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Monrovia and Gold Line Tentatively Come to Terms

Apparently the Gold Line Construction Authority and the City of Monrovia have agreed to terms for the Gold Line to purchase the much-disputed Monrovia properties.

Here is a news release from Gold Line spokesman Habib F. Balian: 

"Just moments ago, the Construction Authority and City of Monrovia agreed to purchase terms for 14-acres of city-owned land within the 24-acre M&O site. The purchase terms will now go to the Authority Board and City Council for final approval.

"Although negotiations have been challenging over the last few months, all parties have stayed strongly committed to making this critically important transaction happen, as well as remained unwavering in their dedication to the project. Click here to view our press release.

"Because our Funding Agreement with Metro requires the Authority to own half of the land for the M&O facility before significant funds are transferred to the Authority to build the Pasadena to Azusa extension, this agreement could not have come at a better time. Next Wednesday, July 27, the Authority board will consider awarding the Alignment contract to one of the three short-listed design-build teams. Staff and our multiple evaluation committees - who’s hard work I must acknowledge - have completed our work and I will recommend to the board that the Foothill Transit Constructors – A Kiewit Parsons Joint Venture win this important contract. However, the board will make the final decision on Wednesday - so stay tuned!

"If you want to attend the board meeting on Wednesday, it will be held at Arcadia City Hall, in the Council Chambers starting at 9:30 a.m. The contract award agenda item is scheduled in the second half of the meeting, following closed session, and will start after 10:30 a.m."

- Brad Haugaard

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