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22 Days to Register for Fountain to Falls Race

The City of Monrovia would like to remind you that there are 22 days left to register for Fountain to the Falls, a seven mile round-trip run/walk from the fountain in Library Park to the waterfall in Canyon Park. Registration at through May 16. Race starts at 7 a.m. Registration is $35/person and includes a t-shirt. Awards for top three finishers in each age category. For more information call the Community Center at 256-8246.

- Brad Haugaard

Firefighters Watch for Flare-Ups in Monrovia Fire

Firefighters keeping an eye out for flare-ups. Active firefighting has ceased.

- Brad Haugaard

Kids Book Celebration at Library Park

Book celebration for kids at Monrovia Library bandshell, Saturday, April 27, 1-3 p.m. Bilingual storytelling, Chinese dance. Free book to first 100 families. Free. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

Was Monrovia Fire a Preview?

Was Monrovia fire first in a bad fire season?

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Looking for Fire Photos

The City of Monrovia is looking for any photos taken of the Madison Fire as a way to say "Thank You" to all the first responders who sprang to action over the weekend to protect the hillside. Email your photos to, with the subject line "Madison Fire Photo," along with your name. Then see the photos displayed at the MFD Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 11, from 7-11 a.m. at Station 101, 141 E Lemon Ave. (And, by the way, there are lots of great photos at the link.)

- Brad Haugaard

More than 400 Homes Were Threatened During Monrovia Fire

"At the height of the incident, over 400 homes were directly threatened by the fire, and due to the hardwork of Monrovia Firefighters and mutual aid partners from across Southern California, no homes were damaged or destroyed," Monrovia Fire Chief Christopher Donovan said.

- Brad Haugaard

Holden Bill Would Prohibit Mail-Only Pharmacy Drug Agreements

Assemblymember Chris Holden's bill to ensure consumers have a choice in their pharmacy health plans has been overwhelmingly approved (7 to 2) in the Assembly Business, Professions and Consumer Protections Committee. Holden represents Monrovia.

AB 299 follows reports earlier this year that health insurer Anthem Blue Cross was going to require thousands of its California patients with chronic diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and HIV/AIDS to buy prescription drugs from a mail order pharmacy. Anthem has since backed off while they reevaluate the requirement. But Assemblymember Holden felt it was important to go ahead with the legislation to ensure consumers have a choice.

"We want to make sure that people who take specialty drugs are not being discriminated against," said Assemblymember Holden. "Forcing patients to use mail-order pharmacies could create a difficult situation for many patients with severe illnesses. Seniors especially feel comfortable with their local pharmacies because they are part of the community. If you want to order by mail, fine, but consumers should have a choice to buy local."

AB 299 would prohibit any mail-order pharmacy from entering into an agreement with an insurance plan or disability insurer that requires the use of a mail-order pharmacy for drugs or requires the patient to opt-out of the requirement.

"We were pleased to learn of the successful passage of AB 299 today in the Assembly Business, Professions, and Consumer Protection Committee, and we applaud Assembly Member Holden for his leadership on this issue," said Jon R. Roth, CEO of the California Pharmacists Association. "The Committee's action today was a significant victory for patients and protecting consumer choice in pharmacy benefits."

AB 299 is heard in the Assembly Health Committee next week.

Source: Holden press release

- Brad Haugaard

737 Airplane Spoilers - Built in Monrovia

Did you know airplanes have spoilers? Did you know they are manufactured right here in Monrovia, and Ducommun Inc. will be making the spoilers for the Boeing 737?

