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Champion Broadband Has New Website

Champion Broadband, which serves Monrovia, has launched a new website ( ). Here is the announcement:

- Brad Haugaard

Gold Line Freeway Bridge is Magazine Cover Story

The new Gold Line freeway bridge at Santa Anita Ave., and its echos of Native American culture, is the feature article in APWA (American Public Works Association) Southern California's Insight newsletter.

- Brad Haugaard

Thrift Store to Open on Foothill | Mayflower Closing at Rail Crossing | Fire Update

~ Giving Hands Thrift store will be opening at the corner of Foothill and Lincoln, in the old Extreme Boot Camp building. The store is accepting donations of used items, and is hiring.

~ Starting this Thursday, Sept. 26, through early December, Mayflower Ave will be closed at the railroad corridor for grade crossing improvements. During the street closure, which includes no through access for vehicles and pedestrians, a free shuttle will be provided to assist pedestrians around the closure daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

~ Madre fire 70 percent contained. Full containment expected by Friday.

- Brad Haugaard

Map of the Extent of the Madre Fire

Here is a map showing the extent of the Madre (Azusa Canyon) fire.

- Brad Haugaard

Madre Fire 30 Percent Contained

Star-News reporter Brian Day reports that the Madre fire in Azusa Canyon, now having burned 250 acres, is 30 percent contained and firefighters are working hard ahead of potential wind shifts tonight.

- Brad Haugaard

Madre Fire | Hammond Near Laguna Beach | Citrus College Grows | Zucco Endorsements

~ Driving home from Pasadena an hour ago I couldn't see a bit of smoke from the Madre fire. Hope that's a good sign.

~ On his Canada-to-Mexico bicycle ride, former Monrovia mayor and present school board member, Rob Hammond, is currently just past Corona Del Mar, heading toward Laguna Beach. About 100 miles to the Mexican border.

~ Citrus College, which serves Monrovia, has had its enrollment grow 13.9 percent.

~ Incumbent Monrovia School Board candidate, Alex Zucco, has announced that she has been endorsed by: Assemblymember Chris Holden; former Assemblymember Anthony Portantino; National Women's Political Caucus Greater Pasadena Area; Monrovia School Board Member Ed Gililland; Monrovia School Board Member Bryan Wong; and Monrovia City Councilman Larry Spicer.

- Brad Haugaard

Neighboring Fire Grows; 5% Contained

LA County Fire Department reports that during the night the Azusa fire, labeled the "Madre" fire, has grown to 200 acres and is five percent contained.

- Brad Haugaard

A Monrovia View of the Azusa Canyon Fire

A 6:30 a.m. view of the smoke plume from the Azusa Canyon fire, from the Pavilions center in Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Fire Next Door in Azusa Canyon

Update: Low wind, good. Voluntary evacuation for area. Copters fighting fire at night. No Super Scoopers, which don't operate at night.

Fire in Azusa Canyon next door to Monrovia. and and

- Brad Haugaard

Pouring Concrete at Train Maintenance Yard in Monrovia

Pumping concrete last week at the Gold Line Operations Campus in Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Canada-to-Mexico Bike Rider, Rob Hammond, Makes It to LA County

On his Canada-to-Mexico bicycle ride, former Monrovia mayor and present school board member, Rob Hammond, appears (based on the somewhat fussy tracking device) to now be in the neighborhood of El Segundo, California, down near LAX. It is road day 14.

- Brad Haugaard

YES Program Wins Monrovia a Statewide Helen Putnam Award

The League of California Cities has selected the city of Monrovia as a 2013 Helen Putnam Award winner. The 2013 award winners were honored during the Opening General Session of the League's Annual Conference & Expo at the Sacramento Convention Center held Sept. 18 - 20.

Monrovia won the Ruth Vreeland Award for Engaging Youth in City Government for the city's Youth Employment Service (YES) program to provide job training, mentoring and internship opportunities to Monrovia-at risk youth.

