduates From Air Force Training
~ Monrovia High grad, Airman Jonathan R. Cushman, has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio.
- Brad Haugaard
Armed Man Barricaded in Monrovia House; Surrenders After Tear Gas
UPDATE: Gives up after tear gas used.
- Brad Haugaard
AeroVironment Profits Up | Monrovia School Closures Unlikely | Thoughts on Myrtle | Huff on Open Enrollment
~ Monrovia School Board president Bryan Wong says although the possibility of closing schools is in the district's contingency plan, it is a remote possibility.
~ Some photos and thoughts about development along Myrtle Ave.
~ Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, tells how his open enrollment measure works. (Sounds more like something parents living outside Monrovia need to know, however).
- Brad Haugaard
Register for Free Monrovia Neighborhood Conference
While the MAP Neighborhood Conference is being offered free of charge, pre-registration is required and can be found online at, at the front counter of City Hall or by calling Neighborhood Services Staff at (626) 932-5563.
The MAP Neighborhood Conference will feature hands-on workshops covering material regarding community safety, programming skills, character development and ways to connect in the community.
These workshops and activities have been designed for a diverse set of participants and that's why this Neighborhood Conference is the perfect day of casual training and networking for employees, volunteers, employers, board members and all residents looking to be an effective leader.
Participants will also enjoy free breakfast and lunch, closing the day with an ice cream social and raffle prizes. During these activities, participants will have the unique opportunity to casually network with City staff, local resource representatives, community service clubs & agencies and other residents wanting to partner efforts to lead the community into a bright future.
Groups who pre-register with 10 or more participants will receive recognition at the Conference and Groups with 15 or more will receive a certificate and recognition at the following City Council meeting on Tuesday, September 4th.
This event only comes once a year and it’s not to be missed. Be sure to save your spot by registering early and tell your friends to do the same. Let’s keep growing together!
Source: City press release
- Brad Haugaard
'Long Gun' Measure by Monrovia Assemblymember Portantino Passes Senate Committee
Portantino writes: "Last year, we tried to craft a narrow bill to close a loophole in the hopes that gun enthusiasts would support ending this dangerous practice. Unfortunately, the open carry folks reacted by carrying rifles and other long guns, alarming the public and creating a potentially dangerous situation. As law enforcement officials tell us, it not only creates a tense situation, but wastes time and money when police have to roll out and respond to these unnecessary calls."
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Area Democrats to Vote on 'Fracking'
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia UPS Store Has New Location
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Sleeping Driver Arrested, Burglary, Auto Theft
Clean Up Day in Monrovia | Dinner Theater | Art Walk
Mayor Lutz Cleans Up
~ Summer dinner theater featuring the Fantastick Patrick Show: comedy, juggling, face-balancing, plate-spinning and a 10-foot unicycle. June 28, 7 to 7:45 p.m. at the Library Park Bandshell. Bring dinner and a blanket or chair.
~ Summer Art Walk June 30 from 7-10 p.m. along Myrtle in Old Town. Art and live music.
Burglars Make off With Monrovia Salon's Shampoo and Conditioner
- Brad Haugaard
Retirement Party for Foothill Unity Center Executive Director, Joan Whitenack
Volunteers, supporters and other friends of the Center are all invited to this event to say thank you to Joan for her long years of service and leadership to the community. For further information and reservations ($10 per person), please contact Barbara Rolf at the Center, 626.358.3486 or email her at
Source: press release
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Schools: Budget Woes, Labor Contract, Borrowing to Pay the Bills
~ Here's the proposed budget for the school district. It assumes, perhaps a bit optimistically, 'flat' state funding and warns of a $2.5 million shortfall if the state tax proposal should fail.
~ In the tentative labor contract with the Monrovia school district's non-teachers, employees will get a .47 percent increase in benefits, all in healthcare, over the next three years. The district will increase its contribution from $11,959.50 to a maximum of $12,423.90.
~ The board will consider allowing the district to borrow from various district funds ( ) and from the LA County Treasurer ( ) if necessary because a certain deadbeat state government (that's my opinion, by the way) is not paying its bills on time.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School Closures and Firings if Tax Measure Fails?
What will happen to Monrovia schools if the November tax measure should fail?
