- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
I am grateful to all of you who have supported us through this whole ordeal. Your prayers, your phone calls and your notes of encouragement have meant the world to Rowena and our entire family. This personal battle is over, but the war to restore our liberties, restrain our government and rebuild our economy rages on.
- Brad Haugaard
This happened just feet in front of us Sunday at 1:15 PM at Huntington Dr and Hwy Esplanade. We were in the turn lane. One car was flying through the red and t boned a black Jeep going S into the shopping center and hit the white car waiting to turn N on Hwy Esplanade. It just started to rain an hour before.
I forgot to mention how funny it is when they block off the street and all cars are diverted up Hwy Esplanade. All cars will turn left on to Maple (my street) only to find out its a cul-de-sac. Some go up to King St and make the same mistake before finding their way on to Chestnut.
~ Profile of the "Monroe Cottage," built by Monrovia founder William N. Monroe. http://goo.gl/03qvV
The CEO of Monrovia-based Trader Joe's says his favorite product (because it is the customers' favorite) is Charles Shaw wine (aka "Two-Buck Chuck"). It is the stores' best-selling product. http://goo.gl/NwFSD
- Brad Haugaard
I am ... pleased to announce that the I-210 Bridge temporary false-work is now complete and work has begun on the form-work for the superstructure. The false-work construction took several months and required more than 20 full eastbound closures of the I-210 Freeway. Skanska has done an outstanding job to complete a very challenging element of the overall project, under conditions that are much less than ideal. Above, you can see the tremendous work that has been done over the last eight months. The photo ... provides a unique perspective, looking down on the deck of the false-work where the superstructure will be formed and placed over the next several months.
- Brad Haugaard
Unfortunately we have been informed by our playground equipment contractor that the slide in Library Park has a manufacturer's defect and must be taken out. It seems that without some sort of covering around the top of the "bigger kids" slide, it makes it too easy to climb up the slide, which is potentially dangerous for small children. The slide is closed now, and will be removed by the contractor next Thursday, March 29. In addition, a dying Silver Maple tree, located at the edge of the playground area, will be removed as well. We are looking at replacing the tree, as well as the slide (with a piece of equipment that is compatible). Whatever happened to the good old days when getting cuts and bruises in the playground was all part of the fun of being at the park??
- Brad Haugaard
If you own a gun:
- Always keep your gun unloaded and locked up.
- Lock and store bullets in a separate location.
- Make sure children do not have access to the gun lock keys.
If you do not own a gun:
- Talk with your children about the risk of gun injury outside the home in places where they may visit and play.
- Tell your children to stay away from guns when they are in the homes of their friends.
- Speak with the parents of your children's friends to determine whether or not they have a gun in the home.
- If they do, urge them to empty it out and lock it up.
Just listened to Lord Mockton eviscerate the Global Warming hysteria as a massive FRAUD. As California implements a Cap & Trade program under AB32 (administered by CARB), energy prices including gasoline prices will do nothing but rise, while businesses who fall under this regulation continue to flee this environmental extremist regime, costing us an estimated 485,000 jobs. Really made a compelling case that it is immoral to attempt to reverse the natural cycle of warning and cooling that has gone on for centuries.
From Monrovia Police Press Release:
Monrovia, California – Investigators from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) and Officers from over 90 local law enforcement agencies joined forces on Friday, March 16, 2012, in the largest Decoy Shoulder Tap Operation ever assembled in California.
The operation was conducted statewide for the first time ever. The task force operation resulted in 4 local arrests. Statewide over 300 adults were cited for furnishing alcoholic beverages to minors and
dozens more were arrested for other crimes, such as public drunkenness, driving under the influence, drugs, parole violations and outstanding warrants.
ABC Investigators and local law enforcement conducted a program called a Decoy Shoulder Tap Operation which can lead to the arrest of adults who purchase alcohol for people less than 21 years of age. Under the program, a minor under the direct supervision of a peace officer will
stand outside a liquor or convenience store and ask patrons to buy them alcohol. The minor indicates in some way he or she is underage and cannot purchase the alcohol.
The program is intended to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors. According to the American Medical Association, underage drinking can increase chances of risky sexual behavior and teen
pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, compromised health, and can result in unintentional injury and death.
- Brad Haugaard
This back-room tax increase deal does not bode well for the prospects of real public employee pension reform since it is now clear that the public employee unions are controlling the entire agenda.
The Governor has previously acknowledged that a heavily top-weighted tax would further increase the volatility of state tax revenues that are already subject to severe boom and bust cycles.
This larger and longer tax scheme will inevitably lead to massive state government spending growth and set the stage for yet another budget crisis in California. The idea that a seven-year tax increase is “temporary” defies credibility.”
~ Balloon-popping event at Six-2-Six store's anniversary. http://goo.gl/dxRqI
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department’s Neighborhood Watch Report for March 1-4 – Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.
On March 2 at 1:57 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle on Chestnut, just east of Monterey, for failing to stop for a stop sign. The officer observed an open alcoholic beverage inside the vehicle, so the officer removed the occupants to recover the evidence. When he removed one of the male subjects, he discovered this subject was in possession of a glass methamphetamine pipe. The officer arrested the subject for possession of the pipe and for the open container.
On March 2 at 1:14 p.m., a group of teens with a school group were at Canyon Park at the falls when one of the female teens tumbled 20 to 30 feet, striking her head. She was able to walk, but complained of dizziness and a possible broken hand. Monrovia Fire Department paramedics arrived and the teen was treated and taken to a hospital.
