Canyon Park Reopening Postponed Until Spring 2025

Monrovia Canyon Park’s reopening, originally planned for this month, has been delayed to spring 2025 to complete infrastructure upgrades, according to City Manager Dylan Feik. Restoration efforts include new rock walls, expanded parking, and ecological improvements. 

- Brad Haugaard


  1. I’m calling it now. We are going to end up getting some rain storms prior to the reopening which will further delay the opening. Figure fall of 2025 at this rate.
    It’s only been closed since 2020?

  2. Madness just let us in already

  3. do we have to wear a mask?

  4. Thank you for all your hard work restoring and renovating Canyon Park! Take as long as you need to ensure the safety of visitors and the wildlife :)

  5. Is there a possible time-line when it will reopen?
