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Cacciotti Platform | Huff in the News | MonroviaNow Top-Listed Monrovia News Site | Wine Tasting

~ Assembly candidate Michael Cacciotti, running in the 41st Assembly District to be  Monrovia's representative, lists his priorities as: "job creation, fiscal resourcefulness, 21st century transit, energy, and education systems." Here's his web site:

~ Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, on NBC4's "News Conference" with Conan Nolan.

~ With a recent Google algorithm change, MonroviaNow is the first result for a search for "monrovia news," the third for "monrovia ca," and the sixth for a search on "monrovia." It is also the first news website listed for each of these search results. (This refers to a regular Google search, not a Google News search.) Update: Hmm. That the cause is the algorithm change is reasonable, but it is my assumption, and assuming is bad journalism. Forget the algorithm part; I don't know that part for sure.

~ Foothill Oaks Academy of Duarte (which includes the former Carden of the Foothills school of Monrovia) is having a wine tasting fundraiser. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

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