According to a report to be discussed at the School Board's June 27 meeting (agenda: ) the district needs to be ready for that, so the board will consider a contingency plan, which proposes these possibilities:
Since the district is paid by the state on Average Daily Attendance, the district might increase its revenue by improving attendance, adding Saturday school for (I think) students to make up missed days, and trying to attract international students.
Also, it would have to cut. Possible cuts include "school closure," letting go up to 14 employees go, reducing use of materials, energy, and transportation, cutting board meetings to once a month, eliminating contributions to "secondary" athletics, and maximizing class size.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Condo and Home Prices Up | Union Protests | Huff Protests
~ Electrical union protests that Monrovia's Green Dot is "cheating the community" because it says the company is not hiring a company that provides healthcare and pensions for all its workers.
~ Video: A visibly annoyed Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, chews out his Senate colleagues for failing to bring Governor Jerry Brown's pension reform bill to the floor of the Senate and for excluding Republicans from budget meetings.
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at B & C Teriyaki
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Library: Learn Social Media; Internment Camp Film
~ Twenty-two minute film, Pilgrimage, Wednesday, June 27, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Library Community Room. "Shows how the abandoned WWII internment camp for Japanese Americans has been transformed into a symbol." Discussion after.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Dave Guzman is Coach of the Year | Mosquito Spraying Next Door | Tiger's Wife
~ San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District is going to be spraying for tiger mosquitoes next door in El Monte on June 22 ( ). It appears the spray area is pretty far down in El Monte.
~ Novel T's Book Club is meeting Tuesday, June 26, at 6:30 p.m. in the Library's Community Room to discuss the book, "The Tiger's Wife," by Tea Obreht. Open to the public.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Armed Robbery, Sunglass Smash and Grab, Stolen Batteries
Monrovia Takes $1 Million Hit From Loss of Redevelopment
Monrovia City Manager Laurie Lile reports that this year Monrovia has taken a $1 million hit because it has had to absorb the costs associated with the loss of the City's Redevelopment Agency. But, still, the city came up with a balanced budget.
Of the state's budget process, she writes that:
It's unsettling, to say the least, that these important decisions are made in the opacity of the legislative conference room, with little to no input from the constituencies that will be most affected. We are expending a considerable amount of staff time and energy to monitor the progress of these bills so that we can respond immediately to the actions proposed by the legislature - just as soon as those actions are revealed to anyone beyond the inner offices of the State Capitol building. ...Some more budget numbers from Lile:
This balanced budget was achieved through pension cost-sharing with employees, a new two-tier retirement system and no increase in staffing.
Of the $31.97 million in projected General Fund revenues, the majority (58%) comes in through property tax and sales tax revenues.
The greatest expenditure from the City General Fund comes from Public Safety: 40% from Police and 29% from Fire.
General Fund personnel costs are budgeted for $22.46 million, however, in accordance with the Council priorities, total cost should not exceed 75% of net operating costs. In order to meet long range financial targets, the City will continue to negotiate with employee groups to pick up their full the share of PERS employee pension costs by the 2013-2014 budget.
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is being reduced by 21%, or $66,000, scaling back programs for safe and healthy neighborhoods.
Annual street resurfacing will continue through 2013 using Prop C funding.
After the loss of Redevelopment, the City had a net loss of $1 million. As a result, 4 vacant positions within the City were eliminated, overhead charges to all City operations were increased by 1%, phone and computer replacement allocations were reduced, and vehicle and equipment replacement was deferred.
Rotary Club of Monrovia Supports Olympic Shooter Kim Rhode
Monrovia Mayor Supports Medical Marijuana
- Brad Haugaard
Time-Lapse Video of Concrete Pouring for Bridge | Monrovia's Merengue Bakery Turns Four | Clean Up Day | Huff Bond Measure Defeated | Winner of Goodies
~ Merengue Bakery and Cafe at 111 E. Colorado is celebrating its fourth birthday today, the Chamber of Commerce reports.
~ Kiwanis and Rotary clean-up day this Saturday at Recreation Park, Library Park and Old Town. Details:
~ Video ( ) of Senator Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) pushing for a measure he says would ensure bond money is properly spent. It was defeated. And Huff's written comment:
Tiger Mosquitoes Next Door to Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovian Chris Shevlin Receives Citrus College Alumni Achievement Award
Monrovia's Frazier to Colorado | Spicer 'Not Bully' | Car Wash | Democrats to Hear About Local Climate Change Lobby
~ Councilman Larry Spicer's wife says he's not a neighborhood bully.