On March 2 at 4:59 p.m., police received a call reporting a subject on top of the roof of an empty business in the 200 block of South Myrtle. Officers arrived and found a male subject just coming off the roof. He was detained, and during a pat down search, a hypodermic needle was located. He was arrested and taken into custody for the violation.
During the investigation, it was determined that this subject and two others have been living to the rear and on the roof of this building. All subjects were warned about trespassing on the property and loitering in the area. The property owner will be advised and given information on how to prevent the trespassing.
On March 2 at 11:08 a.m., an officer attempted a traffic stop on a vehicle for a traffic violation in the 3300 block of South Peck, but the driver did not stop. The driver went east on Pomona, from Myrtle, and eventually pulled over. The driver was uncooperative and refused to perform any field sobriety tests or provide a breath sample. The driver was found to be on non-revocable parole for prior driving under the influence arrests. The driver was arrested and taken into custody.
On March 3 at 6:09 p.m., Special Enforcement Team officers went to a residence in the 2400 block of Fairgreen regarding wanted suspects living at a home. They observed two male subjects leaving the residence in a vehicle. The officers attempted to stop the vehicle and a pursuit ensued for a few blocks, prior to the suspects stopping.
One parolee was arrested for three warrants, and the driver, a probationer, was arrested for evading, being an unlicensed driver, and possession of methamphetamine. A parole and probation search was conducted at their residence and police recovered methamphetamine, several methamphetamine pipes, and numerous checks, blank bank cards, and other items to conduct fraud. Investigation continuing.
On March 3 at 7:51 p.m., Arcadia Methodist Hospital called Monrovia Police Department to report a male subject in their Emergency Room with a gunshot wound. The subject claimed it happened in Monrovia, near Parker and Monterey. An officer responded to the hospital for the investigation.
The subject claimed he was confronted by three male subjects and they got into a fight. He claimed that during the fight, he was shot and he ran away. He was then taken to a hospital by friends. The investigation raised suspicion, and it was eventually determined that the subject had a handgun in his waistband that accidentally went off when he bent at the waist, and he shot himself. A complaint for filing a false police report and carrying a concealed weapon will be filed with the court.
On Sunday, March 4, 2012, at approximately 9:00 p.m., Monrovia Police Officers responded to the area of California and Cypress regarding a shooting investigation.
The investigation revealed a male adult victim was backing his vehicle from a residential driveway with his three year old son in the backseat. A gray sedan occupied by at least three male Hispanics suddenly pulled up and stopped in the roadway. The right front passenger of the gray sedan exited the vehicle and fired approximately six shots, striking the driver side of the victim’s vehicle. The “shooter” returned to the gray sedan and the vehicle fled from the area at a high rate of speed. The “shooter” is described as a male Hispanic wearing a blue baseball cap. No one was injured during this incident. The investigation is continuing.
On March 4 at 11:13 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 500 block of South Shamrock regarding a loud music disturbance. When they arrived, an intoxicated guest at the residence answered the door. The officers saw a 4-year-old boy approach the front door and immediately became concerned for the child’s safety, because there did not appear to be a sober adult present to properly care for the child. The officers asked to speak with the child’s parents, but the subject refused to answer them and attempted to close the door. Officers prevented the subject from closing the door. The subject continued to resist and struggled with the officers, so the officers arrested him without further incident. The officers eventually located the child’s parents in the residence, who were sober enough to properly care for the child. The residents were also advised regarding the loud music.
- Brad Haugaard
- Brad Haugaard
On Sunday, March 4, 2012, at approximately 9 p.m., Monrovia Police Officers responded to the area of California and Cypress regarding a shooting investigation.
The investigation revealed a male adult victim was backing his vehicle from a residential driveway with his three year old son in the back seat. A gray sedan occupied by at least three male Hispanics suddenly pulled up and stopped in the roadway. The right front passenger of the gray sedan exited the vehicle and fired approximately six shots striking the passenger side of the victim’s vehicle. The “shooter” returned to the gray sedan and the vehicle fled from the area at a high rate of speed. The “shooter” is described as a male Hispanic wearing a blue baseball cap. No one was injured during this incident.
The investigation is continuing.
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department’s Neighborhood Watch Report for Feb. 27-29. -Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 412 service events, resulting in 74 investigations.
On February 28 at 3:20 p.m., a 15-year-old male subject that lives in the 200 block of Violet observed a male suspect tampering with the window screen on the backdoor of the apartment where he lives. The suspect eventually left the area. Police were not called until the subject’s stepfather arrived home, a few hours later. The window screen appeared to have been cut, but the suspect did not make entry into the home. The suspect is described as a male, 6'0", thin build, wearing dark pants and a gray or black hooded sweatshirt, which covered his face and hands. Investigation continuing.
Gang member, Gary Sanchez, was convicted of murder in the Pasadena Superior Court last week. Sanchez was convicted of several gun and gang enhancements, and is facing fifty years to life in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced on March 23, 2012.
This case stems from an incident that occurred on December 15, 2009, at approximately 8:04 p.m. Sanchez shot and killed Jason Gentile near the intersection of Colorado and California in Monrovia. Sanchez also wounded Gentile’s girlfriend, who has completely recovered from her wounds. Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Homicide Detectives investigated this case, but Monrovia Police Department personnel played a major role in the investigation and prosecution.