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Representative Judy Chu Confirms Obama Will Make San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument

Representative Judy Chu confirmed today (Oct. 8) that President Obama will declare 346,000 acres of national forest land in the San Gabriel Mountains to be the nation's newest national monument.

Two days ago (Oct. 6), Chu distributed a press release titled, "Rep. Chu Continues to Invite Stakeholders to Offer Input on National Monument"

Comment: Just two days ago Chu was inviting people to submit input as if she was carefully pondering all viewpoints. But today we learn it is a done deal. Obama is going to sign it and clearly there was no intention to listen to the so-called "input" she solicited two days ago. Further, while there was detail released on her proposed National Recreation Area, I don't think there was any detail released about the scope of this National Monument. Who can tell whether it is good or bad? It was just shoved through.

- Brad Haugaard

Halloween Spiders in Old Monrovia

Halloween spiders decorate Old Town Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's AeroVironment Wins Contract for Navy Drone

Monrovia's AeroVironment has won a $19 million contract to develop a new carrier-based drone for the Navy.

- Brad Haugaard

Holden Reports to Monrovia Council on State of the State

Assemblyman Chris Holden, who represents Monrovia, gave a state of the state report to the City Council tonight. (I think the council is looking at a monitor on the wall, not dissing Holden.) City of Monrovia photo.

- Brad Haugaard

Will Obama Sign National Monument Order Friday in San Dimas?

According to a press release from Arturo Alas, who is running for Congress in the 32nd District (which includes most of Monrovia), "President Obama is reportedly coming to Bonelli Park in San Dimas, CA on Friday, October 10th in order to sign the National Monument proposal." This would make the San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument.

The press release adds that "Individuals and businesses from the community plan to make an appearance in order to reinforce the importance of their concerns and make known their opposition to the plan."

Comment: Hmm. That "reportedly" makes me a bit doubtful...

Update: More on Obama declaring San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument. Still unconfirmed, though.

- Brad Haugaard

Suspect Barricaded in Monrovia House

Barricaded suspect in Monrovia home. 2300 block of California Avenue. Suspected of assault.

Update: Suspect arrested

- Brad Haugaard

Tonight in Monrovia: Another Space Station Flyover, and Total Lunar Eclipse

If you missed the flyover of the International Space Station last night, Jane Houston Jones of Monrovia's Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers says you have another chance: "Tonight Tuesday the 7th, look for a 6 minute long ISS pass beginning at 7:03 p.m., reaching a height of 74 degrees, nearly overhead! It appears in the SW and disappears in the NE."

Also, she says, there will be a total lunar eclipse on Wednesday morning. If the sky is clear, the entire event should be visible to the unaided eye. "Partial eclipse begins 2:14 a.m., totality begins 3:25 a.m., greatest eclipse 3:55 a.m., totality ends 4:24 a.m., partial eclipse ends 5:34 a.m. All before sunrise!"

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Representative Invites Comment on Her Plan to Make Mountains a National Monument

Representative Judy Chu, who represents the north part of Monrovia, writes that she continues to "welcome all input" on her plan to ask President Obama to declare the San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument ( ). If you wish to do so, contact information is here:

- Brad Haugaard

Space Station Visible Tonight from Monrovia | Chamber Open House | Bear

~ Monrovia's Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers reports that just a few minutes before 8 p.m. tonight there will be a "high bright pass of the International Space Station." The station "will appear low in the southwest about 7:54, and by 7:56 it'll be very high in the sky, slightly to the west, moving from southwest to northeast. It will be very bright, looking like a moving star. Just after 7:57, it will pass into earth's shadow, and slowly fade out of sight in the northeast."

~ Monrovia Chamber of Commerce has remodeled its lobby. If you'd like to see it, stop by the Chamber office this Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. for the ribbon cutting and reception.

~ Bear du jour:

- Brad Haugaard

Protest Against Chu's Plan to Declare San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument

A protest against Representative Judy Chu's plan to have President Obama declare the San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument was held today at Chu's field office in Pasadena. Chu represents the north edge of Monrovia. The protest was promoted by the Arturo Alas for Congress campaign. Picture source: Alas' office.

Note: A reader felt this posting suggested Alas is running against Chu, who represents the 27th Congressional District. To be clear, Alas is running in the 32nd Congressional District, currently held by Grace Napolitano.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Grand Theft Bike; Security Video Leads to Arrest; Lots of Drunk Driving

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for October 2-5 . - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events.

Grand Theft Bicycle – Suspect Arrested 
On October 2 at 7:17 p.m., police were alerted to a bicycle theft that occurred at a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain. The suspect was heading toward the city of Duarte. An officer responded to the area and located the suspect riding the stolen bicycle near Huntington and Buena Vista. The officer detained the suspect and recovered the bicycle. The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

Residential Burglary 
On October 3 at 1:13 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 200 block of West Colorado. The victim left her residence at 12:00 p.m. and was gone for approximately one hour. When she returned home, she found her residence unsecured and the inside had been ransacked. The investigation is continuing.