~ Support Monrovia High Marching Band and Color Guard. Car wash and newspaper recycling June 23, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Walgreens on Foothill in Arcadia. Suggested donation: $5 car, $8 truck or SUV.
~ Monrovia's Foothill Community Democrats will hear about the Pasadena/Foothills Chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby - "a national organization that is working to implement a carbon fee dividend program to address climate change."
- Brad Haugaard
Ellis McCarthy Fundraiser
- Brad Haugaard
Concrete Poured for 210 Freeway Bridge

Skanska is nearing completion on the 18-hour concrete pour for the I-210 Gold Line Bridge. Since 11:00 p.m. last night (when the eastbound lanes of the I-210 Freeway were fully closed) crews have been non-stop placing 2,100 cubic yards of concrete into the superstructure and main outrigger beam that crosses the freeway. More than 200 truckloads have accessed the site from the freeway, center median and southern shoulder to strategically place what amounts to 50 typical swimming pools of concrete.
This important activity was planned over several months and took the coordination of multiple agencies. Skanska has done an outstanding job in the design and execution of this activity that went off smoothly and will result in the architectural elements of the superstructure permanently formed on the exterior of the structure.
Learn About Gold Line Construction
- Brad Haugaard
Portantino Tatoo-Removal Bill Advances
"This bill helps generate a new start for young women who need to break free from the intimidating and troubling world of trafficking and prostitution," Portantino said.
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard
De'Shawn Ramirez Plays Friday | Fire Weather | Monrovia High Painting? | Job Fair
~ Foothills fire-weather warning until 8 p.m. Tuesday.
~ Exterior painting on Monrovia High?
~ Job fair tomorrow, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Monrovia Community Center, 119 W. Palm.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Bicycle Broadsides Car, Bad Drill Bit, Burglary of Alcohol, Bike Burglary, People Leave Cars Unlocked and Their Stuff Gets Stolen - Surprise, Etc.
Monrovia Youth Baseball Wins Tournament | Napolitano Approves of Obama Immigration Decision
~ Grace Napolitano, candidate for the 32nd District, which includes Monrovia, approved of the Obama Administration's decision to halt deportations of some illegal/undocumented immigrant youth.
- Brad Haugaard
Dodger Jansen at Monrovia Store Today | Library Film
~ Free film, Unfinished Business, about three who protested Japanese internment during WWII. Wednesday, June 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
- Brad Haugaard
Old Grenade in Monrovia | Huff Against State Budget | Helping Animals
~ Video: A very unhappy Senator Bob Huff - who represents Monrovia - urges a no vote on the state budget, calling it a "fantasy world." "We should be ashamed of ourselves," he said. "We've borrowed from every fund that is not nailed down." ( ). And a written statement:
~ Monrovia MOMS Club donates to animals.
- Brad Haugaard
Concrete Pouring Begins on 210 Bridge Starting Late Monday
Monrovia Assemblyman Criticizes President's Actions as Dictatorial
Monrovia City Council: Budget, Faith, and Legal Ads
~ Consider adopting the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget and Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Schedule of Fees and Charges. The actual budget info does not seem to be on line yet, but when it is, it should be here:
~ Recognize Eric Faith for his years of service to the City. "Mr. Faith served as Mayor from 1974 to 1976, as a Councilmember from 1976 through 1982, and was appointed to the Planning Commission in 1984, where he served continuously for 28 years."
~ Consider a bid from Beacon Media (Monrovia Weekly) to be the publisher for the city's legal ads at a cost of $9.50 per inch per column. "Pasadena Star News and Mountain Views newspaper did not respond." Staff recommends continuing the contract.
Comment: You will not read an editorial like this in any newsPAPER, but I think the day is coming (and should already be here) when legal ads are no longer required since a) nobody reads the newspaper anymore, b) the information can easily be put online for anybody who wants it, and c) if the state really feels there is a compelling reason to push these ads at people, then there is an increasingly strong argument that such ads should go in online media. But, frankly, why not just get rid of them?
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Zen Buffet
Lunch at Zen Buffet at the corner of Huntington and Fifth. I don't expect much from a buffet, but I thought everything was actually quite tasty. Deserts were good, too. You can go back for more servings. A bit over $12 for lunch and an iced tea with tax, so come really hungry.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Runner to Compete in 100-Mile Mountain Run

Photo: Tom Crawford and his running buddy, Cormac.
