Monrovia Older American of the Year
PetSmart for Monrovia / Clamshell / Redevelopment
Lunch at Jake's
- Brad Haugaard
Huff Proposes Allowing Layoffs Based on Performance
- Brad Haugaard
Library Birthday / Sushi, Etc.
More on Upton Sinclair House / Santa Anita Y Run / Give a Dollar
UnSnow Above Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Mechanical Hummingbird
- Brad Haugaard
Water Pumps & Shopping Carts
Portantino to Congress? / Schamadan Column
Monrovia Fire / Wine & Cheese / Black History / Home Tour / Singers
Mother is Male Suspect, but isn't, uh, Male ... I'm Confused. And More
Congratulations MHS Teams
Boys Soccer :-( / Blood Drive / Clamshell Road / Restaurant Gone
~ There is a blood drive coming up on Thursday, March 3, from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Community Center parking lot at 119 West Palm Ave. Walk-ins welcome. Donate blood and get a coupon for a pint of Baskin Robbins ice cream. Eat, drink plenty of water and bring a photo ID.
~ Hikers and bikers want Lower Clamshell Road reopened. (Yeah. But in the meantime, take the Ben Overturff Road from Monrovia Canyon Park. It's more challenging.)
~ Pioneer Point restaurant has closed. (It was at the corner of 5th and Huntington.)
- Brad Haugaard
Sena Restaurant / Old Myrtle / More on Upton Sinclair House
~ There's a neat old 1949 picture of Myrtle Avenue here. (Scroll down a bit).
~ A bit more on the Upton Sinclair House, for sale in North Monrovia. Oddly, the article doesn't say where the house is. It is way up Myrtle, on the east side of the street just before you go up into Gold Hills.
- Brad Haugaard
Sinclair House for Sale / Murder Sentence / Rotary / Delay for Gold Line?
~ Monrovia's Upton Sinclair house is for sale for $1.5 million.
~ Monrovian sentenced to 35 years for killing.
~ Monrovia Rotary Club will be sending 6 female and 6 male attendees from Monrovia High School to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards on March 4-6 in Idyllwild, a three-day seminar with nearly 200 students from Southern California and Nevada. They are Giselle Moreau, Jamie Truong, Stephanie Garcia, Dushani DeSilva, Amanda Aquilar, Corrine Marino, Kevin Romero, Levi Helm, Christopher Rosedale, Saul Denova, Diego Nieves, Michael Arevelos.
~ A Monrovia property owner is suing to prevent his property from being taken for Gold Line Extension.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Candidate Forum, Thursday, March 3
Wednesday Monrovia School Board Meeting
~ A report on the Elementary School Counseling Program.
~ A report on English language and math progress.
~ The no-bullying policy updated.
~ The School Board's to-do list:
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia High Construction Agenda
Monrovia Schools: Broke in 2012?
Connie Wu, Monrovia School District's Chief Business Officer, projects - even assuming Governor Brown's optimistic assumption that a tax extension will be approved by the voters - that the district will face a cash deficit of $1 million by May of 2012 and $3 million by June 2012. And if the voters reject the tax extension? Probably a $5 million deficit by June 2012.
Why? Because the irresponsible State of California has refused to cut its own expenditures, and so, to compensate for its spendthrift ways, is looting local school districts. (That's my own opinion, if you didn't guess.)
Obviously, to avoid a deficit, some serious cuts could be in store.
Lots more detail, including spreadsheets, here:
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovian Assaulted / Judge: City Didn't Violate Law
~ Judge says Monrovia didn't violate open meeting laws.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Newts - Dangerous
He said a couple was once found dead. It turned out they had scooped water from a stream, boiled it for coffee and drank it. They scooped up and boiled a newt by accident.
They are rusty brown on top and orange on the bottom Don't even touch.
- Brad Haugaard
AeroVironment Files Suit / Help Unity Center
Quick, Free Ways to Help Unity Center
Help Foothill Unity Center win $5K by going to and and dashing off a quick review. The organization that gets the most reviews before Feb. 28 will receive $5,000 from nonprofit marketing company KIMBIA. (Also, and even easier, MonroviaNow [] is paying Foothill Unity Center a dollar for each new email subscription it gets this month. Just add your email address on our home page.)
- Brad Haugaard
MHS Band Perform at Carnegie Hall?
Black History Month in Monrovia / Marijuana Arrest / Basketball Pix
Lunch at Monrovia's Market Grill
- Brad Haugaard
Girls Basketball :-) / Black History Pix / Blues / Seafood
~ Slide show of upcoming Monrovia Black History exhibit:
~ LA Blues Society jam session at T. Phillips on Sunday, 2-7 p.m.
~ A new seafood restaurant is opening in Monrovia soon (don't have the exact date). It is called Big Shrimps Fish Grill, and it will be at 123 E. Colorado Boulevard in Old Monrovia.
- Brad Haugaard
Burglary, Theft, Intoxication, Missing Hiker, Attempted Rape, Etc.
Monrovia Spy Bird / Retirement Accounts / Girls & Boys Basketball
Monrovia in Top 10 / Garcia: Huntington Traffic will be Bad
~ Councilman Joe Garcia says traffic will be a "nightmare" during repaving of Huntington in March.
