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Monrovia High Plans a Drive-Through Graduation

Monrovia High students are going to be able to march across the stage to receive their graduation diploma.

Here's how it will work: Students' families will be assigned to groups, then, at assigned times, the group will drive up to an entry point, then one car at a time, they'll enter and the graduating student will get out, walk across the stage and receive the diploma.

Family gets a front-row seat (from their cars), and others can watch on the internet - it'll be live streamed.

Here's Monrovia High Principal Kirk McGinnis explaining the plan.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Officer's Safer at Home Order prohibits all public and private gatherings. The Order does not allow any exemptions for graduation gatherings of any type in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. This means all in-person graduation ceremonies, including use of cars for drive-in graduations (even if one student at a time), are considered public gatherings and are therefore prohibited.

    1. As long as they are 6 feet apart with mask and gloves I am pretty sure we are following the guidelines of the CDC #classof2020strong

    2. Now you're just making up stuff. ��

  2. I heard San Marino high school cancelled their drive thru because it not allowed someone should check

  3. The Department of Public Health released an updated ordinance today, prohibiting ALL live and drive-in graduation ceremonies. All violators of the ordinance are subject to criminal prosecution. #keepmonroviasafe. #protectourstudents. #covid19kills

  4. What about those families who doesn't have a vehicle?