Monrovian Thomas Crawford, who had the best time in Monrovia's Fountain to the Falls race, will be running in the 100-mile Western States Endurance Run, up and down mountains - with a total of about 18,000 feet up and 23,000 feet down - from Squaw Valley to Auburn. It starts on June 23.
Tom said if he has a good day he may complete the course in about 17 hours or maybe a little under. If you'd like to track him, all the runners are wearing a GPS unit, so you can follow along at the Western States web site:
- Brad Haugaard
Free Monrovia Monday Night Movies
- Brad Haugaard
Farmer's Market Themed Art Show at Monrovia's Segil Fine Art
Trader Joe Chicken Recall | Monrovia Home Prices Rise | Senator Huff on Budget, Education
~ Monrovia home prices rise over past year.
~ Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, calls the latest Sacramento budget is "about ninety percent taxes and gimmicks."
~ Video of Huff stating his opposition to anti-charter school legislation.
- Brad Haugaard
A Night at the Monrovia Library
- Brad Haugaard
Eric Faith Retiring: One of the 'Team of Three' Who Turned Monrovia Around
From the City Manager's Report:
"Eric's service to the community cannot be overstated. When he came to office as an elected official in 1974, Monrovia was suffering from a downtown that was nearly vacant. Businesses could not get out of town fast enough. Change was needed and that change came in the form of a 'team of three' who ran for City Council seats and won. Together they helped initiate the change that led to Monrovia becoming a City envied by many of the surrounding communities. In addition to Eric the 'team of three' consisted of former Mayors Bob Bartlett and Pat Ostrye."
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Car Swiped, GPS Swiped from Cars
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for June 11-13. – Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 491 service events, resulting in 68 investigations.
Vehicle Burglary
June 12 at 5:12 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of South Primrose reported that someone had cut the window of his Jeep and ransacked the interior of the vehicle. Nothing was taken from the vehicle. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
June 12 at 6:17 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 200 block of North Myrtle. The victim parked her car in her driveway in the evening. When she went out to the vehicle in the morning at 6:00 a.m. to go to work, the car was gone. The vehicle was unlocked and a key to the car was inside the console. The vehicle was located and recovered that same day at 5:30 p.m. in the 200 block of West Colorado. Investigation continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle
June 12 at 8:13 a.m., police responded to the report of a theft from a vehicle in the 200 block of West Lemon. The victim parked his vehicle in the rear carport at his residence in the evening. The vehicle was unlocked. The victim returned to his vehicle in the morning and found his GPS missing. Investigation continuing.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Assemblyman's Bill to Urge Feds to Fully Reimburse State for Cost of Jailing Illegal Alien Felons Fails
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center Needs Support for Health Services, School Supplies
Also, the Center needs funds (or actual school supplies) to provide back-to-school supplies for 2,000 local low-income K-12 students. Call (626) 358-3486 for details.
- Brad Haugaard
Portantino Honored for Fertility Bill
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Summer Activities Brochure | Job Fair | VBS at First Pres.
~ Job Fair, hosted by the City of Monrovia, Tuesday, June 19 from 9:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. For details, contact Jennifer McLain at 303-6601 or .
~ Vacation Bible School at First Presbyterian Church, June 24-28. Registration deadline is 3 pm Friday, June 15.
- Brad Haugaard
Denmark Buys Drones From Monrovia's AeroVironment
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia 109th in State for Childhood Obesity
- Brad Haugaard
Help Wild Rose School Raise Money for Grass and Trees
Also, the school could win $20,000 in Lots2Give's online video contest. Wild Rose's video was created by a group of fifth grade students. You can see it, and vote for it, here:
- Brad Haugaard
Happy 125th Birthday to Monrovia's Santa Anita YMCA!
“This is a historic milestone, and one that symbolizes the passionate dedication of generations of volunteers who worked to help our community thrive,” said Santa Anita Family YMCA Board President Steve Baker. “We are inviting the public to celebrate this special time with us as we honor those who have contributed to our success as we hope for another 125 years of meaningful impact.”
The Santa Anita Family YMCA, a non-profit, charitable organization, has nearly 5,000 participants and members, more than 300 volunteers and nearly 60 employees. Over the years, the Y has stayed true to its purpose of strengthening the foundations of community by offering a wide range of programs for all ages that focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
Among the youth programs are the popular basketball, volleyball and dodgeball classes and leagues, where more than 4,500 children participate each year, and swim classes, where more than 1,400 kids learn to swim each year. Adults programs such as group fitness classes see 2,200 participants each year.
