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Monrovia High Softball Wins! | Be on 710 Committee | Money for Transportation | Wil's Opening

~ Monrovia High softball team captures Northview Softball Tournament title.
~ If you are interested in being on a Community Liaison Council about the 710 Freeway (the freeway that doesn't go through South Pasadena) "to support the SR-710 Environmental Study team in providing feedback on the technical study and overall outreach efforts," here's some detail:
~ Gold Line spokesman Habib Balian reports that yesterday the Southern California Association of Governments’ Regional Council unanimously approved the 2012-2035 Regional Transportation Plan to spend "$524 billion over the next 25 years to enhance the regional transportation sys­tem," with an emphasis on freeways but with $246 billion for public transportation. Balian added that South Pasadena Mayor (and Assembly candidate for Monrovia's district) Michael Cacciotti "believes that even with these changes the plan continues to place too much emphasis on freeways."
~ Grand opening of Wil's Sport and Tackle (fishing gear) at 8 a.m. on Friday, April 13. 310 S. Myrtle. 
- Brad Haugaard

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