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Monrovia 12-Year-Old Gathers Gifts for Poor Children Around the World

Grayson with the gifts he has collected for poor children around the world.

Twelve-Year-Old Monrovian Grayson Wade has collected donations and packed 128 shoe-boxes with gifts for needy kids around the world.

His mother writes ...

"Grayson first became aware of Operation Christmas Child when he was a Cub Scout and his group each packed a box.  Last year he set a goal to pack 50 boxes and ended up packing 64.  This year he set a goal of 75 and ended up with 130.  For several months he collected donations from family, friends, and local businesses.  Carmine's Restaurant in Arcadia also allowed him to have donation boxes at their counters this year and last.

"This past Sunday was the big drop-off day for the packed shoeboxes. Arcadia Presbytarian Church is a major drop-off and collection point for our area.  Grayson arranged for his Boy Scout patrol to spend the afternoon assisting with the collection.

"Samaritan's Purse is a great organization that has many different charitable programs, and this year they're delivering the 100 millionth shoebox as part of their annual Operation Christmas Child program.

"Grayson is turning 13 in December and is in the 7th grade at St. Rita's Catholic School in Sierra Madre.  His Boy Scout troop is Arcadia Troop 111."

COMMENT: Congratulations, Grayson. Well done!

- Brad Haugaard

Cookie Exchange for Multiple Sclerosis

Cookie Exchange for Multiple Sclerosis, Dec. 8 at United Methodist Church, 140 East Palm (downstairs). Bring six dozen cookies, take home five dozen and the rest go to MS Group of San Gabriel Valley. More than 100 raffle prizes; all proceeds to MS. For info, contact Janie Duncan (626)358-8157 or Source: Becky Shevlin

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Looking Good in Semifinals | Democrats to Select Representatives

~ Monrovia looking good for football semifinal.

~ Plan Ahead: 41st Assembly District Democrats will meet Jan. 13 at the Teamsters Local 572 (518 W. Duarte Rd., Monrovia) to select 12 people to represent the 41st at the 2013 and 2014 State Conventions. To participate you gotta be a citizen, Democrat, registered, and living in the 41st. Details (Facebook):

- Brad Haugaard

World Vision Evacuates Threatened African City

As rebels threaten the safety of the city, Monrovia-based Christian relief organization, World Vision, has evacuated staff from the eastern city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its program activities in Goma have been suspended.

- Brad Haugaard

Mexican Restaurant Proposed for Monrovia's Aztec Hotel | Santa

~ A new Mexican restaurant is being proposed for the Aztec Hotel in the location previously occupied by the Brass Elephant.

