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Police Report: Knife Robbery, Drug Arrest, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Dec. 9-15. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 490 service events, resulting in 104 investigations.  Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:
Vehicle Burglary
December 9 at 7:50 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 300 block of West Lime regarding a vehicle burglary.  The victim reported his vehicle had been broken into during the night and his GPS was taken.  The suspect broke the front passenger window to gain entry.  Investigation continuing.
Commercial Burglary     
December 9 at 9:47 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 800 block of South Myrtle regarding a burglary.  The victim reported his locked trailer had been broken into during the night.  Investigation continuing.
December 9 at 11:51 a.m., an officer went to Myrtle and Atara regarding two city signs having been tagged with graffiti.  A stop sign and a neighborhood watch sign had graffiti written on them with a black marker.  Investigation continuing.
Residential Burglary
December 9 at 4:27 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 300 block of North Alta Vista.  The resident had returned and saw someone had broken into the home.  She did not enter the house and called the police.  Officers arrived and made entry, but no suspects were located.  A rear window that is not visible from the street was pried open.  Investigation continuing.
December 10 at 9:50 a.m., a victim called on his cell phone to report he was robbed at knife point.  He described the suspect as an adult male, mid-20's, with dark curly hair and a blue shirt with a hood.  He was not hurt, but he was confused as to his exact location.  The suspect walked up behind him, threatened him with a knife and took his wallet.  The dispatcher was able to establish the victim's location.  Officers arrived and conducted an area search with the assistance of the Foothill Air Support helicopter, but did not locate the suspect.  However, based on the suspect's description, officers thought they possibly knew the suspect from previous contact.  An officer put together a photo line-up and the victim positively identified the suspect.  A wanted person was entered into the computer system for the suspect.  Investigation continuing.
Vandalism / Throwing an Object at a Moving Vehicle / Nighttime Curfew - Suspects Arrested
December 10 at 10:13 p.m., a subject was traveling east on Huntington, approaching Primrose, when he saw five male juveniles standing in front of a fast food restaurant.  As the victim drove by, he saw one of the juveniles throw an object at his vehicle, which shattered the rear window.  The juveniles ran into the restaurant, where they were detained by officers.  The juvenile who threw the object was identified and arrested.  The other four juveniles were brought to the station and cited for curfew violation.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested
December 11 at 2:04 a.m., a subject was riding passenger in a vehicle when he saw an officer in a parking lot in the 100 block of West Foothill.  The passenger exited the vehicle and approached the officer.  He reported to the officer that the driver was drunk and refused to let him drive.  He cautioned the officer that the driver had said he had a firearm in the vehicle.  The driver was stopped, and determined to be under the influence.  During a search of the vehicle, officers located an unloaded firearm under the rear seat and two loaded magazines in the glove box.  The driver was arrested and taken into custody.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested
December 11 at 3:43 a.m., officers observed a driver northbound on Myrtle from Huntington, driving at a high rate of speed.  Officers stopped the driver and during the investigation, determined the driver was under the influence.  He was arrested and taken into custody.
Drug Activity
December 12 at 1:59 a.m., officers responded to the area of Central and Magnolia regarding possible shots heard.  When they arrived in the area, they saw a group of three male subjects.  As they approached, one of the subjects threw an object on the ground, which turned out to be a toy replica of a firearm.  The officers detained the subject who threw the item and discovered he was in possession of methamphetamine.  The subject detained was arrested, and the other two subjects were identified and released.  The shot heard turned out to be a tire blowout on the freeway.
Dog Bite
December 13 at 2:45 p.m., a six month old female was taken from the arms of her mother by a 3 year old Great Dane.  The mother and baby both sustained bite injuries. The infant was transported via helicopter to Los Angeles County USC Medical Center. The baby is in stable condition in the neonatal unit.  The investigation is continuing.
Attempt Vehicle Burglary
December 14 at 3:01 a.m., an officer saw a male and female walking in the area of Grand and Aspen.  As the officer approached, the female threw something on the ground and quickly walked away from it.  The object was found to be methamphetamine.  The female subject was arrested.

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