A Moment in Monrovia History: Workers in a Monrovia Fruit Packing House

An inside view of the Monrovia Heights Co. Packing House around 1900. From the Myron Hotchkiss collection. See full details here.

For more historic photos and papers, see the Monrovia Historical Society’s complete Legacy Project collection here. Learn more about the Monrovia Historical Society here.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Where was the packing house located?

    1. Where indeed. Here is a tract map that shows Monrovia Heights, but it is up near Hillcrest and doesn't seem a likely spot for a packing house, which were usually near railroads, according to Sandy Burud, president of Monrovia Historical Society. Here's link: https://ppolinks.com/monrovia/B13%20624.pdf

  2. Thank you, Brad.
