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New System Helps Save Heart Attack Victim; Legacy Project; Hotel Tax on Ballot; City Hall Phone Problems

Monrovia Union High School, from Monrovia Legacy project

In his weekly report City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...

~ The new heart attack protocols instituted by the Fire Department have paid off and last week "the prehospital care coordinator at Arcadia Methodist Hospital took the time to send along a thank-you note to our team at the Monrovia Fire Department for the excellent work our staff engaged in to save a life." Chi said between the Fire Department's efforts and the staff at Arcadia Methodist, "the heart attack patient was operated on, stabilized, and discharged 3 days after the initial incident occurred."

~ In the June 5 election Monrovians will consider Measure TT, which would bump up the city's hotel bed tax - charged to travelers who rent rooms - from 10% to 12%, still cheaper than that charged by cities to our west. If I recall correctly, this tax was proposed to help pay for unfunded retirement liabilities. Needless to say, city officials would like you to approve the measure.

~ Through Monrovia's Legacy Project you can browse more than 5,000 historic photos and nearly 1,000 documents on our city’s history, including: city directories from the 1900s, house histories, out of print Monrovia history books. Check it out here:

~ Callers to the city have experienced audio delays, echoes, dead air, and dropped calls. The city is "working with our telephone company, Frontier Communications, and our telephone system provider, Protel Communications, to try to resolve these issues."

- Brad Haugaard

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