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School District: Less Income, More Expenses; Appeal for Exemption on Teacher Pay; Fencing for Elementary Schools

At its next meeting (agenda here) the Monrovia Board of Education will consider ...

~ Adopting a 2024-25 budget that projects less money coming in and more money going out. Total general fund revenues are projected to decrease by $4,393,362 and total general fund expenditures to increase by $802,602. Details.

~ Appealing to the LA County Office of Education for an exemption from the required 55% minimum expenditure on classroom teacher salaries for the 2022-23 fiscal year. MUSD spent 52.9% on classroom compensation, resulting in a deficiency of $1,602,157. The district says spending an extra $1.6 million would place a significant hardship on the district, and that the problem was caused by extraordinary economic conditions. Details.

~ Hiring Red Hawk Services Inc. for $2,697,697 to put up security fencing at  Bradoaks Elementary Science Academy, Mayflower Elementary School, Monroe Elementary School, Plymouth Elementary School, and the Wild Rose School of Creative Arts. Details

- Brad Haugaard

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