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Statement of Monrovia School Board Candidate J. Christian Holt

J. Christian Holt for Monrovia School Board

Serving the community and Monrovia schools for 19 years.

J. Christian Holt's goal is to help Monrovia School District improve:

  • Improving the budget 
  • Eradicate bullying 
  • Listening and Improving communication 
  • Reorganize, focus and fund special needs 
  • School wide maintenance

For the last 25 years I have happily lived in Monrovia with my wife and three daughters. We have had the pleasure of attending Bradoaks, Clifton, Santa Fe and MHS. Being a self employed financial advisor in Monrovia has afforded me the opportunity to be actively involved in my children’s education and coach soccer for 13 years.

I decided to run now because my three daughters are older, two in college and the other is a senior at MHS. It would have been irresponsible of me to consider this large responsibility when my children were young. My family is my number one priority, so I waited until they didn't need me as much. Everything I have done, was done as a family.

In 19 years building relationships with teachers, staff, parents and students. Not only with the english speaking community but the spanish as well. "I'm Bilingual".

I have held 12 different PTA positions, President for 5 year and School Site Counsel, Principle Nominating Committee.

Recipient of 5 different service awards. The most prestigious award was from the California Congress of Parents, Teachers and Students “Honorary Service Award” and was also awarded the Continued Service Award as well.

I’m proud of co- founding the Watchdogs in Monrovia. This is a program that pushes for the involvement of dad’s in their children’s schools.

I hosted and promoted for 10 years the Friends and Family 5K Walk or Jog. It promoted exercise, family, making new friends and most of all a positive community.

Currently working on a anti- bullying and student misconduct program.

Help Make A Difference.
If you would like to mail a contribution:
Holt 4 Monrovia School Board
432 W. Foothill Blvd. Monrovia Ca. 91016

Venmo Acct: Holt 4 Monrovia School Board
Campaign I.D. # 1410098

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