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Monrovia's Senator Liu Introduces a Variety of Mostly-Education Bills

I have been remiss in following the bills introduced by Monrovia's Senator, Carol Liu. Here they are:

~ SB 116. "The Personal Income Tax Law allows taxpayers, until January 1, 2014, to designate on their tax returns that a specified amount in excess of their tax liability be contributed to the Emergency Food Assistance Program. This bill would extend the operation of these provisions until January 1, 2019."

~ SB 174 specifies the types of adult education that can receive State education funds.

~ SB 177 would require that children in foster care who are shifted around by law be immediately deemed to have met residency requirements for school extracurricular activities.

~ As best I can figure out, SB 188 would allow counties to set up "conservation camps" for prisoners, like those operated by the state.

~ SB 192 would "require child care resource and referral programs" to "provide information about certain child care services" to families that qualify.

~ SB 195 would require the Governor's Office of Planning and Research to set goals for state colleges and universities.

~ SB 201 would tax school textbook publishers and manufacturers for the cost of the the State Board of Education adopting a basic curriculum for "language arts and English language development" for K-8 California schools.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Whistler | Medical Records

~ An old Huell Howser video has popped up on YouTube. It's of champion whistler, Carole Anne Kaufman, of Monrovia.

~ A new bill by Monrovia's assemblyman, Chris Holden, would allow a representative of a patient to have the same access to the patient's medical records as the actual patient ( ).

- Brad Haugaard

Frosty Night

Frost warning for the whole county tonight, which means bring in or protect any sensitive plants, and of course, let the dog and cat in.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Employees May Get Pay Restored

At its next meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will consider approving an employee contract for the 2013-14 fiscal year. All three of its bargaining units - teachers, support, and administrative - would get ...

- A 3% salary increase, which is a reinstatement of an earlier pay cut.

- A 2.78% increase in benefits.

- Five more instructional days per year, from 175 back up to 180.

Total cost will be $1,118,621.

The cost increase for the 2013-14 year will come out of reserves (though the district will not drop below its 3% legal reserve minimum) and for subsequent years it will be paid for from "Existing reserves and future cost reductions as necessary."

Comment: Hmmm. I'm happy for everybody's pay to be restored, but dipping into reserves for a continuing expense seems a bit dicey in the long term. But maybe I'm missing something.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at King Hao Chinese Restaurant

Had lunch at King Hao Chinese Restaurant, formerly Shanghai Dumpling, in the Certified Market center, at Foothill and May. Got the Sizzling Plate Beef for $8.95 and a cup of tea. It came with egg flower soup and ... kimchi? It was good.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Goals Meeting | Marshmallow Shooters | Valentine Stories

~ City of Monrovia goal-setting workshop for Plan Monrovia, which will influence the city's strategic plan and 2013-2015 budget. Feb. 9, 8:30 a.m. for refreshments, 9 a.m. start time, at the Police Department at Lime and Ivy.

~ Marshmallow Shooters, Saturday Feb. 9, 7-9 p.m. at the Library. Use physics to catapult marshmallows into the sky. For 6th-12th graders only.

~ Valentine stories, Saturday Feb. 9, 2-3 p.m. at the Library. Favorite Valentine stories, songs, crafts and film. Snacks. Ages 4 years through 5th grade.

- Brad Haugaard

Details of Proposed Settlement Between Monrovia and Developer

At a special meeting on Monday, Feb. 11 at 7 p.m. (agenda: ) the Monrovia City Council will consider a proposal to end some lawsuits against the city related to development around the Gold Line.

The proposed agreement is a bit of a monster, but here it is if you want to look ( ), however, the main points seem to be that Samuelson & Fetter, LLC, will ...

- Get to buy a chunk of land near the new rail station for $2,780,000.

- Get $510,000 from the city, of which $110,000 will go to pay city development fees.

- Be reimbursed by the city for its environmental insurance costs on the land.

- Get street improvements from the city on the streets around the property.

- Brad Haugaard

Mexican Restaurant at Monrovia's Aztec Hotel Open in a Month? | Holden's Innovation Bill

~ When will the new Mexican restaurant at the Aztec Hotel open? On Facebook, the Aztec folks say: "So how does St. Patricks day sound??? I cannot think of a better day to crack a few." That's tentative, though.

~ Monrovia's Assemblyman, Chris Holden, has introduced a bill (AB 250) to create a "California Innovation Hub Program." The program - which is authorized to use underused state properties - will create "iHubs" to assist innovative start-up businesses.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Suspects Arrested in $2,000 of Graffiti Damage

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Feb. 4-6. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 434 service events, resulting in 84 investigations.