~ Santa Claus arrives in Old Town Monrovia at 10 a.m. this Friday. Live music and candy canes.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Davien Graham's Story, Sleeping Driver, Intoxicated Driver, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Nov. 15-19. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.
Gang Violence Reduction - A Success Story
On Sunday, November 18, 2012, the Los Angeles Times ran a two-part article in the local section about a young man, Davien Graham [Video here: ], who in 2008 was the victim of a gang shooting in an unincorporated area of Los Angeles County adjacent to Monrovia.  He was the victim of gang violence between two gangs that operated in the City of Monrovia and the unincorporated county areas adjacent to Monrovia and Duarte.  The article recounted his experience of being the victim of gang violence and of the subsequent trial where he testified against the suspect.  Davien showed strong character throughout his ordeal as he moved forward with his life and assisted Sheriff's investigators with the investigation and prosecution of the case.  The suspect, a Monrovia Nuevo Varrio gang member, was convicted of attempted murder earlier this year.
The article includes video and an interactive map about all of the violence that occurred in the region from 2006 to 2008.  The author talks about Davien's ordeal and the great strides he has made in his life, but leaves the reader with no understanding of the concerted efforts the community has made to reduce gang violence in this area. 
I would like to take this opportunity to inform the residents of Monrovia, Duarte and the surrounding unincorporated areas about the tremendous strides this area has made in reducing gang violence in this region.  These changes were accomplished through the cooperative efforts of the community members, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, the Monrovia Police Department, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office and city leaders from Monrovia, Duarte and the County of Los Angeles.  The collaborative efforts of everyone in our community have resulted in unprecedented reductions in gang violence in our area.  From 2008 to 2011, we have seen a 64% decrease in gang crime in the City of Monrovia.  The unincorporated county areas of Monrovia and Duarte have also seen significant reductions in gang crime.
In 2007, gang violence had escalated between three gangs that operated in the unincorporated areas around Monrovia and Duarte, the City of Duarte and the City of Monrovia.  Two of the gangs are primarily Hispanic: Duarte Eastside and Monrovia Nuevo Varrio.  The third gang is primarily an African-American gang, the DuRoc Crips.  The violence was primarily between the DuRoc Crips and the two Hispanic gangs.  In an effort to confront this increase in violence, the community members from all three jurisdictions came together in an unprecedented collaborative effort to reduce gang violence and stop the gangs from recruiting more children into their ranks.
We came up with a three-part strategy to reduce the gang violence that included prevention, intervention and suppression.  The Monrovia Police Department came up with an innovative crime suppression strategy to immediately stop the violence.  In collaboration with 18 of our surrounding San Gabriel Valley police agencies, we were able to provide extensive gang enforcement in the area.  These 18 agencies each provided officers to this region over a period of several months, while investigators worked diligently to get these violent gang members in custody.  The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department provided additional gang units to work the area and the California Highway Patrol provided a team of 18 officers to provide extra patrol in the area, as well.
All of these resources working together as a Monrovia/Duarte Gang Task Force were able to immediately stop the gang violence.  In the first 18 months, the task force was able to take over 40 violent gang members out of our community and successfully prosecute them for their crimes. 
The City of Monrovia and the County of Los Angeles, with the help of Supervisor Michael Antonovich, worked together to obtain a civil gang injunction against the Monrovia Nuevo Varrio and DuRoc Crip gangs.  The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office was instrumental in helping us obtain the gang injunction and trained Monrovia police officers and sheriff's deputies in the enforcement of the injunction.  This gang injunction has been a significant tool to help reduce gang violence in the City of Monrovia and the unincorporated county areas.
Prior to the increase in violence, community members from Monrovia who lived in the affected areas had become local neighborhood leaders as part of a new program called the Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP).  MAP leaders were instrumental in their neighborhoods to bring neighbors together, working on solutions to help stem the violence.  They went door-to-door in their neighborhoods talking to residents to dispel any rumors and providing them facts about crimes that were occurring.  They were also a big part of the organization of several peace rallies that occurred in Duarte and Monrovia.
Community church leaders were also instrumental in reducing fear and violence.  They hosted several community meetings to provide information to our citizens about resources available to individuals who would like to get out of the gang lifestyle and information on the gang injunction.  Community leaders from the City of Duarte and the City of Monrovia came together and created the Community Mediation Team (CMT).  The CMT met regularly to discuss strategies to reduce the violence, dispel rumors and bring all the resources of the community together to help at-risk youth.
Supervisor Antonovitch was instrumental in having this area designated as one of four trial sites for Los Angeles County's gang violence reduction efforts.  This program resulted in a number of prevention and intervention programs and resources being dedicated to our community.  Many meetings were held to obtain feedback from the residents on ways to reduce gang violence and prevent youth in our community from joining gangs.  All of the resources available to our community were identified through these meetings.  A Los Angeles County probation officer was assigned to work as a coordinator for our area.  This officer was also instrumental in obtaining funding for additional prevention programs.
