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Spicer is - Technically - No Longer on Monrovia City Council

With the resignation of Monrovia City Councilman Clarence Shaw, fill-in Councilmember Larry Spicer's service with the city is also at an end, according to City Manager Laurie Lile.

She writes - for an agenda item at a special meeting (this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. - ) - that "the City Council's only practical option for action to fill the vacancy is to appoint a replacement candidate for the remaining few weeks of Councilmember Shaw's existing term."

Also at the meeting, the Council will decide whether to hold an election or cancel it since there are the same number of candidates as there are offices.

Comment: I suppose the council could, technically, appoint someone other than Spicer to serve the remainder of Shaw's term, though, if I understand, Spicer would be right back on the council since there is nobody running against him. Should be interesting.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Wilderness Area May Open by February | Shaw Resignation Letter | Holden Proposes Break for Armed Forces | Church Anniversary Video

~ According to a report on the city web site, there is now "informal access" to the long-delayed Hillside Wilderness Preserve, but but the formal opening will probably be this month or in February 2013. City Manager Laurie Lile reports that you can follow progress in opening the reserve and recreation area here:

~ Shaw's resignation letter to the Monrovia City Council.

~ If you buy something in California, you pay sales tax, collected by the seller, and if you buy it outside the state and bring it in, you are still supposed to pay tax on it, but it is called a "use tax." But what if you are a member of the armed forces who buys something and then is transferred to California? Well, Assemblyman Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, has introduced a bill to exempt from use tax property purchased by armed forces personnel who are then transferred to California.

~ Fellowship Monrovia church has released a video celebrating its first anniversary.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Stolen Truck Chase and Crash; Returning an Empty Box for Refund; Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Jan. 17-20. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events. 
Residential Burglary
January 17 at 3:30 a.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 500 block of West Hillcrest.  The resident left her home at 7:00 a.m. and locked her front door.  At 10:30 a.m., she returned home and discovered someone had pried open her front door and gained entry inside.  The suspect had fled the scene prior to the resident arriving home and had stolen a 42 inch flat screen TV, a Kindle Fire tablet, and a Nintendo Wii.  The investigation is continuing.
Hit & Run Traffic Collision - Suspect Arrested
January 18 at 5:37 a.m., police responded to a hit and run traffic collision at the intersection of Huntington and Shamrock.  The suspect collided with the victim and fled the scene.  Officers located the suspect in the area and stopped him at Mountain and Huntington.  The suspect vehicle had moderate front end damage and a broken windshield.  The suspect was positively identified and a private persons arrest was made.
Grand Theft Auto Recovery / Hit and Run Traffic Collision
January 18 at 7:37 a.m., an officer observed a speeding vehicle weaving through traffic while traveling eastbound at Huntington and Ivy.  The officer followed the vehicle, which turned south onto California.  The vehicle, a Toyota Tacoma pickup, continued at a high rate of speed, weaving back and forth.  The officer attempted a traffic stop, but as he did so, the driver attempted to turn east onto Los Angeles and lost control of the truck, which crashing through the fence of a residence on the southeast corner of California and Los Angeles.  The driver immediately exited the truck and jumped over a wall on the south side of the property.
A perimeter was set up to contain the suspect; however, he was not located.  Subsequent investigation included the owner of the truck making a grand theft auto report.  The person who reported the truck stolen was not the suspect driver the officer observed.  The investigation is continuing.
Driving on a Suspended License / Warrant - Suspect Arrested
January 18 at 8:50 a.m., an officer on patrol observed a suspicious white van driving east on Hillcrest from Madison and turned his police car around to check on the van.  The driver pulled over some distance ahead and walked toward a group of three construction workers standing in front of a home that is under construction.  The officer exited his vehicle and spoke to the group.  He asked a few questions and realized the three construction workers did not really know the subject who had exited from the van.  The driver had pulled over and attempted to mingle with the subjects, hoping to fool the officer.  The officer determined the driver of the van was driving on a suspended license and had an outstanding warrant for driving under the influence.  He was arrested and taken into custody for the charges and his vehicle was stored.   
Possession of a Controlled Substance / Warrant - Suspect Arrested
January 18 at 4:47 p.m., dispatch received a call reporting a suspicious person possibly using or dealing drugs in front of a business in the 100 block of West Foothill.  An officer responded and detained the suspect and determined he had illegal possession of the prescription drug, Xanax.  He also had an outstanding warrant.  The suspect was arrested.
Suicidal Subject / Warrants - Two Suspects Arrested
January 18 at 6:21 p.m., a female subject called to report her daughter was suicidal and had threatened to hang herself.  Officers arrived and searched the location for the suicidal subject, but she was not at the home.  During the search of the house, a large cache of cameras and other electronics was found.  A female subject who was at the location was found to have a warrant for receiving stolen property.  While she was being taken into custody, the suicidal subject returned home.  She was taken to a hospital and held for a 72-hour mental evaluation.  Because of the volume of property at the location, a search warrant was served.  Another male subject who was wanted by the Burbank Police Department for receiving stolen property showed up at the location.  He was also arrested.  The investigation is continuing.
Narcotics Warrant - Suspect Arrested
January 19 at 10:23 a.m., officers went to a residence in the 200 block of West Palm seeking a subject wanted on a narcotics related arrest warrant.  Upon their arrival, the subject fled to the garage and attempted to hide.  He climbed through the attic area of the garage which connects to two neighboring garages.  Officers convinced him to climb back into his garage and surrender himself.  He was arrested and taken into custody without further incident. 
No-Bail Warrant / Possession of Marijuana - Suspect Arrested
January 19 at 3:37 p.m., an anonymous caller reported the location of a subject who was wanted on a no-bail warrant.  The subject was at a business in the 100 block of West Huntington with several other subjects who were thought to be gang members.  When officers arrived and approached, the suspect attempted to flee.  Officers detained him, but he continued to resist.  He was eventually subdued and arrested.  The suspect was also found to be in possession of marijuana.  One of the officers received minor injuries in the altercation.
Commercial Burglary - Suspects Arrested
January 20 at 3:17 p.m., two brothers entered a business in the 300 block of West Huntington with an empty, but sealed, Kindle box and returned it for cash.  One brother distracted the manger, while the other brother returned the box.  When the employee went to open the box, the suspect turned and ran.  The other brother had exited the store just prior.  An officer responded and was able to locate one of the suspects and arrested him for burglary.  The brother who took the money was still outstanding.  Later that evening, the outstanding suspect turned himself in at the Monrovia Police Department and he was also arrested for burglary.