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Using Fake Passport to Steal; Meth in a Lexus; Bear Leaves House Through Closed Window; Driving While Phoning While Drunk; Dog Dies, Woman Lives; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 18-21. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.
Possession of a Counterfeited Seal / Burglary – Suspect Arrested
On April 18 at 10:53 a.m., officers responded to a bank in the 200 block of South Myrtle regarding a fraud report.  A male Asian suspect had obtained a fraudulent Chinese passport in another person's name.  He then accessed that person's checking account, deposited a fraudulent check into the account and withdrew $500 cash from the ATM.  After withdrawing the money, he entered the bank and attempted to withdraw more cash from this account that did not belong to him. 
The bank recognized the man as a wanted suspect from other incidents that have occurred all over Southern California, the last one in Sierra Madre.  They immediately called police, who responded and apprehended the suspect.  The account holder did not know the suspect.  Both the bank and the account holder desired prosecution.  The Chinese Consulate was notified, as well.  The suspect was arrested for possession of a counterfeited seal and burglary.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Possession of Burglary Tools / Warrants – Suspects Arrested
April 18 at 2:11 p.m., officers were in the area of Monrovia Canyon when they observed two suspicious male subjects driving a white Lexus.  They followed the vehicle and it was stopped in the 800 block of West Foothill.  Through investigation, the driver was determined to be in possession of two methamphetamine pipes and burglary tools.  The passenger had two outstanding warrants for his arrest; both warrants are for possession of stolen property.  The bail amount on one of the warrants was $100,000 and the other was a no-bail warrant.  Both subjects were arrested and taken into custody. 
Cell Phone Violation / Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested
On April 18 at 7:30 p.m., an officer stopped a distracted driver who was taking on her cell phone while driving in the 100 block of Stedman Place.  His investigation revealed the driver was lost and looking for a friend's house.  The driver was also determined to be driving under the influence and was arrested.
Grand Theft Auto
On April 19 at 6:43 a.m., a resident in the 600 block of Royal Oaks went outside his house and discovered his vehicle had been stolen.  The vehicle is a white, 1999, Ford E-150 Van.  He last saw his vehicle at 8:30 p.m. the night before.  The investigation is continuing.
Injury Traffic Collision – Vehicle vs. Pedestrian
On April 19 at 12:53 p.m., a female subject ran out into traffic in the 400 block of South Fifth Avenue, chasing after her dog that was off leash.  The dog was struck by a vehicle traveling 25-30 miles per hour and the female was sideswiped, causing visible injuries to her right leg.  The female subject was taken to a hospital and her dog to an animal hospital.  The female sustained abrasions only, but unfortunately, her dog did not survive its injuries.
Mental Evaluation
On April 19 at 8:15 p.m., a subject was taken to a hospital for medical issues and a 72-hour hold for mental evaluation.  The subject managed to escape from the hospital and a local search conducted by Arcadia Police Department met with no results.  After being notified by the hospital that the person had escaped, investigation revealed the suspect had an ex-girlfriend that lived at a residence in the 300 block of West Palm in Monrovia.  Officers went to the location and located the subject there.  He had kicked the door to the residence open to enter it.  He was taken back into custody and taken back to a hospital for treatment.
Bear Incident
On April 21 at 7:04 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 300 block of North Mayflower regarding a bear problem.  The homeowner went outside and left the rear sliding door open.  Two bears went into the house through the open screen door and wandered around the interior of the home.  When the homeowner went back into the house, she encountered an adult female bear and her cub.  The bears exited the residence, breaking out through a glass front window.  They headed north, back up into the hills.

Monrovia Firefighters Pancake Breakfast

Monrovia Firefighters (with Knights of Columbus) Annual Pancake Breakfast, May 11, 7-11 a.m. at Station 101, 141 E. Lemon Ave. Also, bouncy house, face painting, balloons and children getting the chance to dress up like a firefighter. Tickets are $5 and free to kids under 3 years old. All proceeds go towards a local charity. Questions? Contact Anthony Gallegos at 256-8102. (Opinion: Would probably be nice to support this to say thanks for their great job with the fire.)

- Brad Haugaard

Canyon Park Closed Today

'Thanks' on Fire-Endangered House | 85% Contained

~ A "thank you" to Monrovia firefighters on the side of a hillside house:

~ Fire 85% contained.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Church Moves to Church Building | Tea for Literacy

~ On May 5 Monrovia's Restored Life Fellowship church will move from its current location at Wild Rose School and hold its first service at its new home on Palm in the old First Christian Church building across from Library Park. According to a church Facebook posting, church members have been cleaning and painting the new building before moving in. Church member Bob Gollihugh said the church is leasing, not buying, so the building is still for sale. However, he said, it is not empty; about 16 groups use it regularly.

~ Tea in the garden fundraiser at Library Park on April 28, 1-3 p.m., to raise money to teach adults to read. Music, tea, sandwiches, desserts. Details:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fire Updates

I am closing out this fire log. It appears the danger has mostly passed. Any new incidents I will report in new postings.

~ Sunday 6:39 a.m. City reported late last night that fire is 50% contained, no damaged or destroyed structures, one heat-related incident with a firefighter, that was treated on scene and is doing well. "Personnel has been downgraded to 20 fire engines, 6 hand crews. Air support remains available if needed. At the peak of Madison fire, there were 220 fire fighters fighting the blaze. All incident command will now go through the Emergency Operations Center at Monrovia City Hall. 'There is no imminent danger. Some flames are still burning, primarily off of Lotone and Heather Heights,' said Fire Chief Chris Donovan.

