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Monrovia Assemblyman Portantino Honored for Gun Control Measures

Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, has been named Legislator of the Year by the California Police Chiefs Association for his measure banning the open carry of unloaded handguns in public places, and a later measure prohibiting individuals from openly displaying unloaded rifles and shotguns in public.
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard


  1. CA is well out of step with the rest of the country on "gun control", now being one of only three states rationing firearms purchases to one a month, among other distinctions. Liberal urban pols are the most restrictive of minds, while even Sacramento County accepts "self-defense" as good cause to issue a carry permit. Hopolophobia, it's called. Pretty hilarious that a firearms training organization is advertising on your site, and it comes up when I decided to comment on this.

  2. I wouldn't be so proud of that!
