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Cost of Protecting against Terrorism Will Rise | Monrovia Library Popular | Paying Off the State

In his weekly report ( ), Monrovia City Manager Scott Ochoa writes that:
~ The toolbox that wasn't a bomb, but was just a toolbox (here: ), may be a sign of things to come. He says: "It is indeed better to be safe than sorry, but I suspect expensive days like this may become more common. Unfortunately, the credible threat of violence is like a bell that has been rung and now cannot be un-rung; a cost of doing business in the crazy world."
~ Library programs are growing: This fiscal year (June 2010 to July 2011) the library staff "presented a total of 504 programs for youth with 28,341 participants. Last Fiscal Year 2009-10, the Library Staff presented a total of 322 programs for all ages with 18,298 participants."
~ A Gold Line item has been removed from the City Council agenda because the city's redevelopment agency "may no longer function until we agree to pay off the State of California." (The recently passed state budget eliminates redevelopment agencies and only allows them to be reconstituted if they agree to pay money to the state.) So, the city council will need to "adopt a non-binding 'Continuation Ordinance' which tells the State that we plan to make the ransom payment next year."
- Brad Haugaard

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