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Monrovia Schools: Major Water Damage at MHS Event Center; Yes, It Can Pay It's Bills ... For Now

At its 7 p.m. Dec. 12 meeting (agenda here: ), the Monrovia School Board will, among other things ...

~ Consider authorizing $115,111 to fix rainwater damage to the Monrovia High Event Center caused by over-pressurizing a heating, ventilation and air conditioning unit.

~ Affirm, as required by law, that it can pay its bills for the next four years. "However, due to probably flat State funding and estimates of continued declining enrollment, current budget projections show that the district may not be able to maintain a positive ending balance in 2015-16."

- Brad Haugaard

One More Week of Gold Line Bridge Construction, Reeds on Basket, Lane Closures

The basket-y reeds on the tops of the Gold Line bridge are now in place.

Also, the Gold Line should be completed by December 15. There could be up to four nights of lane closures until then. Lanes will be closed no earlier than 11 p.m. and reopen no later than 5 a.m.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian Acquitted in School Sex Charges

A Monrovian who taught in Duarte schools has been acquitted on all charges of sexual abuse.

- Brad Haugaard

Panda Express for Lunch

Went to Panda Express for lunch today (the one at Huntington and Monterey). Got the three-item entree for $7.88, plus the cost of drink and tax. Got Shanghai Angus Beef, Beijing Beef and Eggplant Tofu with noodles. Very good.

- Brad Haugaard

Rosemead Over Monrovia in Basketball :-( | Christmas Tamales for Science | Holden Swearing In

~ Rosemead over Monrovia in basketball.

~ Order Christmas tamales and help Monrovia High's Math and Science Academy. Here's the form:

~ Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia in the Assembly, will have a local swearing-in ceremony this Sunday at 4 p.m. at Noor Terrace, 260 E. Colorado, Pasadena (located in Paseo Colorado). Reception at  4:30 p.m.

- Brad Haugaard

Pictures of Monrovia Holiday Parade

Pictures from Thursday night's holidays parade on Myrtle. Click them to get a bigger view.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's New Christmas Tree Lighted

After a few words from Mayor Mary Ann Lutz, the lighting of Monrovia's new Christmas tree. The old one was blown over by the super wind storm. The new one was donated by Home Depot. It is at the southeast corner of Library Park.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Fiscal State: Difficult, But We Have a Balanced Budget

Monrovia City Manager Laurie Lile explains the city's fiscal situation:

Our Current Condition: 
- Since 2008, we have reduced staffing by 17%, an equivalent of 47 positions, and cut $2 million in expenditures.
- These cuts came to our key services, like street resurfacing, the Monrovia Area Partnership, literacy services, community policing, building and engineering.
- Federal and State regulatory compliance has remained constant.  That means that we still have to comply with many government regulations, like Storm water, state realignment for prison releases, energy compliance measures, and shutting down Redevelopment.  These are things that cannot be ignored when we realistically discuss what the City should be focusing on.
- Redevelopment funding has been taken away, and we don’t expect it to come back any time soon.
- Sales tax revenue, the second largest revenue source to the City, has been down 25% over the past three years.
- Property taxes remain flat.
- The good news: Monrovia’s budget is structurally balanced.


- Brad Haugaard

Tickets for Monrovia Playoff Game | Library Closed | City Manager, Mayor Explain 'Plan Monrovia'

~ Monrovia School Board member Alex Zucco reports on Facebook that tickets for the Monrovia High State Regional Playoff game at Friday's street fair, from 5-8 p.m. "We hope to be located at the south end of Myrtle Ave. near Olive Ave."

~ Monrovia Library will be closed on Thursday, Dec. 13.