Monrovia Police Plan Drunk Driving Crackdown on Friday

Officers from the Monrovia Police Department's DUI Enforcement Team will be deploying this weekend to stop and arrest alcohol and drug-impaired drivers in the Department's ongoing traffic safety campaign. DUI Saturation Patrols will deploy on Friday, January 25, 2013, between the hours of 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. in areas with high frequencies of DUI collisions and/or arrests.

"This is a 'Zero Tolerance' crackdown, so Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over!"

In California, this deadly crime led to 774 deaths in 2010 because someone failed to designate a sober driver.

After falling dramatically for five straight years, figures for 2011 indicate that DUI deaths remained the same as 2010. Over the course of the past three years, DUI collisions have resulted in 33 injury crashes in Monrovia, harming 45 of our friends and neighbors.

DUI can impact the economy, in addition to the pain and suffering of those immediately affected. Conservatively, a fatality has a $1.4 million impact, an injury $70,000, and a crash that only damages property averages nearly $9,000.

"California's roadways are very much safer than they were before 2006," said OTS Director Christopher J. Murphy. "The Monrovia Police Department will be keeping the pressure on through enforcement and public awareness so that we can continue saving lives and reach the vision we all share – Toward zero deaths, every 1 counts."

Funding for this program is from a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Report Drunk Drivers, Call 911!

Source: Monrovia Police Department press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblymember Introduces Anti-Traffiking Bill

Assemblymember Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, has introduced Assembly Bill 156, which he says will allow law enforcement officers to get a court order for a wiretap when they suspect human trafficking of minors.