~ I think I will call it a night after I make two more observations: 1. I am totally impressed with the professionalism and inter-departmental cooperation that has been on display today. The Monrovia government, fire and police, and the county and other assisting agencies seem to have done a great job. 2. This should make us all write a list of what we should grab if we have to evacuate suddenly. I had to think about that today, and I realized it would have been much better if I had already thought about it. G'night.

~ EVACUATION LIFTED: "Mandatory evacuation orders are being lifted for all neighborhoods EXCEPT Hidden Valley, Alta Vista, Briar Cliff and Highland. Residents may return to their homes, effective immediately. Residents in the Alta Vista, Briar Cliff, Hidden Valley and Highland neighborhoods can continue to seek support at the Red Cross shelter at the Monrovia Community Center, 119 W Palm Avenue, Monrovia, CA." City of Monrovia Facebook posting

~ Video interview with Monrovia Fire Chief Donovan. He estimates full containment by tomorrow evening. He said a shelter is open but nobody is using it. Night operations will be focused on cutting containment lines.

~ Fire slowing. LA Times reports: "City spokeswoman Jennifer McLain said the fire appears to have died down somewhat, and Monrovia Fire Chief Chris Donovan 'is very comfortable with the situation.'"

~ 8:20 Barely a breath of wind outside. The helicopters have stopped, perhaps because it is too dark.

~ I can't see a spot of smoke or a glimmer of orange on the hillsides, but police cars with flashing lights are blocking northbound roads where they intersect Hillcrest.

~ Raw footage of the fire from earlier today on KGEM.

~ 7:58 p.m. Twitter reporter "E. SGV Scanner," who reports on police scanner traffic, says: "Resident alleges most of the 300 block of N Highland is w/o power. Edison reportedly shut it off due to the fire, PD said."  Also E. SGV Scanner says police from Covina, Sierra Madre, Claremont, El Monte "and probably more" are aiding Monrovia.

~ 7:33 p.m. I can't see a spot of smoke from my house but helicopters still going back and forth. As long as there's light, I guess. Sounds like good progress.

~ "The Pasadena Firefighter injured earlier in the day was able to be treated on scene and is doing fine." From City website.

~ "The concern for tonight is downwind draft, which is typical for foothill areas," said Monrovia Fire Chief Chris Donovan. "I am comfortable with the situation and the lack of wind." From City website.

~ City of Monrovia "will discuss in the next hours lifting evacuations," according to a city Twitter post. Well, too early to relax, but that sounds like good news.

~ A great set of pro (make that "awesome") photos of the fire at the Star-News:

~ The brush on the hillsides is dry and 55 to 100 years old and is in difficult terrain, Monrovia spokeswoman Jennifer McLain said. She added that "this has been a topography and fuel-driven fire."

~ Los Angeles Fire Department has assigned a strike team and a helicopter to the Monrovia fire.

~ KTLA reporter Christina Pascucci writes on Twitter that the chief (Monrovia Chief, I'd guess) said humidity may go up tonight, which should help. Also, as mentioned below, concern about gusts.

~ Wonder Dog Ranch, of Monrovia, is offering to board your pet if you are an evacuee. Here is its website:

~ City of Monrovia reports fire has now burned 170 acres and 10% contained.

~ Six second looping video I just shot of a helicopter returning from dropping water.

~ ABC7 reports that winds are pushing the fire to the north, but the winds tend to shift with sundown and that could be a problem. Particular area of concern: Highland Place.

~ Pasadena Humane Society is offering evacuees free boarding for their pets. Call 626.792.7151.

~ Wind apparently from south to north, blowing away from the main part of town, but there are homes up in the hills.

~ 5:28 Live video from the air.

~ 5:04 - VOLUNTARY EVACUATION: Just got an automated call from Monrovia FD saying the department recommends evacuating for residents east of Fifth, west of Bradbury and north of Hillcrest. (I had Foothill instead of Hillcrest earlier. I think we mis-heard it since a neighbor was very sure it said "north of Hillcrest.")

~ MORE MANDATORY EVACUATIONS: Mandatory Evacuations have expanded to include the following neighborhoods: Crescent, El Nido, Highland from Foothill, Franklin, Scenic 400-500 blocks, Cloverleaf, Lotone, Hidden Valley, Ridgeside, Briar Cliff, Golden Hills, and everything west of Canyon Park North of Scenic.

~ "If you haven't already, be sure to check with the elderly in your neighborhood to make sure they are aware of the situation and have an evacuation plan if necessary." City Facebook post

~ ABC7 Eyewitness News says the fire has consumed 150 acres and is 10 percent contained.