~ Video: City Manager Laurie Lile and Mayor Mary Ann Lutz discuss "Plan Monrovia." Lile writes: "With 47 positions cut and $2 million fewer dollars, the City can no longer be all things to all people. We have to pick and choose -- what are the most important things for the City to focus on achieving, and what can the community achieve on its own?" Video here:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Car Chase, Two Arrested; Female Impersonator Robs Bank; Stealing Liquor

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Dec. 3-5. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 434 service events, resulting in 70 investigations.
Grand Theft Auto / Vehicle Pursuit / Felony Evading / Conspiracy to Commit Grand Theft Auto - Suspects Arrested
December 4 at 4:43 a.m., a resident in the 700 block of East Greystone called to report two suspicious male subjects who were standing next to the resident's parked truck.  When the resident asked the subjects what they were doing, they ran to two nearby vehicles and quickly fled the area.  The vehicle descriptions were broadcast and officers located both of them driving south on Mountain from Foothill. 
Officers stopped one of the vehicles at Mountain and Lemon.  The other fled, continuing southbound on Mountain.  The vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed and collided into a wall at Mountain and Shrode.  The suspect exited the vehicle and fled on foot through yards and into a wash.  Los Angeles Sheriff's Department deputies responded to assist and detained the suspect at Mountain and Meridian.  He was positively identified as the driver of the vehicle, which was determined to be stolen out of West Covina. 
The suspect detained at Mountain and Lemon was found to be in possession of new power tools and had a suspicious story about how he obtained them.  A search was conducted of the area and officers found a vehicle parked in the 300 block of East Greystone that had fresh damage to the driver's door lock similar to the damage on the stolen vehicle.  Both suspects were arrested and taken into custody.  The suspect who fled was charged with grand theft auto, felony evading, and conspiracy to commit grand theft auto.  The second suspect was charged with conspiracy to commit grand theft auto and suspicion of receiving stolen property.
Bank Robbery - Chase Bank in Monrovia
November 5, at approximately 10 a.m., a male suspect trying to disguise himself as a female robbed the Chase Bank at 690 West Huntington in Monrovia, California.
The suspect approached the teller's window carrying a briefcase.  The suspect made a demand for money and told the teller there was anthrax in the briefcase.  The teller gave the suspect the money. The suspect took the money and the briefcase and left the bank.  The suspect was seen getting into a silver PT Cruiser.
The suspect is described as an African American male, wearing a tan women's tracksuit with a hood.  The hood was pulled up.  The suspect had a white bandana on his head, clear lip gloss, cherry red nail polish, gold hoop earrings, dark brown Ugg style boots, glasses with black plastic frames and clear lenses, and was clean shaven.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Monrovia Police Department Detective Bureau.
Commercial Burglary - Suspects Arrested
November 5 at 3:50 p.m., two adult suspects walked into a business in the 100 block of West Foothill.  The suspects were witnessed on camera stealing liquor and fleeing the business.  Police located the suspects at Foothill, near May.  Both suspects were arrested and taken into custody.

Will Monrovia Coach Maddox Leave?

Will Monrovia football coach Ryan Maddox move on after season?

- Brad Haugaard

Gold Line Bridge: On-Time, On-Budget

Final details are being completed on the Gold Line Bridge, as Skanska readies the bridge for turn-over to the project alignment contractor (Foothill Transit Contractors) in just over one week. The landscaping, irrigation and lighting installation is well underway, and work will be completed over the next several days on the final barrier walls along the superstructure. Also, as you can see, nearly all of the reeds have been installed on the outrigger baskets.

With the rainy weather behind us for now, the contractor has cleared the way for an on-time, on-budget completion.

Source: Gold Line press release

- Brad Haugaard

Snow In Monrovia's Library Park | Nativity Scene | Tree Lighting | First Vineyard Service in New Building | Chu Cheers

~ The church, Fellowship Monrovia, has announced on Facebook that its Miracle on Myrtle event at 5 p.m. on Dec. 23 in Library Park will be "1 big Christmas celebration with Real snow. Yes I said real snow!!!" There will also be "live musical performances" and "the world premiere of an animation called, "Miracle on Myrtle."

~ Monrovia's First Presbyterian Church has announced, also on Facebook, that it will be putting up its traditional nativity scene on the corner of Myrtle and Foothill this Saturday at 10 a.m.

~ Christmas tree lighting in Library Park Thursday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m., followed by "All that Glitters is Gold" parade (Grand Marshall, Kim Rhode) along Myrtle at 7 p.m.

~ Live Oak Vineyard Church will have its first meeting at its new Myrtle building (1307 S. Myrtle) this Sunday, Dec. 9, from 10-11:30 a.m.