The press release from Holden's office reads:

"You would think in this day and age when traffickers have become more sophisticated, law enforcement would have all the tools it needs to stop these criminals. But you would be wrong," said Assemblymember Holden. "This bill will change that and help stop this modern-day slavery that threatens our children, our families and our neighborhoods."

Law enforcement is currently authorized to obtain a court order to wiretap for investigation of drug trafficking or criminal gang activity, but not human trafficking. Under this bill, law enforcement officers can ask a judge for wiretap permit to investigate sex trafficking of a minor. Estimates are that 100,000 children nationwide are exploited each year.

"The California Police Chiefs Association takes human trafficking very, very seriously", stated John Lovell, Legislative Advocate for the Association. "CaliforniaĆ¢€™s wiretap laws have been crucial in going after complex, multi-level criminal activities. The reality is that human trafficking is an organized criminal enterprise, and the full range of enforcement tools are needed to combat this particular crime."

"It is heartbreaking to hear the stories of these youngsters who are pimped and branded and badly mistreated. I think of my daughter and her friends and I want to do everything possible to stop these horrible crimes. It's the least we can do to protect our children," concluded Holden.

Similar laws are already on the books in several other states including Texas, Illinois and Maryland.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Green Defense Contractor | Extreme Couponing

~ An NPR story about how Monrovia's AeroVironment has 'a green side.'

~ Extreme Couponing seminar at the Monrovia Library. Learn how to find and best use coupons. Saturday, Jan. 26 from 1-4 p.m. in the Community Room.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Council Members Slam Shaw

Monrovia City Council members slam former member Clarence Shaw for how he handled his resignation.

- Brad Haugaard

Truck Accident in Monrovia Canyon Park

Pictures of a park ranger truck that wemt over the side of the hill at Monrovia Canyon Park, this morning.

- Brad Haugaard

Pavilions Driveways Being Worked On

Two of the concrete driveways at the Pavilions shopping area are being jackhammered out.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Welcome Wagon Honored

Photo: Welcome Wagon honored by Monrovia City Council for ten years of service.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Election Plan

Here is the City of Monrovia's plan on what to do about whether to hold a scheduled municipal election, since the number of office-seekers equals the number of open offices.

Opinion: This seems like the ultimate no-brainer. Elections are to decide things and if there is nothing to decide, I can't see any point in having an election. It sounds like an excellent opportunity to save some bucks. Too bad, though, that there aren't more people interested in city administration, though I'm not running either so I guess I'm no one to talk.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Pho Lemon

Lunch at Pho Lemon, on, uh, Lemon. Just east of Myrtle. Got the Chicken Curry ($8.50) and - decided to be brave - an avocado smoothie ($3.75). Plus tax and tip. Both were fine though avocado smoothies will probably never be a first choice for me.

- Brad Haugaard

Shaw Resigns from Monrovia Council

Clarence Shaw resigns from Monrovia City Council.

- Brad Haugaard

City to Digest Advice to Create Multi-Year Plan

On Jan. 29, at 6 p.m. the Monrovia City Council will hold a study session to consider the advice it has received from residents through Plan Monrovia. The meeting will be in the City Council Chambers, 415 S. Ivy. The council will meet again on Feb. 9 to set goals for the next several years. On March 26 the council and staff will put together plans to align city services with the goals. The final plan should be done on April 16. You can attend any or all of these meetings.

Source: Monrovia city newsletter

- Brad Haugaard

Church Celebrates First Anniversary | Cancel Monrovia Elections?

~ Fellowship Monrovia ( ) is celebrating its first anniversary with "dancing, dining and fun" at 6 p.m. Saturday at the Duarte Performing Arts Center, according to a Facebook announcement. One of my sources tells me that the church, which meets at the Monrovia High Auditorium, recently had a Sunday attendance of 900 between its two morning services. Comment: Amazing growth! Pastor Albert Tate is an outstanding speaker and a cheerful, friendly guy. I've heard him repeatedly at my own church before he started Fellowship Monrovia. He is well worth hearing.