Now in its sixth year, YES has successfully graduated over 135 at-risk kids. The program provides mentoring and intervention features geared toward high school students, specifically those who have failing grades, unstable home lives, a police record or simply bad attitudes. Launched in 2007, the program is designed to address the community's need to improve the quality of life and opportunities for local youth in response to gang violence in some areas of the city.

Studies indicated that the relative effectiveness of combating gang activity was to place 70 percent of its efforts on prevention and intervention, and 30 percent on suppression. In Monrovia, the allocation of resources was reverse: 80 percent was being spent on suppression, while only 20 percent was being spent on prevention and intervention. At the time there were fewer job opportunities for the city's youth and funding for internships. YES was started to address these issues by partnering with the Santa Anita Family YMCA, Monrovia Unified School District and the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce.

"We are honored to receive the Helen Putnam award and are very proud of the YES program's success.  Of those youth who have graduated, we've seen grade point averages increase by 14%, absenteeism decrease by 200% and tardiness decrease by 145%," said Mayor Mary Ann Lutz.  "Many of these youth have focused their energies back into the community, which makes the YES program even more rewarding."

Established in 1982, the Helen Putnam Award for Excellence program recognizes outstanding cities that deliver the highest quality and level of service in the most effective manner possible.   Monrovia was one of 13 cities out of 149 applicants throughout California to receive this coveted award.
Source: City of Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Swiping Mail; Drugs; Domestic Violence; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Sept. 19-22. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.  
Spousal Battery / Possession of Controlled Substance
September 19 at 11:45 p.m., officers responded to a disturbance at a residence in the 300 block of South Madison.  The parties had been heard arguing for about an hour. After investigation, the officer determined the boyfriend had battered his girlfriend and left the area.  The boyfriend had been driven to the location by a friend and his belongings were still in the friend's vehicle parked on the street.  The officer walked to the vehicle and saw a medication bottle containing what appeared to be a controlled substance.  The driver of the vehicle was contacted and denied any knowledge of the medicine bottle and stated it belonged to the female's boyfriend.  The officer took possession of the medicine bottle.  The investigation is continuing.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
September 20 at 1:55 a.m., an officer observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed and stopped the vehicle at Mountain and Evergreen.  Through investigation, the officer determined the driver was driving under the influence and he was arrested.  Marijuana was found in the vehicle during the inventory search.
Mail Theft – Suspect Arrested
September 20 at 1:02 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of Jasmine called to report a subject taking his mail.  The resident was at a neighbor's house when he observed a male adult suspect enter his property and walk toward a rear house located on the same property.  The suspect returned holding a package.  The suspect then opened the resident's mailbox at the front residence and removed mail.  The resident confronted the suspect and he returned the mail and walked away on foot.  The resident called police.
Officers detained the suspect nearby and found he had two boxes containing new watches in his pants pockets.  During the investigation, a second package was located on the ground, nearby, which contained three unassembled high-capacity magazines for a firearm.  The subject was arrested.  The Postal Inspection Service was notified and they responded.  The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
September 20 at 3:25 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 200 block of West Palm.  The victim parked his 1994 Honda in front of his residence and discovered the vehicle was missing at 10:00 a.m. in the morning.  The investigation is continuing.
Possession of Smoking Paraphernalia / Warrant – Suspects Arrested
September 21 at 1:06 a.m., officers on patrol in the 300 block of West Foothill located six subjects behind a business.  Alcohol was being consumed and a couple of marijuana pipes were at the location.  All subjects were identified and field interview cards were completed.  One female subject was arrested for a no-bail narcotics warrant out of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and a second female was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia.  
Warrant / Possession of Methamphetamine – Suspect Arrested
September 21 at 12:33 p.m., an officer recognized a male subject riding a bicycle at Olive and Mayflower.  He had prior knowledge that the subject had an outstanding warrant for his arrest.  A computer check of the subject revealed the warrant was still outstanding and he was arrested by the officer.  During the search process, a small baggie of methamphetamine was found in one of the subjects socks.  He was charged with possession of methamphetamine and held in custody on the warrant.
Domestic Battery / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
September 21 at 9:38 p.m., a domestic disturbance was reported in the 1300 block of South Alta Vista.  Officers arrived and found the male subject waiting outside.  The couple had been arguing over a number of issues.  The investigation revealed the male subject pushed the female, knocking her to the floor.  No injuries were claimed or visible.  The male subject was determined to be the aggressor and was arrested for misdemeanor domestic violence and an outstanding warrant.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
September 22 at 3:22 a.m., a vehicle was stopped at Myrtle and Evergreen for a traffic violation.  The officer noticed the driver displayed signs of intoxication and conducted a field sobriety test.  The driver was determined to be under the influence and was arrested.
Domestic Violence / Criminal Threats
September 22 at 11:30 p.m., a female subject who lives in the 500 block of Fig called police to report that her boyfriend had just choked her and she was now hiding in her bedroom.  When officers arrived, the victim reported that she and her boyfriend had been arguing and it led to a physical altercation, with her boyfriend choking her and threatening to kill her if she phoned the police.  The boyfriend left the location before police arrived.  The investigation is continuing.
Violation of Court Order / Gang Injunction – Suspect Arrested
September 23 at 1:09 a.m., a caller reported three subjects fighting in the area of California and Monrovista.  When officers arrived, they located two subjects matching the description of the individuals reported.  Officers contacted the subjects.  One of the subjects had been served with the Gang Injunction and was in violation of the court order; the subject was arrested.  The second subject was identified and released.