Residential Burglary 
On October 3 at 1:39 p.m., an officer responded to the report of a residential burglary in the 200 block of North Mountain. The residents left the home at 8:00 a.m. and secured the doors. When they arrived home, they found a rear bedroom window had been smashed and jewelry was taken from two rooms. The investigation is continuing.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested 
On October 3 at 11:04 p.m., an officer was patrolling the area of Magnolia and Olive when he observed a motorist committing several vehicle code violations. The officer stopped the motorist and discovered the female driver was intoxicated. The driver was arrested for DUI and taken into custody, where she was held for sobering.

Warrant – Suspect Arrested 
On October 3 at 11:14 p.m., an officer on patrol in the area of Myrtle and Huntington observed a male subject crossing the intersection against a red traffic signal. The officer contacted the subject and discovered he had an outstanding warrant issued by the Alhambra Police Department. The subject was arrested for the warrant. Alhambra officers arrived and took custody of the subject for their warrant.

Felony Hit & Run Traffic Collision 
On October 4 at 4:00 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 100 block of North Grand to a hit & run traffic collision. Upon arrival, two occupants were found trapped inside of a vehicle. The suspect vehicle had fled the scene. Monrovia Fire Department responded and used firefighter extrication tools to remove the occupants. The occupants were both male juveniles and had sustained moderate to severe injuries. The driver of the victim vehicle was possibly under the influence of alcohol at the time of the collision. The investigation is continuing.

Hit and Run Traffic Collision Follow-up 
On October 4 at 10:05 a.m., officers were flagged down by an adult male subject in the 1200 block of Encino Avenue. The subject woke up this morning and discovered his red Ford Expedition had been damaged sometime during the night. He confronted his 16- year-old daughter about the damage. She appeared to have been drinking and said she did not know anything about it. Officers contacted the daughter and she admitted to using a shaved key the night before to take the vehicle and to being involved in a hit and run accident near Grand Park. After obtaining her statement, police stored the vehicle for evidence. The investigation is continuing.

Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested 
On October 5 at 2:07 a.m., an officer on patrol in the area of Myrtle and Evergreen observed a vehicle traveling north on Myrtle strike a curb. He made a traffic stop on the vehicle. The female driver admitted to be intoxicated. Field sobriety tests revealed the driver was intoxicated; she was arrested and taken into custody.

Commercial Burglary 
On October 5 at 12:28 p.m., a commercial burglary was reported at a hotel in the 1400 block of Monterey. The victim was conducting a seminar at the hotel. He left his laptop computer in the seminar room and went to the lobby to meet some clients. When he returned a short time later, his computer was gone. The victim called police and an officer responded. The officer viewed security video of the room and recognized the suspect in the video. The officer located the suspect on Monterey, recovered the computer and arrested the suspect for burglary.

Six Artists at Monrovia's Segil Fine Art

Showing of the works of six artists, Oct. 11-Nov. 8, at Segil Fine Art, 110 West Lime. Artists are: Linda Brown, Marian Fortunati, Nita Harper, Debra Holladay, Sharon Weaver and Laura Wambsgans.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Preservationists Use YouTube to Object to Replacing Old Homes

Monrovia historical preservationists have taken to YouTube to object to smaller old homes being torn down to be replaced by larger modern homes. Video:

- Brad Haugaard

Protest Planned Against Making San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument

A protest against Representative Judy Chu's plan to have President Obama declare the San Gabriel Mountains a National Monument is being planned for Monday, Oct. 6, at 2 p.m. at Chu's field office at 527 S. Lake Avenue in Pasadena. According to a representative of Art Alas, who is running for Congress against Chu, local groups will speak out against the plan and deliver letters of opposition. Among those delivering letters will be the California Trail Users Coalition, Pasadena Bait Club, Public Lands for Public People, SoCal Cycling, Mt. Baldy Lodge, Off-Piste Hikers, Glendora Community Conservancy, San Gabriel Valley Regional Conservancy (SGVRC), and California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA). Source: press release.

UPDATE: Monrovia Councilwoman Becky Shevlin writes to say that, "I, along with Tom Adams and other electeds did sign a letter of opposition" to having the mountains declared a national monument.

- Brad Haugaard

Literacy Fundraiser at Monrovia Library

Monrovia Public Library Foundation will hold "Team Up! Dream Up! For Literacy," a literacy fundraiser, on Sunday, Nov. 2 from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Monrovia Public Library. Team trivia, silent auction, live auction, and good food. Tickets are $40 per person and may be purchased at the Library. Form your own team of 8 to 10 people or join a team to play Team Trivia. Winning team gets a prize.

Nearly 15% of U.S. adults cannot read, and in the past few years funding for literacy programs has been reduced by 40% due to state budget cuts, so to offset cuts the Monrovia Public Library Foundation must increase its fundraising. We hope you will come to this event for fun and to support the Monrovia Public Library Literacy Program. Source: press release.

- Brad Haugaard