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Senior to Regular Housing

At its next meeting, on Jan. 4 at 7:30 p.m., the Monrovia City Council will consider whether to approve a settlement city staff has negotiated with the owner of the Primrose Villa and Villa Olive Oak apartments, which were built as senior housing.
History: The buildings were required to be senior housing for 20 years, but when the 20 years were up the owner, G&K Management Company, wanted to convert the buildings to be standard housing units. The City said no, that G&K needed a conditional use permit to do that. The owner and city disagreed but they worked on it for three years and came up with an agreement:
- At least 54 units will remain senior units and not more than 102 units will be conventional units.
- The owner will build parking structures at both locations, on Olive Avenue and on Colorado Boulevard.
- The owner will make various other improvements, including a bus shelter.
- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Now if only Monrovia would spend its future "redevelopment funds" (i.e. our tax dollars) on some new senior housing. Maybe even low-income senior housing. It wouldn't make the deveopler as much moola, of course, but would be so much better for our community in the long-term, allowing life-long Monrovians to stay in their town.