Vandalism - Suspects Arrested

February 4 at 10:08 a.m., staff from Monrovia High School reported that they had two students detained for vandalism. The high school has had an increase in graffiti on campus recently, so the staff and security had been on alert. One of the security officers noticed a student with graffiti on his pants and escorted him to the office. In the office, security located over 30 markers in the student's backpack.

Officers arrived and during the interview, the student admitted to tagging numerous places throughout the City of Monrovia with another student. Officers researched the monikers in previous graffiti vandalism incidents that have occurred in the City. They discovered nearly $2,000 in graffiti damage had been reported with the monikers the students use. The students were arrested and later released to parents on citations to appear in court.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police Looking for this Woman

Suspect: Female Hispanic, approximately 5'5", 180 lbs., stocky build, medium complexion, long brown shiny hair past the shoulders, wearing unknown color dress pants, thin white blouse and a thin grey sweater, and spoke with a Spanish accent.

Suspect Vehicle: Early 2000, dark grey, BMW, possibly 323I model, 2DR, tint on all windows, black and white paper rear plate that read "Discount" NFD. The vehicle is described as not taken care of.

On January 31, 2013, at approximately 2:24 p.m., the victims interrupted a residential burglary at a residence in the 100 block of Norumbega Avenue in the City of Monrovia. The victims' residence backs up to an alley. The suspect vehicle was seen parked in the alley behind the victims' detached garage. The female suspect was standing next to the suspect vehicle holding the victims' back gate open. One of the victims confronted the female suspect. The female suspect got nervous and got into the driver's seat of the suspect vehicle and fled through the alley. The victims found their safe on a dolly next to the gate, where the female suspect was standing. The victims then discovered their home had been burglarized.

The suspect may have had accomplices. The victims said they saw the same suspect vehicle with a male driver, NFD, driving through the neighborhood. The safe was located on the second floor of the residence; it would be difficult for one person to bring it down and load it onto a dolly.

Source: Monrovia Police press release

- Brad Haugaard

AeroVironment Package Deal | Cold Snap | Hong Kong Market

~ Monrovia's AeroVironment is offering a new package deal: buy an electric or hybrid car and get an AeroVironment car charger as part of the package.

~ The weather people guesstimate temperatures will be below 70 degrees until next Wednesday ( ). Cold front arriving from Alaska ( ).

~ Progress on completing Hong Kong Supermarket, on Duarte Road.

- Brad Haugaard

Healthy Smoothie Store in Monrovia

New Liberty Nutrition, a healthy smoothie store, has opened on Lemon Ave.

- Brad Haugaard

Antonovich Helps Secure $250,000 Park Grant for Monrovia

Monrovia press release on $250k county grant to fix up Julian Fisher Park:

A 1.8 acre park that had its aging and vandalized playground equipment removed more than two years ago will finally get some of the funding it needs.

On Tuesday, Councilwoman Becky Shevlin announced that Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich awarded a $250,000 grant to the City of Monrovia for the refurbishment of Julian Fisher Park, at Almond and California Avenues. The money is coming from Safe Neighborhoods Parks Propositions of 1992 and 1996, commonly referred to as Proposition A/Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District. It is expected to be received by the City in three months.

It has not yet been determined what exactly the money will be used for in refurbishing the park, "but we are extremely excited and thankful to have the funds and look forward to putting it to good use in the near future," Councilwoman Shevlin said.

Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said she is grateful to both Supervisor Antonovich and Councilwoman Shevlin for working together to secure these funds for a park that has been on the forefront of many community members' minds.

"We have heard from residents for several years now that they want to see improvements at Julian Fisher Park," Mayor Lutz said. "It is refreshing to be able to say to the community that not only have we been listening, but we finally have some funding to make a change."

The Julian Fisher improvements and equipment upgrades have been on the City Council's approved Parks Capital Projects list for many years, but as an unfunded project. The playground equipment alone has a $350,000 price tag. Adding restrooms and upgrading the basketball courts, water fountains, gazebos and picnic benches are also on the improvement list but are still unfunded.

Family members of Mr. Fisher said they are elated that the park will be restored, and that it is a reminder to continue fundraising efforts to make up for the remaining funding gap.

"On behalf of the Fisher family, we are ecstatic to hear that we have received this funding," said Betty Thomas, a longtime Monrovia resident and granddaughter of Mr. Fisher.

