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Monrovia Police: Police Look for D Man, Meth, Gun Safety

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for  March 19-21. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 403 service events, resulting in 93 investigations.  

Possible Vehicle Tampering

March 20 at 4:39 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 700 block of West Chestnut regarding possible vehicle tampering.  The reporting party noticed a subject sticking his head into a vehicle in a carport and believed the subject was looking for something to take.  When the reporting party confronted the subject, he walked out of the carport area and out to the street.  The subject fled on foot, dumping his bicycle, when an officer arrived in the area.  The officer ordered the subject to stop, but he ran.  Containment was established, but the suspect was not located.  The suspect is described as a male Hispanic, mid-twenties, dark shirt, dark blue basketball-style shorts, shaved head with a tattoo of the letter "D" on the top of his head.  Investigation continuing.

Possession of Narcotics - Suspect Arrested

March 21 at 3:36 a.m., an officer on patrol observed a suspicious subject riding a bicycle in the area of Magnolia and Palm.  When the officer attempted to stop the subject for a traffic violation, the subject tried to evade the officer.  The subject was detained in the 200 block of West Palm.  During a consent search of the subject, a baggie of methamphetamine was found in the subject's shoe.  The suspect was arrested.

Tip of the Week: Gun Safety

Even if your family doesn't have a gun in the home, chances are that your child will come in contact with a gun at some time during his or her childhood. Relatives and neighbors own guns that are probably hidden, but children may find them.  Children are exposed to guns early on from television, cartoons and movies, arousing their natural curiosity.  The best safety measure for gun safety in the home is to avoid having one in your home. However, if you already own a gun or plan to purchase one in the future, following the guidelines below can help protect your family's health and safety. 

If you own a gun:

 Always keep your gun unloaded and locked up.

- Lock and store bullets in a separate location.

- Make sure children do not have access to the gun lock keys.


If you do not own a gun:

Talk with your children about the risk of gun injury outside the home in places where they may visit and play.

- Tell your children to stay away from guns when they are in the homes of their friends.

- Speak with the parents of your children's friends to determine whether or not they have a gun in the home.

- If they do, urge them to empty it out and lock it up.

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