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Monrovia: No Brown Act Violation

Monrovia denies that it committed a violation of the Brown Act
open-meeting law.

Opinion: The Star-News also reports on a threat to file a lawsuit over
this issue. I recall when I was a young reporter there and
breathlessly told an editor about someone threatening a lawsuit. She
was unimpressed. She said to have him call back when he FILED the
suit, her logic being that anybody can threaten to get headlines, but
filing means you are serious. Sure enough, the guy never filed. I was
impressed by her logic and am disappointed if the S-N is abandoning
that principle.

- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Helps Sponsor AIDS Seminar

California Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of
Monrovia, and City of Hope are teaming up with fashion designer and
HIV activist Mondo Guerra for the Sixth Annual HIV/AIDS Action Summit
on September 12, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at City of Hope, Cooper Auditorium,
1500 E. Duarte Rd., Duarte. The San Gabriel Valley HIV/AIDS Action
Summit raises awareness about HIV and AIDS and efforts to prevent new
infections and keep HIV-positive patients healthy.

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High in it's New Coat

Monrovia High School in it's fresh new coat of paint.

- Brad Haugaard

Another Heat Warning for Today

Another excessive heat warning for today, Monday.

- Brad Haugaard

Hijack-able Drones? | Monrovia Dino Bone Mystery

~ Can civilian drones, such as those made by Monrovia's AeroVironment,
be hijacked?

~ Monrovia woman's dino bone mystery solved on reality TV.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Choral Company Looking for Singers

The San Gabriel Valley Choral Company of Monrovia is looking for

- Brad Haugaard

Teen Depression Workshop | Back-to-School | Gospel Concert

~ Monrovia School District is holding a "Teen Depression and Suicide
Signs" workshop on August 29 following the apparent suicide of a

~ Volunteer to help at Foothill Unity Center's back-to-school program.

~ Gospel Concert Sunday night at Pamela Park.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Y Members Set World Record

Forty-five Y members are now Guinness Book of World Record holders by
participating in the largest ever simultaneous swim lesson ever held,
on June 14, and involving 5,000 Y's worldwide and at least 23,000

Source: newsletter of Monrovia's Santa Anita Family Y.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's AeroVironment on Civilian Drones

Popular Science interviews executive at Monrovia's AeroVironment about
non-mitary uses of drones.

- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Starbucks

Recently had the tarragon chicken sandwich and a cup off coffee at the Starbucks on the north side of the Pavilions center at Foothill and Myrtle. $7.70. Tasty. Cranberries are a nice, tangy touch. A bit pricey for what you get, but great if you are in a hurry.

- Brad Haugaard

Huff Hammers State on Hidden Money

Video: State Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, says "the
discovery of $54 million in hidden money within the Parks and
Recreation budget is a sign that government cannot be trusted and
should not be trusted with more taxpayer money." He is calling on the
governor to have a complete audit of all state agencies.

- Brad Haugaard

Installing Jack-In-The-Box Utilities

On August 6- 9 and August 13- 16, Public Works Utilities Section will
be closing the northbound lane of Magnolia from Cypress to Huntington
(7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) to install the water utilities to the new
Jack-In-The-Box location at Magnolia and Huntington.

Source: City's weekly report

- Brad Haugaard

A Monrovia Cool Spot | Joz Band | Juniper Danger

~ If your family or pets get too hot during the heat, stop by the Community Center’s Monroe Room. It is open Thursday and Friday as a Cooling Center.

~ This Sunday, August 12 at 7 p.m. it Library Park, the jazz/swing music of the Jumping Joz Band.

~ The city is recommending three options if you own flammable juniper trees: 1, Replace with less flammable species; 2. Prune them: 3. Fix nearby structures to make them more fire-resistant.


- Brad Haugaard

Committee Approves Portantino Bills | Heat Until Friday Night

~ Senate committee approves five bills by Assemblyman Anthony
Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia.

~ Excessive heat warning in effect through Friday early evening.

- Brad Haugaard

Huff Education and Water Bills Advance

Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, reports two of his measures
are progressing through the State Assembly: SB 1137 and SB 1364.

SB 1137 requires heritage schools to register with the Superintendent
of Public Instruction and report child abuse. Heritage schools are
"privately financed, culture-based educational entities."

SB 1364, "seeks to ensure that ratepayers served by private water
companies are not asked to pay more for the same service than a
ratepayer served by a public agency without a clear understanding of
the associated costs."


- Brad Haugaard

Credit Card Fraud Ring in Monrovia? Burglary and Thefts

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for August 6-8 – Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 484 service events, resulting in 81 investigations.

Residential Burglary

On August 6 at 8:24 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of Orange regarding a residential burglary that occurred sometime between 11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. An unknown suspect(s) broke a rear window to gain entry. The home was ransacked, but there was no loss. Investigation continuing.

Theft from a Vehicle

On August 7 at 11:19 p.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 400 block of East Walnut. The theft occurred between 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. The victim's vehicle was parked in the carport, adjacent to the alley. The loss was a purse and the vehicle stereo. Investigation continuing

Vehicle Burglary

On August 8 at 9:51 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 600 block of South Canyon. The burglary occurred between 9:00 p.m. on August 7 and 6:00 a.m. on August 8. The victim's vehicle was parked in the driveway. The suspect(s) gained entry by an unknown means. There were no signs of forced entry. A knife, sunglasses, and a phone charger were stolen. Investigation continuing.

Detective Bureau Case Follow-up

Attempted Fraud and Identity Theft

On August 8 at 10:21 a.m., an attempted fraud and identity theft occurred in the 1600 block of South Mountain. Patrol responded and arrested the male who was attempting to open store credit with a fraudulent California driver's license and fraudulent credit card. The male told the arresting officer he was "dropped off" at the location. During the booking process, the arresting officer found a car key and additional fraudulent credit cards and another fraudulent driver's license in his possession. Detectives went to the business parking lot and found the suspect's vehicle. The Detectives got consent to search and recovered additional fraudulent credit cards, fraudulent credit application and a laptop. It appears this subject is part of a fraud ring using other people's information to obtain store credit from various merchant retailers. Detectives are currently working with bank investigators to locate victims from the credit cards, driver's licenses and fraudulent credit applications. The suspect is in custody and is also wanted on a no bail warrant from Nevada for another fraud case.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovian Killed in Roll-Over | Black Eyed Pea Can See

~ Monrovia man killed in car crash in San Bernardino County.

~ Monrovia company helps Black Eyed Pea to see.

- Brad Haugaard

City Officials Get Raise But Must Pay, Too | Ochoa Repays Loan | Car Wash

~ Monrovia managers get raise but must pay more for retirement..

~ Former Monrovia City Manager Scott Ochoa has paid the city the
approximately $275,000 he owed for a mortgage on his Monrovia house.

~ Reminder: Monrovia High Wildcat Marching Band and Colorguard car
wash fundraiser, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Walgreens on Foothill in Arcadia.

- Brad Haugaard

Invitation to Rotary BBQ Fundraiser

Video invitation to Monrovia Rotary Club's 'Old West' BBQ and Casino
night on Sept. 22.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Watch Out for Mountain Lions

Monrovia Police issue mountain lion warning after attack on cats.

- Brad Haugaard