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Hurray for the Frugal Ones!

Opinion: It is disappointing to find Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, has been spending more than any other Assembly member on office staff ($213,263.28) so far this year -- unless, of course, as Portantino maintains, that this isn't the full picture.

Still, I very much appreciate him forcing this information out into the open. But anyway what REALLY strikes me is the following five Assembly members, who all managed to squeak by spending less than $100 grand on their office staffs:

Jose Solorio (D), $98,134.27
Mariko Yamada (D), $96,990.86
Mike Morrell (R), $86,610.09
Bob Blumenfield (D), $81,036.50
Mary Hayashi (D), $62,457.60

I don't know how they vote on the bigger issues of spending, but good for them for keeping their office expenses under control. Maybe the rest of the Assembly could take lessons.
- Brad Haugaard

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