The park is named after Julian Fisher, one of Monrovia's first African American police officers. Mr. Fisher was educated in the Monrovia schools and was the first African American male to graduate from the high school. He also played as a semi-professional baseball player for the Monrovia Merchants. Mr. Fisher was a respected member of the community and the police department, where he served for 30 years. He passed away in 1979 at the age of 82.

Mrs. Thomas said she will be announcing the receipt of the grant and the continued fundraising efforts at a Black History Month event hosted by the Monrovia-Duarte Black Alumni Association on Saturday, February 9 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Julian Fisher Park.

"Receiving this funding will hopefully light a fire under the community as work to continue to raise funds for this park," Thomas said. "Our main concern has been the full utilization of the park, and hopefully this funding and future fundraising will allow us to do that."

Julian Fisher is one of seven parks in the City.

"In working with our cities and town councils, developing parks and open space recreational areas is a vital part of the County's effort to improve the quality of life for our residents," Supervisor Antonovich said. "We are pleased to announce $250,000 to the City of Monrovia to refurbish Julian Fisher Park."

- Brad Haugaard

Microbrewery Coming to Monrovia | Rain Friday? | Football Players Pick Schools

~ Pacific Plate Brewing Company, Monrovia's first microbrewery, to open soon.

~ A good chance of rain on Friday.

~ Three Monrovia Wildcat football players make their college picks.

- Brad Haugaard

'Another Kid's Treasure' Store Opens

A reader notes a new business, owned by a Monrovian, that I missed. He writes:

It is called Another Kid's Treasure and it is located at 1309 S. Shamrock. It's a consignment shop and deals in clothing, gear, toys and such for babies, kids, and moms, including maternity wear. They have a website at or the store can be visited during its open hours on Wednesdays from 9:30 to noon; Thursday's from 3 to 5:30: Friday's from 11 to 2; and Saturday's from 11 to 4.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fire Department on an Early Call

Photo: Monrovia fire trucks make an early call this morning.

- Brad Haugaard

Will Aztec Hotel Shed Shed?

The Aztec Hotel reports on Facebook that it will ask the city's permission to remove this shed on the north side of its parking lot to provide more room for cars.

Monrovia Police: He Wasn't Really Looking for His Dog; Grand Theft Seafood; Burglars in Beemers; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Jan. 31-Feb. 3. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.

Commercial Burglary - Suspects Arrested

January 31 at 11:11 a.m., two juveniles, 17 and 15 years old, went into a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain. They both concealed Internet cable connectors in their waistbands and were detained by store loss prevention. They admitted their intent to enter the business and steal the items. They were arrested and taken into custody for the offense, and later released to parents.

Residential Burglary - Three Suspects Arrested

January 31, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department contacted a suspicious male subject in the area of Lemon and Ranchito and requested a Monrovia officer respond to the location. The officer responded and contacted the subject. The subject was not from the area and told the officer he was looking for his dog that had wandered away. The subject had no wants or warrants. He was identified and released. The officer had a strong suspicion the subject was lying about his activity in the area and he continued to patrol the area.

A resident contacted the officer and told him the male subject had met up with another male subject in a white shirt and they had left the area together. The officer located a subject in a white shirt who matched the description at a park in the 600 block of Shamrock. He contacted the second subject and while speaking with him, he observed a car with the windows open and keys in the ignition. The officer then left the location.

Believing the subjects were connected with the car, he and another officer watched the car from nearby. Within a short period of time, the two male subjects the officer had contacted and a third male subject ran to the car and got in. The officers conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle before they could leave the area.

During a search of the vehicle, officers located possible stolen property, including an Xbox and bicycle parts. While they were still searching the vehicle, a police dispatcher advised the officers that a call had been received of a home in the area with the front and rear doors open. The address of the residence matched the address on some documents found in the car the officers were searching. The three suspects were arrested for residential burglary. The suspects had forced entry through a rear door into the home located in the 1000 block of Oak Leaf and had stolen property from the residence.

Residential Burglary

January 31 at 12:39 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 300 block of North Canyon. The suspect(s) entered the home through an unlocked rear door. The loss was jewelry, camera equipment and a laptop. A male Hispanic with short hair with gel in it and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt was seen in the driveway around the time the crime occurred. The investigation is continuing.

Residential Burglary

January 31 at 2:24 p.m., officers responded to the report of a burglary in progress in the 100 block of Norumbega. A female Hispanic in a newer, dark grey BMW with paper plates that read "Discount Auto" was seen leaving the residence. Officers arrived and searched the area, but did not locate the suspect vehicle. Through further investigation, officers learned there were at least two people in the car. Jewelry and other items were taken in the burglary. The investigation is continuing.

