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Monrovia Assemblyman: Job Loss as State Implements Cap and Trade

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, writes on Facebook that he heard Lord Monckton (a British politician: testify that global warming is false at a hearing in Sacramento today. Here's Donnelly's comment:

Just listened to Lord Mockton eviscerate the Global Warming hysteria as a massive FRAUD. As California implements a Cap & Trade program under AB32 (administered by CARB), energy prices including gasoline prices will do nothing but rise, while businesses who fall under this regulation continue to flee this environmental extremist regime, costing us an estimated 485,000 jobs. Really made a compelling case that it is immoral to attempt to reverse the natural cycle of warning and cooling that has gone on for centuries.
- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. I think its immoral that we have an assembly man, Tim Donnelly, who listens to an idiot from England who pulls figures out of his ass.