~ Monrovia could cancel its municipal election since there just as many open seats as there are candidates.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Students to Chat with Astronauts

Monrovia students will chat with astronauts - in space.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Stolen ID, Breaking and Entering and Breaking, Burglaries

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Jan. 14-16. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 347 service events, resulting in 61 investigations.  
Vehicle Burglary
January 14 at 6:54 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 1000 block of Orange Avenue.  The victim's vehicle was parked in the driveway.  The victim reported the vehicle was locked, but there was no sign of forced entry.  The loss was an empty case for sunglasses and a cord for an Ipod.  Investigation continuing. 
Commercial Burglary / Fraud / Identity Theft - Suspects Arrested
January 15 at 4:51 p.m., an employee of a business in the 400 block of West Huntington called to report a possible fraud incident at their location.  Three suspects entered the business, selected merchandise and went to the registers.  Two of the suspects claimed they forgot their store credit card and were allowed to enter their social security number on the touch pad and presented identification.  The employee believed the identification to be fraudulent and notified store security and a store manager.  The employee delayed the subjects until officers could arrive. 
Upon their arrival, the officers arrested two of the suspects for burglary, identity theft, forgery and other charges.  The third suspect was arrested for an outstanding warrant.  During an inventory search in the jail, the arresting officer noticed a receipt which indicated one of the suspects purchased over $4,500 in merchandise from a store in Duarte.  The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was notified regarding the incident in their city. 
Burglary / Felony Vandalism
January 16 at 6:30 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 200 block of East Lime.  The victim left the residence to visit a relative in the front house between 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.  When she returned, she found someone had entered her home and smashed her computer, television, and a lamp.  Nothing was stolen.  There were no signs of forced entry.  The victim suspects the ex-boyfriend of her daughter, who had a key to the residence.  It appears the suspect entered the home with the intent of committing felony vandalism.  Investigation continuing.
Residential Burglary
January 16 at 9:42 p.m., police responded to a residence in the 500 block of North Alta Vista on the report of a residential burglary.  The victim left home at 8:30 a.m., and when she returned at 9:35 p.m., she found her home had been ransacked.  The suspect pried open the rear door to gain entry.  A handgun, iPad and jewelry were stolen.  Investigation continuing

Standard & Poor's Lowers Monrovia Agency Credit Rating | Comedy Fundraiser | Gold Line | Dance Walkers

~ Credit rating agency Standard & Poor's has lowered the rating of bonds from the former Monrovia Redevelopment Agency on the Central Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 from A- to BBB-, but with a "stable outlook." and

~ Comedy fundraiser to rehab homes for elderly.

~ Posts being installed for retaining wall on north side of Gold Line maintenance yard.

~ Dance walkers in Old Town Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblymember Holden Proposes Waiving State Penalties For Retirement Money Used for Mortgages

Assemblymember Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, has introduced a bill to waive state penalties on early withdrawals from retirement accounts when the funds are used to help stabilize mortgage payments.

A press release from Holden's office says:
As more and more homeowners struggle to pay their mortgages or watch as their home values plunge, they are turning to early distributions from their retirement accounts.  But that can trigger severe tax penalties if the borrower is less than 59-1/2 years of age. There is a 10% federal tax penalty and an additional 2.5% state penalty for early withdrawals. 
"These people are being penalized for trying to do the right thing and save their homes," explained Assemblymember Holden. "With several mortgage lenders acknowledging abuses, it's time to give homeowners a break.  In addition to helping these people stay in their homes, we're also helping restore stability to our communities and avoid the blight associated with foreclosures."
Under Holden's AB 132, eligible homeowners could avoid state tax penalties on up to $6,000 taken from their retirement accounts when they use them to pay their mortgage. The penalty is also waived as part of a home loan modification.  In addition, individuals must agree to receive financial counseling from a HUD-approved counseling agency prior to taking the distribution.
"I'm hoping that this bill will allow more homeowners to avoid foreclosure. The added funds may help stabilize homeowners for a month or two until they can refinance or sell. Although foreclosure rates across the state are down, California still has the nation's second-highest foreclosure activity," added Holden.

Comment: Interesting idea. I hope the Assembly gives it a thoughtful look.
- Brad Haugaard

City Council Holds Off on Festival Decision

Monrovia City Council delays decision on eliminating fee for Family Festival.

- Brad Haugaard