But the Y does not just emphasize healthy living – it also has promotes youth and teen development through such programs as Model United Nations and Youth in Government. Social responsibility is also a critical component to the Y’s goals. In fact, in the past 12 years alone, the Santa Anita Family YMCA has provided more than $2 million to ensure that all families have access to the support and solutions that will help them to thrive.
During the anniversary event, organizers will reveal a new installation which recognizes past and present philanthropists, whose efforts continue to make a positive impact on the Y and our community.
“Over the past 125 years countless community philanthropists have invested their time and money to ensure that every child’s potential is nurtured, that the health and well-being of our community is improved and that our neighbors are supported,” said Damon Colaluca, executive director of the Santa Anita Family YMCA. “We are merely stewards of this movement. Any success that we experience today is only possible because of the efforts of those that have come before us.”
People interested in attending the June 16 event or who would like to know more about the Y can contact Cheryl Reynolds at 626-359-9244, or by email at
Source: YMCA press release
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Restaurant Pad for Sale | Creepy's Not Illegal
~ Monrovia Police report they don't have a reason to arrest a man taking pictures of girls near a Santa Fe Middle School. Creapy it may be, but not illegal.
- Brad Haugaard
Patch Reports Better Earnings and More Visitors
Opinion: Best wishes, Nathan and the rest of the Monrovia Patch crew! Hope it works. America needs good local journalism, and Patch is a noble - and hopefully successful -experiment.
Monrovia Relief Agency, World Vision, Helps Syrian Refugees
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Senator Comments on Budget, Inaction on Education
~ "The Governor admitted in his May Budget Revision that the deficit for the upcoming fiscal year had grown to a whopping $16 billion, while the independent Legislative Analysts' Office puts the number at 'north of $17 billion.'"
~ Five years after the release of a legislature-sponsored analysis, a report analyzing what California has done since the "Getting Down to Facts" studies has concluded that it has done, "next to nothing."
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Puppet Theater for Children
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Preventing a Sword Assault, Busted Bear Nose, Sexual Hit-and-Run, More Copper Thefts, Swiped Cell Phone, Etc.
Monrovia's AeroVironment Sells Drones to Swedish Army
- Brad Haugaard
A Special Library Book Donation
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovian Charged in Bike Robbery Incident | More on Graduation
~ More on the Monrovia High graduation.
- Brad Haugaard
Helping Find Missing Monrovia Pets
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School District Suing Office Depot, More Layoffs, No Raises, Budget Info
~ Consider hiring an attorney to sue Office Depot. Monrovia and some other local school districts are suing Office Depot for what the district terms: "fraud it committed in pricing." The attorney would be hired on a contingency basis, meaning the law firm only gets paid if it wins.
~ Consider laying off or cutting the hours of more employees. This time (if I'm reading this correctly) cutting a computer lab instructional assistant at Wild Rose Elementary from five hours a day for nine months a year to 3.75 hours a day for nine months, and cutting four preschool developmental aides at Canyon Early Learning Center from three hours daily for 12 months a year to 3 hours a day for nine months.
~ Reveal the agreement between the district and the Monrovia Teachers Association. It appears to be essentially a no-raises contract ( ). Ditto for the non-teacher employees:
~ Hear some pretty bleak - but apparently slightly better - budget numbers for Monrovia schools. The image above gives a hint.
- Brad Haugaard
Gold Line Bridge Construction - Freeway Closure June 18-19
Graphic showing what is happening with the bridge construction.
The Gold Line construction folks expect one closure of the eastbound 210 Freeway on Monday, June 18, from 11 p.m. through 5 a.m. on June 19. The lanes may be partially closed from 10 p.m. through 1 p.m. on the 19th.
