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Wildcats Baseball Over Arcadia :-) | Monrovia Cover Girl? | Huff Slams Brown Tax Proposal

~ Wildcats, 8-2 nonleague victory over Arcadia in Baseball.

~ Monrovia cover girl competitor.

~ Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) has issued the following statement regarding news that the Governor would introduce a revised version of his $31 billion tax hike:

“Just days after insisting that his was the only responsible tax plan for an integrated budget solution, it looks like the Governor has capitulated by accepting the public employee union tax hike scheme.

This back-room tax increase deal does not bode well for the prospects of real public employee pension reform since it is now clear that the public employee unions are controlling the entire agenda.

The Governor has previously acknowledged that a heavily top-weighted tax would further increase the volatility of state tax revenues that are already subject to severe boom and bust cycles.

This larger and longer tax scheme will inevitably lead to massive state government spending growth and set the stage for yet another budget crisis in California. The idea that a seven-year tax increase is “temporary” defies credibility.” 

- Brad Haugaard

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