~ 4:36. Random remembrance and reminder to self to be careful: Long ago I wrote a story for the Star-News and led with a quote from a fire captain who said that if the winds continued to die down a fire above Duarte would be contained with no damage to structures. That night the wind kicked up and 80 homes burned down.

~ 4:20 It could be my imagination, but the smoke seems more dissipated. But that is a very distant and amateur observation. Don't give it much credence.

~ Several folks on Twitter have reported a bear on the fire line. Smokey?

~ 3:42 Fire Department says no structures "directly threatened" right now.

~ 3:39 Star-News reporter says: "Fire at 90 acres, 10 percent contained. 60 engines, 5 helicopters, 2 airplanes, 2 dozers and 6 hand crews are working the blaze."

~ Map of mandatory evacuation area.

~ Monrovia Fire Chief Chris Donovan is asking for a mandatory evacuation of homes on Heather Heights, Alta Vista, Melrose, Magnolia, Hidden Valley, Mesa Circle, Sky Way, and Patrician Way.

 3:25 Monrovia Police closing streets north of Foothill Blvd, Lincoln to Myrtle to thru traffic. Residents can still get to/from homes. City report on Twitter

- 3:09 Hills above Monrovia haven't burned in years. No lack of fuel.

- 3:07 Occasional gusts have started. Not good.

- 3:06 Flames easily visible from various points along Hillcrest.

~ 2:56. Airplanes are dropping the red flame retardant now.

~ 2:45. One report says fire has consumed more than 18 acres now.

~  2:44 p.m. From my vantage point it appears the fire is pretty big and is heading down the east slope of the hills toward Hidden Valley (just off the top end of Alta Vista).

~ Police recommend hillside residents living west of Myrtle evacuate their homes as a precaution.

~ KGEM reports on Twitter that evacuation center has been set up at the Community Center.

~ LA County Fire Department reports it is assisting with Monrovia Fire. Including an air rescue unit, if needed.

~ ABC News says no structures threatened yet.

~ City of Monrovia reports "Local fire agencies are going door-to-door to notify residents. The US Forest Service and Los Angeles County are also assisting."

- Brad Haugaard

View of the Monrovia Fire

Here's a view of the brushfire from the corner of Scenic and Canyon, looking west.

Update: from CBS:

- Brad Haugaard

Fire in Monrovia Hills

It looks like a brush fire in the mountains in northwest Monrovia. Firefighting helicopters reloading at the helipad just below Monrovia Canyon Park.

Bear 'Bluff' Attack in Monrovia

Monrovian Albert Vergara, on the "Monrovia Bears" (upper Monrovia) group reported a close encounter with a bear. He wrote:

"My wife found herself between a bear and her cub!! definitely not a favorable place to find yourself. The mother bear became agitated and did what we hope was just a 'BLUFF CHARGE,' right in the middle of Mayflower, one house above Hillcrest. An unknown gentleman in a car saw what was happening and drove his car between the bear and my wife! The man blared his horn which helped to retreat the bear."

Comment: Like I've said, these critters are getting bolder and bolder.

- Brad Haugaard

League of California Cities Promotes Monrovia

Monrovia gets a nice write-up at the League of California Cities website for its work in making the city more attractive to residents, tourists and business.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Repeat Loiterer-in-Park; Burglary; Drug Paraphernalia

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 15-17. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 414 service events, resulting in 84 investigations.
Residential Burglary
April 15 at 2:46 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 800 block of South Mayflower.  The resident left her residence at 7:30 a.m. and returned home at 2:46 p.m. to discover the front door wide open.  A rear window was smashed and property was taken.  The investigation is continuing.
Violation of Court Order – Suspect Arrested
April 17 at 5:11 p.m., a known subject with a restraining order that prevents him from loitering at Library Park was observed in the park by an officer on patrol.  He was detained; the restraining order was confirmed, and he was arrested for the violation.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspect Arrested
April 17 at 11:23 p.m., an officer contacted a suspicious subject in the area of Montana and Primrose.  The subject consented to a search of his person, and during the search, the officer located a syringe in his possession.  He was arrested and cited out in the field for possession of drug paraphernalia.

Lunch at Something Healthy

Lunch at Something Healthy, on Shamrock just a smidge north of Huntington. Got the Caribbean Jerk Chicken Panini ($7.45 including tax) and an ice tea. This is always a pleasant place for lunch and the panini was fine.

- Brad Haugaard