The Monrovia Police Department created three innovative programs aimed at intervening in the lives of at-risk youth and preventing youth from going down the wrong path.  One program called the Chaplains for At-Risk Youth (CARY), utilized Monrovia Police Department chaplains to help families of children who were at risk of joining a gang.  When police officers would encounter or identify a child who was at risk, they would give this information to a police chaplain, who would then contact the child and their parents.  Many times the parents were unaware of their child's at-risk behavior.  However, chaplains were able to direct parents to resources in the community for counseling, substance abuse, after school care and tutoring.  Many families welcomed the help from the chaplain, where they may not have been so open to help from a police officer.  Another program we created in collaboration with the Monrovia Unified School District is the Monrovia Anti-Gang Intervention Committee (MAGIC).  MAGIC consisted of school counselors, police chaplains and gang officers.  This committee identifies at-risk youth in the schools and works collaboratively to provide resources to the families of these at-risk youth.  The third program is called the Formative Years Project.  The Formative Years Project is a parenting program aimed at parents and children in the first through third grade-children still young enough to listen to advice from parents, teachers and police officers.  Police officers provide training for the parents and the children to keep them safe and help prevent them from going down the wrong path.  Teens from local youth groups and school leadership groups help mentor these young children and work with officers as positive role models for these kids.
In our community, these three innovative programs have been instrumental in preventing kids from joining gangs and they continue to help us to intervene with kids who we identify that are at risk.  In 2010, the Monrovia Police Department won an international community policing award from the International Association of Chiefs of Police for these programs.  In 2011, the Monrovia Police Department won the James Q. Wilson Award from the California Regional Community Policing Institute for our Project Safe Neighborhoods, which included these intervention programs and our gang task force efforts.
Two summer programs to provide activities for youth at parks in the affected areas were created.  In the unincorporated county area of Pamela Park, the County of Los Angeles provided the Parks After Dark program.  This program was instrumental in providing a safe place for youth to come together with positive activities on weekend evenings.  In the City of Monrovia, a YMCA program offered positive activities for youth in Library Park on Friday evenings.  The County of Los Angeles also funded the Y-Life Project, which is a gang violence reduction initiative.  Intervention workers receive formalized training to work with youth probationers and local gang members to help them find jobs, get education, receive substance abuse counseling and direct them to resources helping them get away from a gang lifestyle.
These are just some of the many programs that are available in our community that have helped reduce gang violence and provide positive alternatives to joining a gang.  The collaborative efforts of everyone in our community have resulted in unprecedented reductions in gang violence in our area. 
These results could not have been realized without the collaborative efforts of everyone in this community, particularly of people like Davien Graham who stood up and did the right thing, helping law enforcement and prosecutors prevent gang members from victimizing others in our community.
Domestic Violence Warrant Arrest - Suspect Arrested
November 15 at 11:30 a.m., officers went to a residence in the 600 block of South Primrose to serve a domestic violence warrant.  When they arrived, the suspect was located and identified.  While officers were attempting to arrest the suspect outside of his residence, the suspect tried to get away from officers by running and jumping a fence.  A brief struggle ensued, but the suspect was taken into custody.  As a result of the struggle, the suspect and officers sustained minor injuries.
Residential Burglary
November 18 at 6:02 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a residence in the 700 block of Monterey.  Upon arrival, they found the suspect(s) had entered the residence through the window of a backdoor and ransacked the home.  A family member who responded did not know what had been taken.  The owner was away at the time of the burglary.  Investigation continuing.
Injury Traffic Collision
November 18 at 7:52 p.m., police responded to an injury traffic accident in the 400 block of East Colorado.  A driver fell asleep at the wheel and struck a parked vehicle, which then pushed two other cars into each other.  The driver complained of pain to the wrist, but declined medical treatment after being examined by Monrovia Fire Department paramedics. 
Injury Traffic Collision
November 19 at 2:17 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 1500 block of California regarding an injury traffic accident.  A driver fell asleep while driving home from work and he struck a tree.  The driver was taken to a hospital for treatment. 
Driving Under the Influence / Traffic Collision
November 19 at 4:49 a.m., a driver collided with a parked vehicle in the 200 block of Magnolia.  Officers responded and conducted a DUI investigation.  The suspect was arrested for driving under the influence.  Investigation continuing.
Ex-Felon With a Firearm
November 19 at 9:44 p.m., a witness called police to report seeing a man stash something in the bushes along a driveway in the 800 block of West Duarte Road.  The man returned a few minutes later and was detained by officers.  A loaded pistol was found in the bushes; the suspect was arrested for ex-felon in possession of a firearm.