- Brad Haugaard
MHS Academic Team Honored / Huff Wants Regulation Cuts
~ Monrovia's State Senator, Bob Huff, has introduced legislation to cut regulations that hinder job development in the state. Details:
- Brad Haugaard
Drizzly Days Ahead / Fifth and Huntington
~ More on the corner of Fifth and Huntington, where the city is planning to cover the wash to provide a more contiguous and build-able area.
- Brad Haugaard
MonroviaNow Donating Up to $1,000 for Email Sign-Ups
If you already subscribe, please tell your Monrovia friends they can donate - and keep up with Monrovia news - by adding their email address on our home page, here:
Thanks much!
- Brad Haugaard
Support Mayor Lutz in Cancer Relay
- Brad Haugaard
Fountain-to-Falls Sign-Up Opens
- Brad Haugaard
Falls are Dangerous
Partial Preservation
According to a Monrovia city report, while the property owners are very cooperative, they "have encountered unforeseen issues involving the structural integrity of the house that must be addressed in order to meet the minimum requirements of the Building Code."
- Brad Haugaard
AeroVironment Ships Charger / Store Goes Online-Only / Basketball
Candy Store / Disability Claim
Cheap Paving / $8 Million Bond / Train Station Landscaping / Servicemen
Ecstacy Flyer / Monrovia Rockhounds / Schamadan's 20th
Monrovia's 125th Birthday Party
Mountain Lion Alert
40 Years in Prison, Meth, Fighting, Mountain Lion, Etc.
Arboretum Needs Your Opinion / Senator Needs Your Art
Online Library / Miss Majorette / Hiker Recovering
~ Last year Clifton student Madisen Buonsanti became Miss Beginner Pre-Teen Majorette of California.
~ Injured hiker recovering.
- Brad Haugaard
Doggy Drinking Fountain
- Brad Haugaard
Mayor to Testify before State Senate / Rename Olive Ave. Park? / Promotions
Carden School to Combine with Anita Oaks
Here is further information from the press release:
"The school will provide reasonably priced private school education from preschool through 8th grade, with a focus on individual attention to students, small class sizes, core curriculum, after school care, and many exciting opportunities for enrichment. Foothill Oaks Academy will kick off an engaging summer school program in 2011, which will be followed by a full academic program starting in September 2011.
"Both school boards and administrators came together to create Foothill Oaks Academy based on the best methods and style of education gleaned from both schools, with a continued commitment to core values and quality education that have come to define both schools within the community. The combination of the schools will provide a strong future, as well as improvements in academic programs for Foothill Oaks Academy. Nancy Lopez, the current principal at Anita Oaks School, and Diane Kieffaber, the current principal of Carden of the Foothills School, will co-direct Foothill Oaks Academy under the guidance of a board of trustees comprised of representatives from each school."
The Foothill Oaks Academy website is For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Ryan Soule at (626) 485-1688.
- Brad Haugaard
New Monrovia Walking Path / YMCA Run
Huffington in Charge of Patch / Wrestling / Kirby Profile
UPDATE 2: In a blog post on The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington writes: "AOL's covers 800 towns across America, providing an incredible infrastructure for citizen journalism in time for the 2012 election, and a focus on community and local solutions that have been an integral part of HuffPost's DNA."
Certainly media owners have political viewpoints, though they usually try to at least sound neutral, but it sounds here as if Huffington intends to use Patch as a political tool and bring it into ideological alignment with The Huffington Post. I hope I'm misinterpreting this because I wish Patch all the best and I've enjoyed and admired it, and I don't think politicizing it is the road to success.
Bear Poles / Basketball / Cupid / Author Talk / Rockin' Women / Tutoring
Market Grill Review
Antonovich Blasts State Government
Mr. Monroe / Boost Monrovia / Water Polo / Upper Room Play
Attack with a Drill, Child Abuse, Hit and Run, Robbery, Etc.
Portantino on Film Commission / Boys Soccer
Cutting California's Budget - A Lesson from Monrovia
I've been following Monrovia City Manager Scott Ochoa's colorful - and, I think, mostly correct - fulminations against the California state government, but I sympathize with Governor Brown's predicament: how to balance the state budget. Therefore, I would like to make a little proposal - based on an experience right here in Monrovia - to make a small cut in the state's expenses.
My proposal: Tell the Division of the State Architect to stop overseeing school construction. The DSA's task, according to its home page ( ), is to "provide design and construction oversight for K–12 schools and community colleges throughout the State of California." But to the best I can determine, the main result of its oversight is to waste school districts' time and money.
This oversight requirement is insulting and wasteful:
- It is insulting: The point of the DSA's oversight appears to be to ensure that new construction will be in compliance with Title 24 ( ), some state energy-saving rules ( ). But requiring Sacramento to review schools' construction plans is like spitting in the faces of the cities' and counties' planning departments. It is saying they are either a bunch of stupid hicks who can't understand and enforce Title 24, or that they can't be trusted to enforce the law.
- It is wasteful. A few years ago a community group headed by Ed Gililland, now president of the Monrovia Board of Education, wanted to build a snack bar at Monrovia High School. This little building had to be approved by the Division of the State Architect. A snack bar! If I remember correctly, it got stuck in the state bureaucracy for years, while all the time the cost of construction was rising, while all the time the students were deprived of the use of a new snack bar.
Solution: Do away with the oversight part of the DSA and turn it over to local planning departments, where it belonged in the first place. Eliminating pointless enforcement will save the state money and will save local school districts unnecessary and expensive delays in new construction.
Just a gripe I've wanted to air for years.
- Brad Haugaard