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School board to consider hiring management firms to oversee bond money; Pre-kindergarten planned; Accountability plan; response to hate

At its next meeting (agenda here) the Monrovia Board of Education will consider ...

~ Hiring Dixon Smartschoolhouse LLC to manage projects funded by Measure MM bond money, for which it would be paid either 4% of the program budget, or  $2,280,000, whichever is less. Details.

~  Hiring Fieldman Rolapp & Associates, Inc. to provide financial planning, debt issuance, and regulatory compliance for a term of up to five years for Measure MM bond money. The company would be paid $59,500 for each financing project and additional money for other services. Details.

~ A report on the district's "transitional kindergarten" program, meaning a pre-kindergarten class. Details.

~ A mid-year report on its Local Control Accountability Plan, the goals of which are: College, career and life prepared graduates; exemplary educators; supportive, inclusive and student-centered school cultures; and engaged parents, families and community. Details

 ~ A report on the district's response to hate. The district resolves to "continually assess and implement strategies to uphold its values of respect, empathy, and unity, and to provide educational opportunities that promote cultural awareness and understanding." Details.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Given the extensive staff already in place at the district office, what is the rationale for hiring 2 outside companies to manage projects and oversee Measure MM Bond funds?

  2. I agree. Thats money that can go towards repairing the pool, just saying!!!

  3. I agree why waste $2 million on a company just to allocate money. Why do we elect people to the board if they can’t manage money and projects? I agree use that money towards a pool. And hire a general contractor. that’s their job to manage the job and build your project. They do it in the private sector all day long for smaller projects like pools. Or even a pool and a house will be built without a project management company.

  4. More than 2Million! Didn't someone's eyeballs pop open a bit at this number? Didn't someone think, how are we going to tell Monrovians? How much money is Monrovia receiving under MM? What is the justification of hiring these companies? Why is there a Board of Education?
    Bigger question...why do the citizens vote for these increases? Don't people understand the money comes from their pockets?
    Maybe the Board is shut down and the City Council oversees the schools and the budget. Couldn't be much worse.

    1. They got $75 million for measure MM. 18 has already been spent. And it originally included pools.....MHS has the only pool in Monrovia!

  5. No wonder Monrovia schools don’t look like Arcadia’s.