~ Monrovia's Congresswoman covering north-of-Hillcrest, Judy Chu, writes on Facebook: "Kudos to CA Attorney General Harris! Yesterday, she said local police don't have to participate in Secure Communities - a broken program that sweeps up immigrants who aren't even criminals." She adds, "We must secure our borders, but we should be smart and compassionate about it too."

- Brad Haugaard

Pretty-Lips Guy Robs Monrovia Bank - Had His Nails Done, Too

Lip-gloss guy robs Monrovia's Chase bank. Said he had anthrax.

- Brad Haugaard

Eastbound 210 Closing Late Tonight and Tomorrow Night

Full closure of eastbound 210 freeway for Gold Line bridge work tonight (Wednesday) and tomorrow night, from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. both days. So the crew can finish the columns and superstructure, and to remove scaffolding.

- Brad Haugaard

Watch Monrovia-Madison Game Live | Coach Maddox | AeroVironment Stock UP

~ Tune in to see the Monrovia vs. Madison game live, Saturday, Dec. 8, here:

~ Feature on winning Monrovia football coach, Ryan Maddox.

~ Monrovia AeroVironment stock up 15% the morning after its great quarterly report.

- Brad Haugaard

Supervisor Michael Antonovich Warns of Official Mailing That Looks Like Junk Mail

Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich urged county residents to check their mailboxes for the "Official Notice to Property Owners of Public Hearing" which could result in a property tax increase.

"While the mailing looks like junk mail, it is an important document that allows one to protest the proposed parcel tax," he said.  

"It is vital that property owners return the protest form to stop this additional tax," he added.  "Property owners, schools and businesses already pay flood control taxes and now they are being asked to fork over more money at a time when families are struggling, schools are hurting and businesses are fleeing the state."

Residents have until January 15 to file their objection by returning their protest form or protesting at the public hearing on January 15, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. in the Hearing Room of the Board of Supervisors at the Hall of Administration.  If a majority of the property owners do not object, the Board of Supervisors can approve a mail-in-ballot to be sent to all property owners in March.  Passage requires only a simple majority.

Those who misplaced this mailer, please call (800) 218-0018 or email  

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's AeroVironment Has Great Quarter | Grand Theft Auto Arrest | Teacher Group Honors Chu | Citrus Top Transfer College | Home Decorating

~ Monrovia's AeroVironment reported a better-than-expected quarterly profit. After hours its stock jumped up 9 percent.

~ Two men arrested in north Monrovia on suspicion of grand theft auto.

~ Judy Chu, who represents the top of Monrovia in Congress, reports on Facebook that she "just received a leadership award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, which promotes excellence in teaching. They support my bill to recruit quality teachers in under-served communities."

~ Citrus College, which serves Monrovia, has been named one of the top colleges for student transfers.

~ Details on the Monrovia Home Decorating contest.

- Brad Haugaard

City of Monrovia's Holiday Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony

Kick off the holiday season this Thursday, December 6 and enjoy the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony and Holiday Parade. The evening begins with the Tree Lighting ceremony at 6 p.m. at Library Park, on the corner of Myrtle and Lime Avenues. The Holiday Parade will begin at 7 p.m., traveling north on Myrtle Avenue from Chestnut to Palm Avenue. This year̢۪s parade theme is "All that Glitters is Gold" in celebration of this year's Grand Marshal, Kim Rhode, U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist. The parade is sponsored by the Monrovia Old Town merchants.

Source: Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Assembly Member Introduces Bill Saying Legislature Wants Jobs, Economic Growth

Yesterday I noted that Monrovia's new Assembly Member, Chris Holden, had introduced a bill on his first day in office ( ), but from the press release I wasn't quite sure what Assembly Bill 9 does, so today I looked it up and basically it says the legislature wants to pass laws to promote jobs and the economy. Here it is in its entirety:

SECTION 1.  The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) California workers and businesses are currently facing some of the harshest economic conditions since the Great Depression.
(b) Unemployment in California remains in the double digits after the mortgage crisis and the subsequent economic collapse.
(c) It is estimated that over 2.5 million Californians have lost jobs during this recession and bankruptcies among small businesses have been nearly double the national average.

SEC. 2. It is the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that promotes job and business growth and encourages economic development.

- Brad Haugaard