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Monrovia Household Tip

I'd like to share today a tip I have learned from painful experience. But because this is a Monrovia blog I'll have to ask you not to share it with anybody living across the border in Arcadia.

Okay? Okay!

So, let's say you have cats (an orange one and a black one in this example) and, further, let's say you like to wear t-shirts, but sometimes you gotta change into a button shirt to go to church or a Christmas party or something. However, the t-shirt isn't dirty yet - you know because you sniffed it (I'm talking to guys, here) - so you lay it on your bed, planning to come back to it after the formal event.

But what happens? The wrong-color cat comes and lays on your t-shirt! (See pictures.) Note that dark cats do NOT lay on dark t-shirts and light cats do NOT lay on light shirts. They know that their fur will not properly show up on a similarly colored shirt.

So anyway, now you have orange cat hair on your black t-shirt and black hair on your white t-shirt. Sigh.

But, here's where this handy household tip comes in.

When you take the t-shirt off, simply flip it inside out and lay it on the bed.

Then the cat comes along all smug-like and lays on the t-shirt and thinks he's getting it all covered with cat hair, but then you come back and - Ha Ha! - flip the t-shirt right-side-out and put it on again. It's a little bit tickley, but not a whisker's worth of cat hair showing!

It's not so hard to trick a cat if you really put your mind to it.

- Brad Haugaard

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