- Brad Haugaard
Will Gold Line be a Short Line? Metro Not Providing Money to Lay Track to Claremont
Lunch at Burger Basket
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Senator: Apparent Defeat of Smoking Tax Bad Omen for Governor's Proposed Tax
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia to Adopt Tight But Balanced Budget | After Redevelopment | Fire Department Survey
~ If you are interested in the city's budget, the situation appears to be that money is tight but we're slowly doing a bit better, and the city plans to adopt a balanced budget on June 19. Here is a helpful slideshow ( ), and if you are a glutton for this sort of thing, here are several useful documents:
~ So with redevelopment killed by the state, how will Monrovia compensate? In the weekly City Manager's Report, City Manager Laurie K. Lile writes: "Moving forward is the launch of the Business Visitation program, the Fill Up Old Town Campaign and increased partnerships with brokers and the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce. As we look ahead, it will be more important than ever to build and maintain relationships, continue to enhance a business attraction strategy and develop a more comprehensive job development program."
~ If you have had dealings with the Monrovia Fire Department, you may wish to take the department's short customer satisfaction survey:
- Brad Haugaard
Almost 400 Grads Tonight at Monrovia High's Wildcat Stadium
The city reports ( ) that: "43% of graduates are going to 4-year university/college (up from 34% last year in 2011); 47% going to 2-year college; 4% going to trade school; 4% going to military; 2% going to work/taking year off.
"Of those attending a 4-year college/university (165 students):
"76 (46%) going to CSU
"33 (20%) going to UC
"15 (9%) going to private California school
"39 (24%) going to out of state school (will be representing 17 states)"
- Brad Haugaard
Whitenack Retirement Party | Monrovia Florist Honored
~ Monrovia Florist named "Small Business of the Year" by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Brazen Women Burglarize Home Depot, Stuff Swiped From Vehicles
Albertsons Cutting Employees, Unclear if Monrovia Affected
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Company Launches | Police Over Fire for Charity | Volunteering | Award for Clifton Girl
~ Monrovia Police win basketball game over Monrovia Fire 29 to 24. :-| Also, the game raised $2600 to fight cancer.
~ Interested in volunteering with the City of Monrovia? Here's how:
~ Clifton girl struck by hit-and-run driver given special award.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Woman in Death Race | Ray Bradbury at Monrovia Library | Clean-Up Day | Neighborhood Conference | CPR | Clifton
~ SciFi/fantasy author Ray Bradbury, who died Tuesday at age 91, helped to open the new Monrovia Library. A picture:
~ Monrovia Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs are sponsoring a trash-pick-up day Saturday, June 23, from 8-11 a.m. at Recreation Park. Meet at Recreation Park, Library Park or Old Town. Contact Becky Shevlin for details: 626-253-0072
~ The third annual Monrovia Area Partnership Neighborhood Conference is scheduled for Saturday, August 11. The conference incudes a day full of free workshops, continental breakfast, lunch, and ice cream. Details:
~ Tomorrow, CPR training in front of the Library:
~ As part of its partnership with Clifton Middle School, Monrovia First Presbyterian Church provided a "Caring for Clifton" meal Wednesday for the staff at the school:
- Brad Haugaard
Reinforcing Steel Installed for Gold Line Bridge | Jeopardy
Final Monrovia-Area Election Results
~ Top two votegetters in 41st Assembly District: Chris Holden (D), 16,942 (29.6%); Donna Lowe (R), 13,272 (23.2%).
~ 25th State Senate District: Carol Liu (D), 51,105 (51.7%); Gilbert V. Gonzales (R), 42,370 (42.9%).
~ 27th Congressional District: Judy Chu (D), 40,518 (58.1%); Jack Orswell (R), 16,550 (23.7%).
~ 32nd Congressional District: Grace F. Napolitano (D), 19,764 (46.1%); David L. Miller (R), 17,947 (41.9%).
And if you are interested in the fate of outgoing Monrovia Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, he beat two opponents, taking 51.7 percent of the vote.
- Brad Haugaard
Early Returns
Chris Holden is well ahead of the pack in the 41st Assembly District with Donna Lowe a strong second and Victoria Rusnak third.
Democrat Judy Chu is way far ahead in the 27th Congressional District.
Democrat Carol Liu looks comfortably ahead in the 25th Senate District, but Gilbert V. Gonzales is making a very respectable showing.
Same in the 32nd Congressional District. Democrat Grace F. Napolitano is doing well but David L. Miller is also doing very respectably.
Again. It's still early.
Update: Although he will no longer be representing Monrovia when the winners take their seats in the Assembly, Tim Donnelly is doing very well in the 33rd Assembly District, well ahead of two other contenders.
Update: I'm going to bed. I don't see any cliffhangers, but we'll see in the morning.
- Brad Haugaard