Vape 101 Coming to Monrovia

There is a store called Vape 101 coming to the Pavilions shopping center at the corner of Myrtle and Foothill. But what is a "Vape?" 
Best I can figure out, "vape" is short for "vapor," and refers to a smoking alternative based on a liquid that is vaporized and inhaled. The liquid may contain nicotine or not.
- Brad Haugaard

Cathouse Thursday at Monrovia Benefit

The band, Cathouse Thursday ( ), will appear at a benefit Auction and Masquerade Ball on Friday, October 18, 2013 from 7-11 p.m. at the Monrovia DoubleTree at 924 W Huntington. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Pastor Admits to Crack-Like Addiction ;-)

Pastor Albert Tate, of Fellowship Monrovia, writes on Facebook that, "It's like crack! And I have a problem! There I said it." His addiction appears to be a Pizookie cookie, from BJ's Restaurant (there's one on Huntington in Arcadia). And, yes, there is an addictive quality to them.

- Brad Haugaard

MonroviaNow Offering Advertising is experimentally offering ad space to local advertisers. It is the space on the left of the web page where the vertical advertisement is now. It is a monthly build-it-yourself text ad (available for October) with a limited selection of backgrounds, fonts, font sizes and colors. The ad appears on the web page, not in any MonroviaNow email. has had an average of 9,443 page views per month for the last three complete months (June-August). For October the ad will cost $25, or best offer. Interested? Send me a note at

- Brad Haugaard

Flag Football and Cheer | Flu Shots | Halloween

~ Flag football and cheer programs available for elementary students. Wednesdays beginning October 2.

~ Over-50 flu clinics will be held on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month beginning in October through December, from 9 to 10 a.m. Questions? Contact Monrovia Walgreens at 408-6590.

~ Halloween Hikes (you gotta reserve a spot) and Halloween in Library Park.

Details on all these events:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Over San Dimas :-)

Monrovia defeats San Dimas 26-13 in football.

- Brad Haugaard

School Board: Monrovia High SkillsUSA Does Well in Competition | Ratify Contracts with Unions

At its Sept. 25 meeting (agenda: ), the Board of Education will ...

~ Congratulate the Monrovia High SkillsUSA TV/Video Production team of Jalen Mason and Scott Card for earning a Gold Medal in the State SkillsUSA competition and for finishing in the top ten in the National SkillsUSA competition in Kansas City. Also, it will commend the team's adviser, Tom Reale, for his professional guidance and support.

~ Consider ratifying contract agreements with the district's employee unions.

- Brad Haugaard