Residential Burglary

January 31 at 2:34 p.m., a burglary was reported in the 100 block of North Myrtle. The suspect(s) entered the residence through an unlocked rear window. The suspect(s) gathered costume jewelry into a bag; however, it was left at the scene and no other loss was discovered. The burglary occurred sometime between 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. It appears the suspect(s) were scared off and left the location prior to taking any property. The investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto

January 31 at 4:36 p.m., police responded to a business in the 3300 block of South Peck Road. A silver, 1992 Toyota sedan was stolen from the business lot sometime after 2:20 a.m. The vehicle had traffic collision damage to the right rear quarter panel. The investigation is continuing.


February 1 at 9:31 a.m., vandalism was reported at a business in the 900 block of South Myrtle. Suspect(s) etched graffiti into four panes of glass. No suspects were seen. The incident possibly occurred in the evening or early morning hours. Investigation continuing.

Petty Theft

February 1 at 6:05 p.m., a cashier from a business in the 400 block of West Huntington reported that a female Hispanic suspect left the store with a cart full of groceries without attempting to pay for the food. She loaded the groceries into a dark SUV and fled east on Huntington. Officers checked the area, but did not find the suspect. The investigation is continuing.

Grand Theft Auto

February 2 at 10:46 a.m., two commercial tractor trucks with attached trailers loaded with seafood were reported stolen from a business in the 1700 block of South Mountain. The theft occurred sometime after 10 p.m. A white vehicle could be seen in the surveillance video. Four suspects exited and walked out of view toward the trucks. The trucks were started and warmed up, and then driven out. The tractor trucks were a white, 1999 Peterbuilt and a gold, 2004 Peterbuilt. The investigation is continuing.

Armed Robbery / Attempted Carjacking - Suspect Arrested

February 2 at 5:34 a.m., officers were dispatched to a hotel in the 700 block of West Huntington regarding a robbery investigation. The victim arrived in his vehicle and parked in the hotel parking lot. As he exited his vehicle, a male suspect approached and told the victim to give him his cell phone. The suspect brandished a handgun and took the victim's cell phone and car keys. The suspect attempted to start the vehicle, but the vehicle would not start and the alarm sounded. The suspect exited and left the area on foot, northbound through the parking lot. The suspect took the victim's keys and cell phone. Officers responded and located the suspect in the area and detained him. The suspect was positively identified by the victim and was arrested and taken into custody.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblyman's 'Choose California' Farm Products Bill

Assemblyman Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, has released a statement about his bill that would require government institutions to buy California produce first ( reported on earlier here: ). The press release says:

Under AB 199, state-owned or state-run institutions would be required to Choose California farm products. Public institutions - such as public schools, prisons or hospitals - would have to buy agricultural products grown in California before buying from out-of-state suppliers.

"It just makes sense to put California-grown crops first," said Assemblymember Holden. "It's a win-win for everyone. The public institutions get a locally-grown product, we're helping create opportunities for our farmers and a new appreciation for local food helps stimulate the economy.

Choose California is similar to the federal Buy America Act that requires government entities to buy American. In order to get preferential treatment, state-grown products must not exceed the price of those grown out-of-state by more than 5%.  School districts must purchase California grown products first as long as they aren't more expensive than out-of-state products.

"California farmers strongly support having California government institutions purchase food grown in our state," California Farm Bureau President Paul Wenger said. "This bill would introduce more Californians to the amazing variety of agricultural products grown in the state and help them develop the healthy habit of seeking out nutritious, affordable California-grown foods, which will have long-term benefits to farmers and the agricultural economy."

According to the Department of Food & Agriculture, California is the number one state in agricultural output with farms and ranches earning a record $43 billion last year.
Comment: The only thing that escapes me about this is: Why is it necessary? Isn't California still an amazing agricultural powerhouse? Isn't it cheaper to ship produce from the Imperial Valley or Central Valley than from out of state? And if so, why is it necessary to force local governments to buy California produce? If for some reason it is cheaper to get produce from out of state, then this seems to be a 5% additional cost on the produce purchased by California schools. Schools aren't on a tight enough budget already?

- Brad Haugaard

Antonovich Provides Quarter of a Million for Monrovia Park

Monrovia City Council Member Becky Shevlin reports that County Supervisor Michael Antonovich has authorized $250,000 to help upgrade Monrovia's Julian Fisher Park. Shevlin said the park actually needs about a $1 million for a full upgrade, but $250,000 is a great start.

- Brad Haugaard