Car Show Visits Monrovia | Food Distribution | Girl Scout Bake Sale

~ Video: The show, My Classic Car, comes to Monrovia "to have a peek at some vintage Mopar muscle cars at the legendary Pomona drags."

~ Photos of Foothill Unity Center's Thanksgiving food distribution.

~ Dec. 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Bake sale and craft items for sale to benefit Monrovia-Duarte Girl Scouts. Handmade crafts by Girl Scouts and their families. First Baptist, 223 Encinitas, Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian Shot in 2008 Discusses His Fears

Video: Man shot in 2008 in front of Monrovia church discusses his fears:

- Brad Haugaard

Bright Light in Monrovia Sky

UPDATE: Explanation to letter below, from Lori LeVeque, of the Monrovia Police Department: "[W]e have reports of a transformer blowing that evening right about that time in the area of 5th and Huntington."

I just received this email from a reader. Did anybody else see this? Let me know.

"I arrived to my home in Monrovia around 1230am [last night, I assume], stepped out of my car, and while walking to the door there was an extremely bright light which lit up the entire sky and my street. I stood with my mouth open, because wtf, and then within a few seconds it happened again. Bright enough to light the street (reflection from cloud cover, but jeez). A blueish tinted white light. It originated pretty far west of my location (Mountain/Foothill).

"I listened for some kind of sound that would indicate an explosion/firework but did not hear anything.

"Is this something that you can find out about?

"I'm a nurse, I'm not too crazy. No gods, ghosts, or aliens. Just curious. Please let me know if you hear anything! Thank you."

COMMENT: I have an email in to the police department, but in the meantime I have a guess but I'd love to know if anybody else saw it. I would say it was distant lightning since the possibility of thunderstorms was predicted, and perhaps it was regular lightning, though  the silence doesn't seem to match that.

Here is a weird extra guess: When I was hiking in the mountains many years ago I saw ball lightning ( ). It was a ball of lightning that just drifted down from the clouds and then silently fizzled out, though I guess some explode.

Monrovia 43-6 Over South El Monte :-)

Monrovia victorious over South El Monte.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's 'Small Businesses Saturday'

At Monrovia's "Small Businesses Saturday", Nov. 24, merchants will be holding sales and special events, including ...

- The Monrovia Association of Fine Arts and Paint 'n' Play Gallery will have an art sale featuring photographer Stephen Coleman's, "Endeavour Moves Los Angeles," featuring the arrival of the space shuttle Endevour and it̢۪s trip through the streets of LA to Exposition Park.

- There will be an Art Walk and Reception from noon to 6 p.m. with live entertainment, refreshments and demonstrations, as well as an opportunity to purchase the works of local painters, photographers, jewelers, and sculptors. Reception at 7 p.m. at Paint 'n' Play Gallery, 418 S. Myrtle. Information: 256-4848

- "Spark of Love" Toy Drive, Nov. 24-25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donate toys and sports equipment to needy kids, 400 Block of Myrtle.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Exceeds API Goal

The Monrovia High School Newspaper, The Wildcat, rejoices that the school exceeding its API goal of 800 by two points, 802. That and other reports, here:

- Brad Haugaard

Lawsuits on Monrovia Council Agenda | Burglaries

~ At its Nov. 20 meeting, the Monrovia City Council will have a lot to discuss, but most of it in private. In closed session the Council-and-former-Redevelopment-Agency will confer with its legal counsel about four lawsuits. (Closed session agenda: ). Here is the open session agenda:

~ String of Monrovia burglaries.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at the New Jack in the Box

Figured I better try the new Jack in the Box at Huntington and Magnolia. New and clean. Got a spicy chicken sandwich combo with drink and curly fries for about $7. It was fine.

- Brad Haugaard

Rain Likely Today and Weekend | Foothill Unity Center: More Needy

~ Forty percent chance of rain today, then 30 percent on Saturday and 10 percent Sunday:

~ The number of people needing help from Foothill Unity Center continues to climb. The Center expects to give out 3,000 food boxes to low-income families during holiday distributions this year.

Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center reports that it has served about 10,000 people through October, including 35,454 food orders to 12,117 individuals; 2,124 health services; provided 248 emergency hotel vouchers; referred 1,873 individuals to more than 100 service providers; provided 11,898 children with back-to-school supplies; gave 1,643 families Thanksgiving boxes and 11,855 holiday food boxes, and donated toys and clothes to 2,828 children.

If you'd like to help, you can donate here:

- Brad Haugaard

Juvenile Justice Jeopardy Game at Clifton Middle School

Students can win up to $60 playing Juvenile Justice Jeopardy Dec. 4, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at Monrovia's Clifton Middle School while learning about their rights and responsibilities under the law. Presented by the Deputy Public Defender and Deputy District Attorney. Teams of 3-5 can enter. Parents can come too.

- Brad Haugaard

Opinion: Please, Senator Liu, use RSS

In the process of switching over to track Monrovia's new state senator (Democrat Carol Liu) from our previous state senator (Republican Bob Huff), I noticed something strange.

To get news out quickly, I use an old but reliable system called RSS (Really Simple Syndication) that is embedded in virtually every web publishing platform. It let me quickly track additions Senator Huff made to his web page and turn his comments into news, so I thought I would use the same system to track additions Senator Carol Liu makes to her web page.

Well, I can't because she isn't using RSS. Further, in poking around, it appears that only two of her 25 Democratic senatorial colleagues listed here ( ) are using it. These are Kevin de Leon and Alan Lowenthal.

This strikes me as an oversight and not intentional, but it should be corrected.

RSS lets not only me, but anybody, quickly track what their representatives have to say.

On the other side of the aisle, all 14 Republican state senators listed here ( ) have an RSS feed for their websites and all but two (Ted Gaines and Sharon Runner) have an RSS button displayed right on their home page.

I ask that in reaching toward the ideal of open government, that Senator Carol Liu and her colleagues would activate the RSS feeds on their websites.

- Brad Haugaard

Senator Huff: Prop 30 Won't Bring More Money to Classroom

State Senator Bob Huff - who represents Monrovia until Carol Liu takes over - says that "Proposition 30 will not bring in more money to school classrooms. It simply stops the governor from pulling trigger cuts and further reducing education funding. So now we are in a situation where we are around 47th in the nation in per pupil funding but also have the highest tax rates in the nation. It begs the question, how are all the other states with lower tax rates funding their schools more than California?" More here:

- Brad Haugaard

Local Jewish Federation Supports Israel

The Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys has issued a press release saying, "The Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys and the local Jewish community stand with Israel and supports its right to defend its citizens from the terror and continued rocket fire from Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror groups operating in Gaza."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Injuring a Cop, Teen Not Tricked, Stealing Meat, Son Hits Mom, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Nov. 8-14. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the highlighted issues and events for November 8-14, 2012.  During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 469 service events, resulting in 90 investigations.
Battery on a Peace Officer / Parole Violation - Suspect Arrested
November 8 at 6:50 a.m., officers were dispatched to a residence in the 300 block of East Olive regarding a subject trespassing.  An officer located and detained a person matching the suspect's description at the corner of Olive and Myrtle.  The officer confirmed it was, in fact, the suspect, and also learned that the suspect was on active parole.  An assisting officer arrived and during a search of the suspect, a bag of illegal narcotics was found in his possession.  The suspect became uncooperative and made attempts to break free from the officers.  A brief struggle ensued, but the suspect was eventually taken into custody.  As a result of the struggle, one of the officers sustained minor injuries.  The suspect was charged with battery on a peace officer and violation of parole.
Residential Burglary
November 8 at 3:43 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 900 block of East Greystone.  The burglary occurred sometime between 7:00 a.m. and 3:40 p.m.  The point of entry appears to be an unlocked bathroom window.  The items taken were a Kindle, laptop computers, and a television.  The investigation is continuing.
Man Attempts to Lure Teen into Car
November 8, at approximately 4:00 p.m., a 14-year-old middle school student was walking home alone after attending an after school sporting event.  As the student approached the area of Canyon and Colorado, a male suspect approached her and made inquiries about schools, as if he were unfamiliar with the area.  When the student answered the suspect's questions, he told her he needed to go to the high school and was in a hurry.  The suspect asked the student to get in his car and direct him to the high school.  When the student refused, the suspect offered her $200 to get in his car and direct him to the high school, but she refused again and continued to walk away.  The student glanced back and observed the suspect enter his vehicle and drive away. 
The suspect is described as a male, Hispanic, 20-25 years old, 5-09 to 5-10, 180 to 190 pounds, black shaggy hair - medium length, brown eyes, clean shaven, with silver metal-framed prescription glasses.  The suspect was wearing a black t-shirt and khaki pants with a brown camouflage pattern stripe on the legs.  The suspect vehicle is described as a silver, late 90's model, Honda Civic, 4-door, with a bicycle rack attached to the back of the trunk.  Click on Press Release to see a sketch of the suspect.  The investigation is continuing.
Commercial Burglary - Two Suspects Arrested
November 9 at 6:24 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 700 block of East Huntington regarding a burglary.  A male and female entered a grocery store and concealed packages of meat on their person; the female suspect concealed meat in her purse.  Both suspects attempted to exit without paying.  Loss prevention attempted to stop them.  The female stopped long enough for the loss prevention agent to grab her purse, and then both the male and female fled to a waiting car, which was driven away by another male suspect.  Officers located the vehicle with the suspects.  One suspect fled, while the other two were detained by officers.  Despite an area search, the male suspect that ran was not located.  The other two suspects were arrested and taken into custody.  
The female admitted they had planned the theft and to several prior thefts from the same store.  The three subjects are suspected of several thefts of meat and alcohol in recent weeks from the location.  Both have extensive prior criminal history.
November 10 at 6:59 p.m., vandalism was reported in the area of California and Cypress.  Green spray paint was used to write graffiti on a residential wall.  Three male Black subjects were observed tagging the wall with a spray can; however, they were not located.  The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
November 11 at 3:00 a.m., a blue, 1989 Toyota Camry was stolen by unknown suspects.  The reporting party saw the vehicle being driven away toward the City of Arcadia.  Officers made an area search, but were unable to locate the vehicle.  Investigation continuing.
Residential Burglary
November 11 at 7:29 p.m., a burglary was reported in the 200 block of North Encinitas. The victim left his home on November 9 at 9:00 p.m. in the evening and returned at 7:15 p.m. on November 11 to discover his backdoor had been broken into and items had been taken.  Four firearms, one laptop, and a tablet were taken.  The investigation is continuing.
Battery Report
November 11 at 9:14 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a hospital regarding a female victim who was battered by her adult son.  The victim stated she was punched by her son, who had recently been kicked out of a sober living home.  The son also pushed the victim's boyfriend during the attack.  The victim sustained a fractured nose.  A wanted person entry for felony battery was made into the system for the suspect.  Investigation continuing.
Attempt Burglary
November 13 at 11:09 a.m., an attempt burglary was reported in the 600 block of Laurel Lane.  Neighbors witnessed a suspect coming out of a residence on Laurel Lane.  It initially appeared that the suspect was carrying a laptop.  The suspect was chased away and the neighbors called police.  Containment was set up and the area was searched on foot and by air, with no results.  The investigation continues.  The home owner responded and determined there was no loss.
Vehicle Burglary
November 13 at 6:35 p.m., police responded to the report of a vehicle burglary that occurred in a business parking lot in the 700 block of East Huntington.  The passenger side window was smashed and a purse that was left in the vehicle was stolen.  The investigation is continuing.
Special Enforcement Team Activity
Possession of a Controlled Substance - Suspect Arrested
November 8, Special Enforcement Team officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle near the 200 block of East Cherry.  The driver and vehicle were searched, and the driver was arrested for possession of cocaine.  The vehicle was stored.